Hi All, I've just returned from 2 months in Odessa in relation to my Plan E Update - I think the last entry for that was middle of February if you want to take a look and have some context.
So... all went really well. Met her parents, they love me, stayed on their couch a few nights in Nikolaev as is the norm. We had 8 good weeks together. I was all happy with the outcome, until I returned home. There are three nagging issues. Perhaps it's paranoia, perhaps it's justified.
1) She had an instagram account which I was never aware of until returning home. I'd never asked her about one, but it also wasn't under her name, more of a pseudo name used for networking. Through that I found that when we originally met she was seeing somebody else - there are traces of this through to February, possibly March 8. I asked her about it, she said he is in the past.
2) I also found that she had gone to Turkey the week I returned home. She said she was in Odessa at the time. I asked her about it, quite angrily, she said she had to go to Turkey and post those photos.
3) I didn't think anything of it at the time as most Ukraine girls share an apartment - but I never saw hers in two months. She would meet me and then stay with me.
So the fact that she lied about being in Turkey and was seeing someone when she met me in January and continued through to at least the first week of March has created some anxiety.
So I have three possible scenarios (I think)
1) She's a bit naive and closed about relationships and has two lives - her social media life, which is all glitz and glamour, and her real life which is a 1 bedroom apartment, no job and huge insecurities. She ended it with boyfriend #1. There's no bf relevant posts beyond March 8.
2) She has a boyfriend/partner who is accepting of her dating foreigners because they provide something for her. He keeps quiet.
3) She's a pro dater, loves the attention, flowers, gifts, holidays and she is exceptional at maintaining the ruse - If she's pro-dating then I am just one of the many. I bought her a $200 necklace on leaving but that was all she had asked for in two months. I was going to start supporting her this week (I hadn't told her yet), just to a small amount of $100. If I am one of many then she's got a nice income.
Upon returning home I was (and am) considering some fairly large commitments to this relationship which she is unaware of, such as renting an apartment in Odessa for a year, giving it to her and returning every second month.
Now I am unsure. I have contacted a private investigator because I want it settled in my head (detective-ukraine) who has quoted $1800US for three full days surveillance. It seems very high. He did verify all the information I had.
So, to the forum and most particularly the guys currently in Ukraine - Rick, TomZ. Any recommendations for a P.I.? Any other recommendations for getting to the bottom of this?
* Note, as I am writing this her instagram profile has been deleted. No, I was not blocked, the entire profile is gone. She has not said why.
A return post here, a PM, or an email to my profile name without the underscores at g mail would be greatly appreciated.
OPP - a lot of alarm bells and whistles go off for me reading your story. What they want to do is build it up to a $500 per month annuity with 10 guys sending. That's more than most guys make in here. You get the picture.
A $200 necklace - at least you're not in too deep. Consider it payment for what you received.
I'd forget her and move on. She's already been dishonest with you in several matters. Why sink more money into this?
The other way you could play it is don't offer her financial support but just use her as a sex toy when you arrive in Odessa. The choice is yours. Do not under any circumstances rent any long term apartment.
I would bet it’s both,,, 2 and 3,,, and the reason you feel no. 1 could be possible,, is that she keeps you at arms length,,, because you’re really not her boyfriend. We should start calling these women (Nx’s) because she never really was your girlfriend,,,, so she can’t become an Ex.
Having social media accounts that you don’t know about is probably common in the FSU,, they don’t share anything that they don’t have to. But you two were together for 8 weeks,,, and she didn’t update anything in front of you?? Did you find pics of the two of you together online?? If she has kept you out of her public life,,, she most likely has others on the side too.
Not being invited to her flat could be the biggest red flag. What were her excuses for not inviting you home??
Her instagram profile is gone because you found it,,,, she will most likely have a new one soon. How about her Vk and fb?? Has she included you on these sites??
