I'm russian and I've been learning English for four years at hte University and I'm in great need to practice it. If you know English and you are a native speaker, please write me on my e-mail If you want to learn Russian? or you are interested in russian culture or you just like russian people then you are welcome - I can help you.
Looking forward for your answer...
Hello Olga,
Let me first welcome you to the forum, but I must ask you, if you want to learn English, why would you want to talk only with an American ?
They dont speak English, the speak American !!!
For English you need UK.
Tim as always you arein head of me:))) But I don't mind that, it's just the fact:) You're very fast:)))
Olga it's very nice to see another girl on the forum:)) Hope that you will be a frequent visitor here:)
Though I'm from Ukraine, but enjoy my time here communicating with friends, and giving my help about Russian women:)))
Tim I understand that English differ from American but still we do understand each other, that is why for me it doesn't matter wether you are English or American.
Tim I understand that English differ from American but still we do understand each other, that is why for me it doesn't matter wether you are English or American.
As far as I understand English and American English don't differ greatly, ok there are different words for the same object, but these differences are not so big:)
If you talk about people, from Great Britain and the USA, then there may be differences:)))
The only true English is spoken by us New Englanders in Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Actually the only commnuication problem between us USA'ers and our Brit friends is when the slang and parochial terms come rolling out.
For example I beleive that Lu is my girlfriends nick name, you Brits have something different in mind when you speak of the lu.
Hi Olga!.... If you want to talk the best Enghish then you don't want to talk to those English or Americans. You'll need to talk to an Australian!! You see we've learned to drop all those silly parts of words..like the beginnings and endings... to make 'em eazy ta say!
Fender= Wing or bumper
Trunk= Boot (rear lugage compartment on a car)
Hood= Bonnet
Rotors= Brake discs
Sissy bar= Gay club
Ok the loast one was a joke ;o)) But none of the others are slang, and they are only a very Very small proportion of words that differ completely between The Queens English, and US English.
One must not for get that English has been the main language of ones country for 1000`s of years, the USA adopted or language, so any slang or changes have been made Stateside and not in the UK, therefore UK English is the Real English :o)
Before the USA was discovered when Christopher Columus tripped over it looking for a route via the West to India, the USA was Not an English speaking country at all, and that was in 1492 I believe, it was only UK settlers going there who took English to the natives :o)
Yes, the English are a very thoughtful crowd and were kind enough to give the rest of us English speakers a varied and beautiful selection of swear words to pick and choose from.
Tim - We'll take English as it has developed. (You must admit that many of the new words added to English in recent years and used by those of us on both sides of the pond - are of American origin).
We reserve for you the English that was developed by the Anglos and Saxons - Old English. Like Beowulf in the original form.