RB, when I said you were like a two year old I wasn't thinking clearly. I must apologize. Okay? I hope all the real two year old children out there will forgive me. I didn't mean to insult all of you.
Please don't live up to my expectations, Ralph. This is just another example of not telling me what's wrong. What does this thread mean? I asked you a question on the other thread. Is it because you don't have a good answer that you have to start a thread to insult me?
You were embarrassed because you said you were frustrated, so you started cussing. You called me a troublemaker, but it was you who made trouble. Now, you can't make trouble and you can't cuss that so you start a thread and not say what is wrong.
You found it necesary to start a new thread because I embarassed you in the other thread. You can't face me there. Your logic cannot get past it. If two year olds are better than me, where does that put you?
okay-okay-okay!!! I surrender. I recall recently giving smart wanker a bunch of grief about the silliness of his ongoing exchanges with RB. He calmed down. And I took over much of the brunt of RB. Admittedly by my own actions. But it is like a communicable disease. One passes it on to another without even knowing it sometimes. The manifestation of RB occurs very quickly. And unless there is action taken, soon it transgresses into something more severe and starts to infect many others. This disease is not like chicken pox. It is more like the flu. The RB-nian flu. You can get it every year. I happen to have a high risk factor for this disease. I found there are two treatment options. One is intervention by others who are immune to the disease. I envy people like Durak who have immunity to this disease. The only other treatment seems to be complete isolation for a period of time. Fortunately I was able to self diagnose and decided to go into treatment by myself.
I had a revelation that clued me into the fact that I have come down with RB-nian flu. Last night I wanted to share some American comedy with my wife. And when I read the title of the DVD it hit me like a ton of bricks. Ron White's - "You Can't Fix Stupid"! It was like, 'Holy cow!' I know whats wrong with me. RB-nian flu actually manifests itself under the delusion that you actually CAN fix stupid. Thank goodness I caught it early so as not to infect many others (hopefully).
Fortunately for me I seem to have resistance to another strain of this virus, the danny40 strain. Although because I am so susceptible to RB-nian flu I am still at risk for danny40. I may have a short bout of it recently but was able to fight it off.
So now, I must start my treatment. Y'all have a nice day.
Oone last thing before I enter treatment. there is another infectious disease that is similar to RB-nian flu. It gets to you by different means but can sometimes be as devastating. It's called the ivor wanker syndrome. This is a tricky one. It sneaks up on you and the symptoms are mild at first. But after time it can get to you. And when it does, watch out. There are also complications of the 'wanker' syndrome. That is when it is compounded with the danny40 virus. If you contract these together your immune system can break down and then you are a candidate for the RB-nian flu. So, watch out. Good day.
"I envy people like Durak who have immunity to this disease."
As a boy, I was very fortunate, to have adults in my life who innoculated me with the Golden Rule. For those who have forgotten it -- or not yet learned it -- it comes to us from many sources, for example Matthew 7:12.
Only a few years ago, I became aware that children seem no longer to be taught this, in the way that I and other children knew it almost 50 years ago. I'm a sort of fossil -- I think I was born about 100 years too late. My life has witnessed the passing of core concepts and values.
The signers of the Declaration of Independence -- my country's founding document -- mutually pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their 'sacred honor'.
Imagine that! Holding such a thing as honor, not only to be comparable to one's life and fortune -- but even to be sacred. To the best of my recollection, I have never personally heard any person, when talking about a decision they made or had to make, refer to "honor" as a consideration.
Also obsolete (for most) is the concept of duty. Young Americans know the words "honor", "duty" and "dignity" -- that is, they have heard them spoken, and know how to pronounce them. But most seem to be fuzzy about honor, duty and dignity as concepts, and largely ignorant of how they are lived. What is now held sacred in my country, is "maximizing personal advantage". This is not only the pursuit of the great majority, it is even praised and celebrated. Those who appear to be best at maximizing their personal advantage, have become the heroes of the present age. When we are guided by the pursuit of pleasure, and the avoidance of pain, we humans can reach the moral level of an earth worm.
My thinking is so out of date, that I even suppose respect to be the life blood of civilization. What lifts us above anarchy, "might is right", the Law of the Jungle -- is the understanding that in relations among men, it is necessary to treat one another with respect. In my obsolete thinking, respect isn't a sort of prize that I dole out to the cool guys. It must be accorded to all. If someone displeases me, not only is it best that I behave respectfully toward him -- mastering my own emotions, makes my practice of respect all the more important! And if a man has harmed me, then the discipline of respect becomes paramount. It may be necessary to enter into conflict -- perhaps of great intensity -- but it is shameful for me, when I forget that he is another of God's children.
When I humiliate another man, when I show no respect for his personal dignity, it is possible that he suffers -- but it is certain that I degrade myself.
You are right Durak but to a point. For one thing, while our founding fathers are to be praised but THEY did humiliate many others....with no such second thoughts, of course 'back in those times' is not a good enough excuse. enough of that......
There is a certain kind of people that irk me........fake people who try to act like they are something they are not and people that like to brag( I don't care if they have anything or not).
There are these types of people here, I try to ignore as much as possible but eventually I end up
throwing my 2cents in. As I mentiond earlier, I respect Forrest Gump because he KNEW his limitations,
it is very sad that guys whose own very lives revolve around this forum...mostly because
lack of drive, laziness, loneliness or just shock value. It is very easy to see who will or will not
succeed in finding that special girl( whether an FSU girl or not) just read their posts.....you can tell who has given any thought to what is written.
As for respect.....to me it is earned not given....
Beemer and Huck Finn, Forrest Gump is not a real person, but if he was, Beemer and Huck could double date with Wilma and Betty...... I guess Huck would take Wilma, they both have red hair. I'll be at the next table with Mary Ann.
I have a cure for the RB-nian flu. This might work for the Danny or Wanker flu, but further treatment might be in order.
1. Don't call him a liar when the point he is making has nothing to do or have little effect on with the supposed lie.
2. Don't call him names, directly or indirectly.
3. Don't cuss at him, directly or indirectly.
4. Don't make up stories about him.
A more serious disease is the Ralphoid fever. Only RB's seem to get them. Dannys, Wankers and certainly Mr Duraks or Muzzys never get them, even when they constantly are in the vicinity of the carrier. Even when RB's are not in the vicinity of the carrier, that virus seem to find him. Beemeritis is not curable, but it eventually goes away.
I don't know about that. You've had RB-nian flu ever since I've known you. It's like the blind learning to see. The lame taking a stroll. Let's just call it remission. You are a candidate for a replapse.
RB .
wanker flu is not curable. one day it mutates to martin flu and symptoms include obsessions with this forum and contacting forum moderator to stop people posting on here
well I have to say I have never had a problem with RB matter of fact never had a problem with most of the people here. of course after a thread is more than 1 page it has become a free for all so not worth reading. I also learned many years ago 2 things first never let other control your mood or thoughts. second was no one perfect and we all have different views about every subject under the sun. I think the old wisdom of not saying anything at all if you cant say something nice is a great way to conduct yourself in most cases. I thank Durak for the reminder. Since I am human and have my own faults I cannot see any reason to degrade or name call. I am lucky that I am immune to people who do that to me.