Going to St.Petersburg in may for few days, have been there before but many years ago. Would like to meet some good girl, any advice on what are best webpages for St.Pet women and any good advice would be nice..
My previous girlfriend in 2012 was from St.Petersburg and yes she was a literal model. (Someone in here said you can't get a model.)
The one thing I did find out though is that she was a webcam girl. There are webcam houses based in St. Petersburg. They will tell you the models are from Amsterdam or somewhere when in reality many of these webcam houses are really in St. Petersburg.
If you have a short time and no prior correspondence I would not bother with any agency. Just hit up some hot nightclubs. Pay the cover or whatever. Buy ladies drinks. This will be less than most agency fees and you just might get something.
TomZ: “Ah I see what you mean LR. You've been "gotten" (taken advantage of).”
I see that Tom must not watch the “Tonight Show” very often??
While it can mean that,,,, it was just a joke,,,, and you didn’t get it!
Cheap,,,,,,, and no sense of humour,,,,,, how do you keep the women from breaking your door down???
TomZ: “You're a failure. You fail every time you go.”
Gee thanks Tom! But I strongly disagree!! The number one,,,, absolute goal of every trip is: Do not bring home the wrong one! I’ve bought home the wrong one before,,, several times in fact,,,,, but never again! It is far better to live alone, than with the wrong person. I had several relationships in between my marriages,,, and one was for 3.5 years,,, engaged for most of that. It should not have been for 3.5 days. Even when you care about someone,, there can be some things that you believe you can overlook,,,, or get past, and still make the relationship work?? I don’t make that mistake any more.
The most accurate and honest thing a person can say about FSU women is: They lie! We can say they are pretty,,, and they are,,, but not all. We can say that they make good housekeepers,,,, and maybe some do,,, but not all! Everyone here knows for a fact that they lie,,,, and I’m not even talking about “white lies”,,, but big, unexplainable, life altering lies. I no longer have time in my life for that! I won’t play agency games anymore. I won’t date someone, just so I can say that I am. I won’t follow the carrot and try dating 20 year olds either.
Now with the conflict, the women are perhaps becoming more desperate,,,, is this the time to go??? No!
TomZ: “I'm a player. I get the girl.”
When I went on my trips,,, I was on a mission. Why would I become like someone that I despise???
"The most accurate and honest thing a person can say about FSU women is: They lie!"
Men lie too. Especially about age. They lie about their age because they want to meet younger women. The also lie about their occupation and their income.