I have read some of your posts and they seem interesting; however, some of them are quite ridiculous.
So I will tell you some things about the Romanian women and why I believe my marriage with my American wife might fail soon.
First of all, there are two types of Romanian women:
1. those you do not want them: whorish, gold diggers, lazy, not quite smart, un-educated (bad manner)
2. those you want to marry them
In the first category, there are those women easily found in bars, pubs, public spaces etc It is easy to recognize them: bad make-up, bad clothes, ugly lipstick, etc etc same as in USA. However, as opposed to western women, they are sweet, pretty, and gorgeous.
In the second category, there are those that are kind, fabulous, excellent cooks and homemakers. They have strong moral ethics, are clean, neat, beautiful (some are not), will be great mothers, and will provide you with a nice family-environment. But, keep in mind one thing: they are still women, so they can be capricious, angry maybe, on period and so on. They are not nuns: they go to bars, pubs, discos and definitely do not wait marriage to have their first intercourse.
The thing is: how can you get a good one? I do not know. Even for me it would be difficult; however, use your mind, not your hormones and think: does she ask for money, does she spend a lot of money, is she 20 15-20 years younger, does she wear whorish clothes? Is it possible to find them over Internet: I guess you can.
My friends: one of the, recently married with a baby; used to be poor as hell: left home, went into town, found a job, bought a minuscule house, enjoyed vacations with money only for a slice of bread. She had sex only with those she liked: maximum 2-3 in 7 years. She was beautiful and she cooked all the time delicious food. She married an ugly Romanian and is happy. Would she have married an ugly American? Most likely yes? But: you had to proper court her, give her flower, take her out to dinner, be proper dressed: iron shirt, iron pants, shaved and good smelling.
Another friend: less beautiful but same characteristics: you just had to be nice, neat, mannered and polite. And: DO not demand!!! Just use the word please, and finish with thank you.
Third friend: average looking, now with an average looking girlfriend.
And by the way: no age difference more than 6-8 years (common sense, what the Hell!)
This is my first lesson to all of you. If you guys are polite and ask nice questions, maybe I’ll write back and tell you why my marriage is not working anymore.
Not that anyone here has been, until you, discussing Romanian women, except perhaps as a passing reference, for you to criticize quite ridiculous, yet non existent, posts regarding however I have travelled on business to Timisoara, Romania on a number of occasions, I have Romanian friends, both male and female, and I wouldn't describe your post as quite ridiculous, I'd describe it as utter shite.
I don't believe the common belief that a large age difference is a bad thing. My wife is between 15-20 years younger than me and she is the sweetest woman I have ever met. Only time will tell, but we both think that we are perfect for each other.
Attitude and complementary characters are more important than age difference.
FSULover... My fiancee and I have a 20 year age difference. For now that is ok, but when I'm 70 she will be 50 and still sexually active... I have doubts about this relationship because of the age difference.
Ragingbull. The fact Romania isn't a FSU country isn't the only thing incorrect in your "trivia".
Romania is a secular state, and it has no state religion. However, an overwhelming majority of the country's citizens are Christian. 86.7% of the country's population identified as Eastern Orthodox in the 2002 census (see also: History of Christianity in Romania). Other Christian denominations include Roman Catholicism (4.7%), Calvinism (3.7%), Pentecostal denominations (1.5%) and the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church (0.9%). Romania also has a small but historically significant Muslim minority, concentrated in Dobrogea, who are mostly of Turkish ethnicity and number 67,500 people. Based on the 2002 census data, there are also approximately 6,000 Jews and 23,105 people who are of no religion or atheist.
Lithuania on the only hand could be classed as the only FSU country that is Roman Catholic.
OK, Ben. I did say a Ukrainian woman told me that. I didn't know or say if it was true. I thought it was or might have been, but I didn't research it. The lady was 65, came to the states in the early 60's and has not gone back to Ukraine since. So, perhaps she was not an authority on this. But now, I wonder, why is it called "Romania"?
If you tell the police about me, say something nice.
I think the name of the country is not hard to explain: the Romanian language is based on Latin. I once met a man in NYC who knew some Romanian, and said that it is reminiscent of Italian.
I believe that most other languages in the Balkans are little related to Latin (mainly, Slavic and Greek).
All European languages that are primarily based on latin are known as "Romance Languages". Which language is spoken in which 'originally' Christian nation is dictated by whether the Orthodox or Roman church got there first. The Byzantine monks headed east quicker, and integrated their Greek language into the pre-existing Slavic (hence the Cryllic alphabet being based on written Greek, as the slavs had no written language prior to this).
Ben, Romania may be an officially secular state now, but then officially so was Russia under the USSR. The present government stance on religion has no baring on its history. Wether accurate or not, RB's post referred to the origin of the country's name, not the present separation of church and state.
Hi there guys!I got here accidentally, while browsing smth else and the topic seemed a bit interesting since i am a romanian woman;)
So let me tell u why Romania is called Romania , though i suppose u could have gooogled it;)and would be much easier than asking on forums.;)
The name of Romania comes from Rome, the capital of Italy and of the ex Roman Empire.When they colonized Dacia( the ancient name of Romania) colonists and natives lived together.From here the latin roots in language and the name of Romania was chosen so that it could obviously refer to Romania as a land belonging to Roman Empire.
Happy now?:)
KEEP AWAY! Gypsies, gold digger prostitutes. They will come to your country, USA, Germany, Turkey etc. And look for educated, wealthy, good looking men and try to have a baby. Romanian women are bad. Keep Away. They will take your baby, money, house, and call police, lie and divorce.
You will end up in jail for nothing. Trust me, many many many examples.
Keep your beautiful native women from your country. Stay AWAY from Romanian whores.