I wouldn’t bother with a P I,,, the next time you go back,,, just hire a taxi driver for a day, (get the rate first) and watch her home. Don’t call her from a Ukrainian phone,,, but perhaps on skype so she doesn’t know that you are in the country.
if you have to hire a PI....there is no real relationship, you had a good time, got laid but what you want is NOT there. You know...if it ever gets past Plan B or C.....it ain't worth it if you look for LTR. There's a reason she was Plan E. Your choice whether to become Inspector Clouseau blow $1800 and end up in the same spot!!!
Perhaps first, before deciding this, you should go and f*ck a girl locally so thereafter you will be thinking with the head above your shoulders.
Grab a pen and paper and sit back, list the positives, if you have any positives that is, about her and also list the negatives you have about her.
Now Turkey, for example, isn't just one negative, first of all what is she doing there and what's his name, that's one negative, another negative is that she concealed that trip from you, so Turkey becomes two negatives.
When you've finished your two lists of positives and negatives study them then have a think if it's worth blowing circa $2,000 on a PI or if you'd be better off just walking away and investing your $2,000 elsewhere!
Her mother called me today. Sorry for the grammar.
Yana took a job two years ago modelling, unknowingly dancing (stripping). From that she took a loan to stay in Odessa. Her boyfriend I saw on her posts is the manager, he sends flowers and she is expected to post how happy she is with life. Yes she is in Turkey. She is dancing (stripping). Mother and father are sad, but they know she is in trouble. Do not give her any money, we will pay her debt. Come back in July, all will be ok. You are a good man, I would not have let you stay in my house unless I knew you were right for my daughter. If you want to follow her instagram you must do so as a Ukraine woman. It was not deleted, you were blocked and then the name was changed. It is ***********. Don't say anything on it, they will punish her.
Yana will write you later today. She can't say all of this. She is embarrassed you found out. She will be back in Odessa next week. She will have more freedom to talk then.
OPP,,, if I were you,, I would run! For me,, stripping would be a deal breaker no matter what,,, but that’s me.
One thing I’ve noticed with the FSU women that I have met,,, is that they don’t open up until the very last moment,, not until you are ready to leave. But with each one,, it turns out to be a big line of crap. They always have an alibi or excuse for every problem. Your girl’s parents are most likely well trained,,,, notice how they are trying to get compassion from you,,,, but don’t give her any money??? Your girl has the 2nd worse job she could have,,,,, and your money could rescue her??
TomZ is probably right, dancers in another country might be forced to prostitute themselves,,, even her online presence is being pimped
The FSU girls in these strip bars, 90% of them are prostitutes, there's no money in stripping, the money is for f*cking, and a Turkish man's idea of contraception is to give her one up the ass
I used to live and work in Luxembourg which has the highest concentration of these FSU girlie bars ... and "yes" I dated a few of the girls outside of their work.
These girls don't work part-time lifestyles, they are there on perhaps 6 month contracts and they work literally 7 nights a week to make as much money as they can during the term of their contract before returning home.
I'm sorry to say but it sounds like OPP's girl is a self-employed/freelance/independent hooker whereas she earns a few thousand between trips home ... or who the f*ck is paying her fares because it certainly won't be a bar or club in Turkey?
Some say these girls are tricked into a life of prostitution. Naw, they know what they're getting into. They like the travel, the excitement, the money.
This girl wanted to have her cake and eat it too. Then she posted that photo on instagram.
TomZ accused me of making things up when I said he knows about prostitution, pretending he doesn't know. (What is it called when you pretend to not know what you don't know?)
"Answer your own question ragingbull. Why make things up about others?
Here is another quote from TomZ.
"If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, then it's a FREAKIN DUCK!"
If it doesn't seem and feel right to you, and you have caught her in lies, forget it. Why hire a private investigator to confirm what you already know? I don't think there is one response here that is willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Walk away.
If it doesn't seem and feel right to you, and you have caught her in lies, forget it. Why hire a private investigator to confirm what you already know? I don't think there is one response here that is willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Walk away.
Thanks for the feedback on your latest trip. But, what did you do in all those 8 weeks?
Out of 80,640 minutes spent in Ukraine you couldn't spare 5 or 10 minutes to access the reality? Well buddy, stop pounding on the past. Focus on the present ( she was just another one), is time to move on to your next conquest.