With an ongoing situation, the results of which still need to be realised, I consider you to be clinically sick.
Let's all move to Christchurch, there's no nuclear power station in Christchurch!
If ever you exposed yourself as being a total tosser DD then this is it, ridiculing a Japanese, indeed worldwide, disaster simply to draw attention to yourself.
Japan is suffering it's most dire situation since the Yanks dropped the bomb, I'm sure it has been in the minds of every FSU lady since 1945 that 'we' best not live in Japan incase the Yanks come back and nuke 'us'!
I am serious when I consider you to be sick, if Hukushima does go up do you believe it will only be Japan affected? Put it this way, if Hukushima does go up you'd better hope that the upper winds aren't blowing in a southerly direction.
You are the best country for nuclear? Not if the winds might be blowing in a southerly direction you're not!!!
And why would any lady wish to move to a land that has lethal spiders?
What, you imagine these Ukrainian Spiders recognise passport control and only exist within the confines of Ukraine? If Ukraine had lethal spiders they would also exist over much of Europe and Asia!
I'm sure it's hard to find someone more informed about Ukrainian flora and fauna than you, but if you try to find on the Internet such a spider called Latrodectus tredecimguttatus, commonly known as the Mediterranean black widow or steppe spider, you will find out that this spider is hazardouz and lethal. I've seen them many times and I know some cases when people were biten and died.
But it's OK tthat you didn't know about them. I got used to people fro western countries who were surprised to see tomatoes growing on the ground not on the trees))))
I dont know what the nuclear bombing of 2 Japanese cities some 65 years ago has got to do with the subject of the earthquake in Japan?Or is it just some sort way of trying to link the current tragedy in Japan to Americans?
If you want to insert that period of history into todays experience then maybe we should introduce the subject of why Japanese massacred thousands in China in Nanking in 1937 and went on to butcher,behead Australian,American British p.o.w 's during that period of world war 2.All of these past attrocities are not connected to modern day Japan .
The Japanese authorities have been referencing the recent/current situation as their worst since the bomb was dropped, I was merely quoting the Japanese government so please try not to be so sensitive that such things said are anti USA!
Some might say what happened in 1945 was a reasonable response to the Japanese invasion of the Hawaiian Islands during, what was, peacetime when no declaration of war existed between the two nations!
They/we are bombing the crap out of Libya tonight, subs and ships firing dozens of cruise missiles, French, British, I believe Canadian also, aircraft involved.
If only Ronald Reagan were still around to watch the show!
The entire United Nations, unsurprisely, disagree with you, they either agreed to action or they made a 'no comment'.
Perhaps your opinion might be a little different had all these close ones you have lost been lost on one of the airliners that Gaddafi has, in the past, ordered be blown from the skies ..... then perhaps, just perhaps, you might hate Gaddafi rather than the Septics so much! :)
Libya is not Gaddafi's country, he has no rights to consider Libya to be his, he siezed control of Libya by forced aggression.
Put it this way, Libya exports in the region of 1.5 million barrels of oil per day, let's be economic and price a barrel of oil at USD67, that is 100 million USD's in Libyan oil sales every day!
Have you seen how the Libyan people live, go figure what's happening to this money!
Can I guess that you 2 can advice me on dating woman from fsu? It seems to me that I am wasting a time hoping for advise from this forum. Why are you too blatant with the other? It mkaes no sence. jj I have seen all of your posts of anger and hate.... at what cost to others [[[[ It is of pearil that you continue to waste such of your time. I only wish to learn of opportunity to meet with lady from fsu. You ruin this conversation to others!
I hacen't been arguing, I've merely been offering DD some form of education but apparently his pet macaw has already taken on that role so I'm stepping back!
what does dunny41=stoneylonesome mean to me - I do no this person. I certenly have more class and desirable attitude than somebody who prouds hisself on spending much money but rfuses to spend small amout considering how much for flowers or something. Thnaks for advice stinky martin. I looked up this sight but I could not understand it. I have some letters from some nice lady who did not have bathing suit photos and looks like decent common lady. She already asked me if I want to visit to see her. I think maybe soon but I want to understand more of her first hand. Then I can decide weather to make a trip. I am just not sure until I get more positive. I apprciate that there are guys who can offer good advise. I may no sometime near future if I want to take trip to meet the lady I met.
danny41, why is no nuclear reactors important to lady from Russia? I read news about Japan nuclear accident. Austrailia sounds like a nice place. But how do you make elctric? I think many people smoke tabacco in Autrailia. And more people die from tabacco than die from radiation. More people died in the American civil war than than died from the nuclear bomb in Japan. More people die in car accidents every than die from any nuclear accident. More people are killed by wild animals than be nuclear accident. More people die from snake bites, spiders, bee stings than by nuclear accident.More people die from the outfall from coal electric plants every year. The world is modern --- and there are chances to use nuclear. Coal will be used up soon. And it puts montrous gases into the air. There is risk in everything. What it is worth? My country has nuclear plants. And I am glad for such a thing.
Australia has the highest skin cancer incidence rate in the world1.
Australians are four times more likely to develop a skin cancer than any other form of cancer2.
Approximately two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before the age of 70
why do we have nuclear reactors?
its not a biggy, they are cheep.
oceans are our biggest resource but its just expensive to build such per watt, nuclear is cheeeeep..
theres also huge possibility's in the future of utilizing earths magnetic fields, ha really, thats like man flying to the moon:)
Tesla had some interesting thoughts there and some very scary inventions, sounds crazy, but it is very real actually.
but back to today, 95% of the house appliances in your home are not electrically efficient, so whats the answer,, yes build more reactors.
in the eyes of realist, countrys that use nuclear crap for anything need their heads read, no one should ever make an excuse for it,, anyone who dose, park your homes next to one, let who promotes them sleep with them, tell your children how beautiful and safe they are, never a sleepless night i'm sure.
japan,, really these foolish people(politicians, big business) caused their own stuff up, as sad as it is its fact.
reactors built on worlds worst fault line, also built on tsunami coast, also built by a very unreliable company and reactors are 40 years old,,, how dumb can people get..
then theres the rest of you lot who live with them, just think,, your time is coming, they are not bullet proof,, either in your life time or your kids someone on here will experience a melt down and be touched in some way,,, what a great legacy to leave for your future generations, nice one yeah.
isnt it amazing all the melt downs that have been reveled now of late, the cover ups of so called minor accidents.
the british one is just to creepy, what lying f*cks these politicians are.
then Chernobyl played down the american one at that time, ohh timing of the russians:) again what lying mongrels our politicians are.
and people still promote them,, wow how brain washed we get by the system.
nuclear fusion, how dumb we humans are:)
was looking across a harbour in russia at these nuclear subs lying on there sides rotting leaking.
i first thought they were old diesels, tried to get to them, to jump on them, i found out it was a closed military area and were very hot, "jesus" how nice to leave this legacy for generations to come or stupid me.
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