In your opinion, is "Faithful"
1) a Yes/No 'thing' - like Virgin or Pregnant ?
2) a 'once does not count' 'thing' ?
(did it once, but won't do it again)
3) a 'three strikes and you are out' 'thing' ?
-or what?
Sancho- Why don't you ask the woman herself? This is no way we can say what this woman's version of "faithful" means to her. I myself would go with your #1 answer. But that's me.
Well I would choose the explanation to the word "faithful" the one that never cheats on her husband or boyfriend, meaning doesn't have sex with other men, and doesn't lie to her husband saying "I love you" when it's not the truth.
Dale E,
re.: "...Why don't you ask the woman herself?..."
-the rest of her Profile did not appeal to me...
-but her words made me think about whether there are degrees of Faithfull...
-and I raised the question for general consideration...
(communication would be greatly improved if words mean the same to people...)
(and, by the way, once upon a time Monogamy meant 'partners forever', now it apparently means 'one partner at a time'...)
Monogamy still has the same meaning to me as it always has. The problem is since Russian women have seen too much of it by their men, do they really think we are capable of 100% faithfulness? The opposite applies to me, since I had an ex that showed me the term "Unfaithful", Can I believe a woman can be 100% faithful herself?
Hey Dale...Yes, you can believe in faithfulness again,just have to find the right one and try again. It is never easy, hell I know that, but after having two f*^@ked up marriages before, I decided to try again and have (so far) found success. But it all depends on the man and the woman involved, not the concept of faithfulness or unfaithfulness.
she was probably looking for a man who was faithful too.
not a 'sex tourist'....
not somebody who would go home again and brag to his friends about his conquests...
I have asked my fiance, though she wouldn't consider it a matter for divorce if I were unfaithful( has this idea that men can't help it) I would hate to dissapoint her, and the biggest thing for myself in a relationship is honesty and loyalty, so although I know there will not be the ultimate consequnce, I would hate to dissapoint her
can't help it, because the member has only one eye , kept in the dark, seldom socializes, is usually manhandled and all communication is long distance communication it takes time to get from one head to the other.
You took wesman's comment out of context. This IS a men's forum after all so he has the right to state a mans opinion - regardless of what your tiny feminist mind thinks.
The best way to handle a troll is to ignore it. I will do just that after this post.
Some men aspire to higher principals, I am here looking for a wife, a friend, and a companion to travel life's road, sex is a great thing but it is the last act of a great play not the focal point. It is apparent that some men here just want to get laid and find it easier to travel abroad. I have and others have talked about taking advantage of woman that are looking for a husband-though most do not do that, some women are looking for a man for his money, the world has its gigolo's and gold diggers. I would say that most of the men here have good hearts and intentions, this is a forum and people like to talk. There comes a certain amount of fabrication, machoism and loss of focus here when they are challenged, perhaps being challenged buy a female is less tolerable I do not know but I think you found a thread here that struck a nerve and it seems like it was the last one to boot, please cum again when you are not so passionate about the lack of men’s control of their braggadocios conquests.