I have been ripped off or had stolen from me £4,107.00 by this deceitful woman. I was on 'plenty of silver fish' she contacted me 2 months ago we had some lovely conversations. i sent her £507.00 to pay for her passport visa and flight, then she said she needed £3,600.00 to prove her solvency which I reluctantly gave only to get a call from the visa centre to say her visa has been refused on the grounds that she owes money to the bank for her 'mortgage' £7,200 in fact.
She emailed me this morning to tell me she was sorry but she had paid off half her loan with my money.
Tacker, it is the nature of the beast. Normal dating to marriage should last around one year to ensure compatibility. With Former Soviet Union (FSU) women, you go through the routine with electronic communication and hopefully, more than one visit. There is a greater chance of incompatibility and divorce, a good chance of being scammed (as you found out), but not impossible to have success.
It is perfectly understandable to see a woman in need to give her money. That doesn't make you an idiot. But, if you are going to give money to an FSU woman, be prepared to lose the money and the woman.
RBS “It is another thing to pretend you know what you are doing.”
Isn’t that what you do with every post??
RBS “be aware that it is a healthy Dunt with a great back you are talking to.”
Being a Dunt isn’t about physical health,,,,, it's mental!!
Tacker,,,, don’t follow the RBS plan for suckcess ,,,, going over once,,, maybe twice, give the woman some chocolates and gifts for her kids,,,, take an agency success photo where the woman puts on her shades out of embarrassment,,,, keep sending gifts for months or years after,,, then give advice for 10 or more years on his experience and or suckcess?!
Just my opinion but I think the pair of you are wasting your time and energies.
It is two weeks since the OP posted here, at that time he would have been angry posting the girls name and what she did to him wherever he could, I stand to be corrected but I believe we have seen and heard the last of Tacker.
"Tacker,,,, don’t follow the RBS plan for suckcess ,,,, going over once,,, maybe twice, give the woman some chocolates and gifts for her kids,,,, take an agency success photo where the woman puts on her shades out of embarrassment,,,, keep sending gifts for months or years after,,, then give advice for 10 or more years on his experience and or suckcess?!"
I think you need a lesson in English and comprehension. You have been hanging around with kaiserdag too long. Did I give Tacker the rules of success? Read again...
"if you are going to give money to an FSU woman, be prepared to lose the money and the woman."
You are seeing things that aren't there, then you accuse me of being mental. My post was on topic and relevant. Yes, I repeated, but would you expect Tacker to look it up?
LR wants his partner shielded from ridicule, who was in the receiving end of the mother of all scams. Therefore, he calls me a Dunt (Oh goodness, how hurtful..LOL).
As a back up, he posted the link. First of all, I wasn't scammed by the woman. She used the money I sent her exactly for what she said she was. My regret is that the agency took 10% of what I sent her. There is where the scam was. I am consistent with my advice above. I have no regrets about sending the money and I no longer have the woman.
Second of all, the money I sent does not even come close to what Tacker sent. What Tacker sent is about one tenth of LR's partner.
Third, this is a thread about scams. Relevant, consistent to what this forum is about. Let's make it so. Look at the other threads. How many threads are?
Well, that’s about $5,500 US Dollars. Willl that you could be living decently in Kiev, a sanatorium in a village or near the Black Sea for about 3 or 4 months. Plenty of eye candy with a chance of chatting. If you get involved, teaching English, supporting your favorite sport teams or any NGO activities ( disclaimer: don’t be a 007 agent...don’t even joke about it! ).....
Anyway, thanks for sharing your experiences and for “rolling with the punches”.