KnoccOut, I am new here as well and have had my reservations as well due to the lack of communication by someone I sent a letter to be it her lack of interest in me or the misdirection of my message to her.
HOWEVER, I recommend you stick with it due to the many reasons of.....
Look at all the beautiful, inteligent, probably sincere girls who are just as nervous as we are who are willing to actually post an ad and place themselves out in the world for all to see. They have taken the first step towards finding a soul mate and companion and in some cases maybe even a better life for them and if applicable, for their kid's. I am optymistic (and a poor speller! LOL) that this may work. Just keep in mind that YOU are the one who makes the biggest FIRST step if you find someone,because you are responsible for paying and taking care of the meeting of the girl and IF that proves to be successful, arranging for her to change her life forever. I wish all the best success in your quest to find the perfect companion. slydoug
it's called trying to be clever and write in russian.....and finding your computer encoding is wrong...besides I CAN understand it.....and now that I read it again it seems even funnier!!
My encoding is O.K. I know it is Russian, I just do not know enough to understand it but other here do. Where or how did you learn? Or did you learn English
nor I drag but all the female english student still like to practice with me when I go so please do not tell them how bad I realy am. Ever been picked up on a spelling mistake by one of them. Happened to me twice. DOH!!
LOL......only in the FSU huh?
your secret is safe with me,rely on that good sense of humour buddy,that will win them over....either that or LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY!
Id may correct me on this, but I think Shela in Australian slang is
for fag? I used to remember some of it I had a girlfriend in Perth, the biggest mistake I ever made in my life was not going to back to see her more often.
nas- Sheiler is actualy an old name and not so much now, but is traditional Australian slang for a girl, never had anything to do with gays, or did you mean cigarettes?
"Id may correct me on this, but I think Shela in Australian slang is
for fag? "
Note to septic tanks:
To an ordinary boy from Oz a Sheila is a girl/woman, a Fag is something you smoke, and a fag is not a bender.
And if somebody tells you otherwise it's a furphy.
You're boring as hell of late, lost your funny side, dropped your witty bits, and in general a post from any of your names is dreaded by all.
You've changed forums before - maybe time to re-relocate?