I've been writing to this nice girl on the site, and she sends me all of her messages in Russian. Usually this is not a problem, since I use the online free translators and they work fine. The text looks like this:
Привет Mark!!
я была очень рада получить от тебя письмо.
На мои вопросы ты ответил правильно и понял их.
But when I got a direct e-mail from her, the text looked a little different, and I could not translate it. None of the online translators worked. The text looks like this:
Привет Марк!!!
Извини, что так долго не писала. Ты не думай, я про тебя не забыла.
Просто у меня сейчас сессия и я очень занята.
I was able to identify it as Russian, but stillI have no idea how to read this, and I wonder, why is it different? Also, why do the translators give me gibberish? Any input will be appreciated. :)
Well, I wonder why it is so, but the second text is not ⌠a little bit■, but very different, I mean the meaning is different.
Text #1
Hi Mark!
I was very happy to receive a letter from you.
You understood my questions correctly and answered to the point.
Text #2
Hi Mark!
Sorry for not writing you for a long time. But please don▓t think that I forgot you. The matter is I am taking my exams now and I am very busy.
If I were I would think that someone else sent me the first letter, as according to the second message which arrived to the private e-mail the lady has been very busy recently and has not written for some time┘
Since she is registered on her own there is a very little possibility that someone is using her e-mail account to send you letters. Since you have her private e-mail now-ask her abut your concerns. Any response would be better then trying to guess whats going on. Some ladies( I know its strange but I've seen this already) send part of the message from fiance.com and then the second part of a message via private e-mail.;-)))
I also seem to have a tranlation problem.
What kind of translation-device is being used here?
I received: " I live and I work in Odessa. City on Black sea. And I p#4@! ^*M to sunbathe and bathe. So, that now I can be found on a beach. The truth one of these days has simply burned down. I, the truth do not think, that it on long. Tomorrow on I go for work. Therefore I shall look a mail in two days. Write about itself, the rest, interests....." [copied]
I reply: " ...... I'm not to sure what you are telling me or asking me in your message about "truth" ??? Am I telling the truth ? Yes always !!! It gets me into trouble very often. But maybe you are trying to tell me something about your bathing-habits, did you get sunburn and that hurts??? If that's the case then you must think of me, it will make you feel better, OK?......" [copied]
I received: "..... If you will read again the letter for the night I have come that to you new History so you will remember me and volume that it is necessary to write the answer.
It is very a pity to me ........ So, that I think not such and clever. You are interesting to me whom work, Your rest, interests, also that you love... And in women too (What to mean not so good: from your letter). And concerning my "sunburn" could and sympathize with the silly greedy person: " Greed fraera will ruin. " ... To me has fallen to the next day to go for work. And there too a lot of "kind". ......." [copied]
Well , I'm sure this kind of communication won't take anyone anywhere. I suggested to her to change the batteries in her translator, amongst other. I did also thank her for the insults.
Now, I'm starting to think maybe this girl means well and the problem could be in my PC (wondows cycrillic or so).
This is all quite funny, but don't take me wrong, I'm certainly not here for a joke. I'm very concerned this might happen again. Any suggestions ? Thanks.
Oh, in case you're wondering, I'm farming with peacon-nuts (not with afzal or what's his name).
So that's what all those illegible symbols mean, uh?????
For a while I thought a clingon was trying to torpedo my computer with an intergalactic virus.....
I'm finding there really isn't a direct literal translation from Russian to English language. I'm finding the Ukranian dialect to be extremely confusing, from what I've learned and I may be wrong but they also have words of multiple meanings like English. So for fun I wrote a letter in Russian and put it through some various translators online. The English response was so far off of what I meant to say in Russian. Damn I hope I don't get my face slapped when I'm in Mariupol in November.
nasfan6 the online translators are not too good, tried them myself, though there is one that makes me feel comfortable "Language master" it translates from and to English/Russian/Ukrainian, and gives a rather close translation, if the text is not too complicated.
And one more note, please don't say "Ukrainian dialect", Ukrainian language is a self-standing language, though it seams that it is much alike with Russian, it is not still sure which language appeared the first one, but one thing is very sure, Ukraine appeared like a country with a head of it earleir then Russia:)
Ptichka, I could use your advice on this. Although I would welcome advice from anyone. I am presently writing to a lady in Mariupol. I plan to go see her in Sept. or Nov. Her English skills are 0. She claims that she could probably greet me in English but that would be it. Is better that she learns from a teacher or maybe something like the Pimsleur system?