I've been to Ukraine 5 times. Like many people, the women are one of the reasons I go.
I just noticed this forum today and started reading a few posts. I see all the familiar topics, many to do with how to be successful with the ladies. There are also a lot of posts about marriage agencies- which ones to use, which ones scam (all), and so on.
What I don't understand, is why use these agencies at all? I understand in the beginning- I did too, for my very first trip. But it should be pretty obvious that something is off. In short, there is a ton of scamming that goes on (as has been extensively discussed on this forum).
But what I don't understand, is that is seems like some guys keep using these agencies. I don't get it. It should be obvious that something is wrong.
My point is: why wouldn't you use a normal website instead?? Such as mamba (AKA lov.ru) or vkontakte. These are NORMAL sites. So, the people on them will be like any group- there will be a few scammers, a few assholes, some nice people, some people you're interested in, some people you're not, etc. But the point is, if a girl emails you, she's not part of some profit-making letter translating business! If a girl from one of these sites meets you in person, it may or may not work out, and sure there can still be problems, but at least she's not being paid just to go on the date!
I'm not saying that it's all roses by any means, dating in Ukraine is like anything- it has its ups and downs. Also, if you try mamba, you'll find out that it's not a cakewalk to get something going with a quality Ukrainian girl. Not a cakewalk at all. But shouldn't that tell you that there's something fishy about these marriage agency sites with all these hot girls who supposedly want to meet older men, get married, and move abroad? Yes, something is fishy, because it ain't like that, as many posters have said.
Use regular sites, try to integrate yourself better in Ukraine as some posters have said, learn some Ukrainian (if in Western Ukraine) or Russian, and above all be realistic.
Bottom line: if your plan is to do short term visits, you live far away (eg. North America), you don't speak the language- that platform doesn't work. You need a better platform.
The best reason for using an agency is just as you did, A first trip. As I have stated before, an agency also represents you in an unfamiliar environment. Because of the difference in alphabet, it is much more complex than traveling to western Europe. My first trip was catered by an agency and I learned a great deal. It cost me a few hundred dollars more than my subsequant trips, but I made it home in one piece. When I returned on my own, I had the experience that allowed me to have free movement.
There is nothing wrong with using an agency interpreter (if needed) if the price is right. My problems with the agencies is if the girls insist that I stay in an agency apartment. If the accommodation battle threatens the entire trip,,,, then you have nothing to leave home for!!
The woman you are going to see should not get involved with any negotiations about accomodations. Unless you have met her,,,,, and that goes for any woman you meet on a dating site in your own town as well.
RT,,, she wasn’t involved with negotiations, other than wanting me to use the agency apartments. That is the biggest red flag,,,,, if they are so concerned about where you are staying,,,, then they have something to gain by it. It is part of the reason why my last trip was a failure.
I only bought the full package from an agency once,,,,,,,,,, and since then I have a dozen reasons why I won’t ever use an apartment again.
And I'll tell you why men use dating agencies. The main reason is the illusion. In fact, everyone knows that a young, beautiful, model type girl, can not fall in love with an ugly, old bloke who lives on the other side of the earth, just because he is American, and he has, as he believes, more money than the ladies in Ukraine.
When a foreign guy starts a profile on free Ukrainian dating sites such as mamba he eventually finds out that those beautiful Ladies seeking for true love and relationship just don't care of him or of his money. The guy collides with the reality an he just doesn't want to believe in it. So what does he do? Cuts his ambitions? Looks for a Lady of his age? Goes to Thailand? Gives up the search? No, He sets up for illusion. He joins agencies and let them make him believe that all those stunning girls really love him. So guys, you aren't scammed by those agencies, this is the fee for your illusions.
lonelyranger1701 I'm not so sure that I know anything about you and your affairs with agencies. Have we met or communicated before?
There is a saying in Russian "The pig will find dirt anywhere". For people who are real, smart and intelligent Nikolaev is a very comfortable and cosy place with nice, kind and honest citizens.
You make a good point Armin. It's always easy in life to get too focused on negative experiences, and yes, there are definitely some scammers in Nikolaev, but there are plenty of good, kind, honest people too. You're right. I love Ukraine, and it's because of Ukrainians!
“Nikolaev is a very comfortable and cosy place with nice, kind and honest citizens.”
Armin must be hoping that none of the forum members have been to Nikolaev,,, or that we have very short memories?? He is wrong on both!
I have been there on two separate occasions,,, but for less than 48 hours!! I met the “date from hell” the first time and got stood up for my second visit. I laugh about some of it now,,, but I was furious at the time.
I actually got by fairly undamaged in Nikolaev,,,,, but this is the place of some of the most infamous scammer stories on the forum and online.
Don’t you consider the single women of Nikolaev to be citizens????