One might presume that the message transmitted is that 'American' racism is not welcomed in Europe:
An American white supremacist has been stopped from entering the country to attend a controversial BNP festival this weekend.
Related photos / videos White supremacist is banned from UK Preston Wiginton was turned back at Heathrow Airport when he arrived for the party's Red, White and Blue Festival in Derbyshire.
The BNP's deputy leader Simon Darby said: "I know Preston, he is an American chap. He came to last year's festival and was coming to this year's but they wouldn't let him in for some reason. He wasn't coming to speak."
A UK Border Agency spokesman said Mr Wiginton was turned back at Heathrow Airport and sent back to New York as it was believed his presence in the UK could stir up racial tension.
He said he could not confirm reports that Mr Wiginton, who has links with BNP leader Nick Griffin, was due to speak at the festival.
A Home Office spokesman said: "The Government opposes extremism in all its forms and we will prevent those who want to spread extremism, hatred and violent messages in our communities from coming to our country."
No it has nothing to do with American Racism and I have supporting documentation behind that statement. American racism? What is that? The UK turned Back PM Geert Wilders who came to promote his movie about Islam and the Quran. I don't think he's a yank.
Preston Wiginton is a dufas windbag who is a Neo-nazi that wears black cowboy hats and his group of idiots call themselves the black hats. Similar to the moron lone Wolf Metzger who now resides outside of Warsaw Indiana.
Europe and the UK have their own racial and ethnic hatred that makes American racism docile by most standards. Ethnic Cleansing is not a tradition in the US. Though we are no Saints, and racism is used more as a euphemism to counter-attack conservatives in the US. We didn't create slavery but history revisionists would have you to believe that. Though we sure as hell ended it with the blood of our brothers in the Civil War. Slavery still exists in many parts of the world to this day. We even in the states have a system of slavery and it's the welfare state we've created following the brilliantly devised plans from Europe.
What I see is most in the EU want to put their heads in the sand and hope the problems will go away. This just isn't going to happen. Cultures have a tendency to collide. The unwillingness of a certain culture not to defend itself is gliding down the slippery slope towards slavery.
I had immense problems with our intervention into Bosnia/Herzegovina. It wasn't our problem had nothing to do with our national security so why where we there?
The conditions of invading Iraq have some troubling Issues. The Neo-cons duped Bush into going into a war we didn't necessarily need to be involved with. Afghanistan is a different story. They were sheltering Bin Laden and his crew and wouldn't give him up.Though Clinton Dropped the ball years earlier when Sudan offered him up on a silver platter. Though the jury is still a bit out on Iraq.Since Hussien is dead we'll never really know how much if any involvement they had in 9/11 I have problems with our government being Nation/Democracy builders. It's not our place.
So when racism is tossed it's first pointed at America like we are the only racists on earth.
The EU better get a grip on what is going on around them or there will be hell to pay in the future.
...but unfortunately, the United States spent about half of its history ethnically cleansing most of its territory of the peoples who lived here long before colonists arrived from Europe. There is enough blood on the hands of many countries.
This being said, during my lifetime (the past 50 years) the U.S. has made a lot of progress confronting racism. Because we confront it, it is more visible here... in many countries, racism is powerful and ugly, but often "swept under the rug" - people deny that it even exists.
A very dark-skinned colleague from equatorial Africa, who has lived most of his adult life in the U.S., told me that he thinks that the United States has been more successful than any other country in dealing with the problems of race relations.
And part of the tradition of American life is that people are free to speak their minds, including dolts like Wiginton. The vast majority of people know that what he spouts is garbage - his free speech is no threat to our way of life.
Durak please define the ethnic cleansing in the States are you speaking of the American Indian? Because I'm a little confused about the before the colonists arrived?
Love at first sight, that turns into a fairy tail romance or creepy stalker guy it could go either way.
Best of luck to you and her.
I just wanted to say I am a man of mixed race and have been conversing with several FSU women getting to know them, I have encountered a few time wasters and scammers but honestly the majority who contact me are clearly interested. I think that perhaps there are as many bigots and racists in the FSU as there is in America but likewise there are many ordinary people who don't see a problem with any kind of mixed marriage, to be totally honest getting used to each others cultures is more of an issue then the skin colour.
Ever hear of Manifest Destiny... yes America practiced ethnic cleansing. But remember it was done unto the name of a jewish diety. Not a very white or noble pursuit.
Dufas windbag... how so? Or are you just another 80 pounder with a 300 pound mouth that talks shit on the net.. like the little rats at TAMU who whisper behind my back and run when I turn towrds them.
For others information, I was not to speak at RWB. I was there just to visit Martin and his family. Martin is Nick's body guard. No speech to me made. If I were to give a speech it would have been on the lines that nationalist needed to be on their best behavior and that we need to win the respect of others through good manners. Something I have always promoted. Actually the only people I tend to hate are white liberals.
Durak I would bet that 70% of whites at Texas A&M agree with what I have to say. I have been in business in Texas for over 20 years in a large area. Most all I deal with agree with what I have to say. Maybe it is time to get more vocal. Of course free speech really is not tolarated in USA since FBI and Homeland Security try to censor me from the internet. What are they scared of.. someone who is effective?
benz in Slvic culture there is a term.. on y nash.. not one of us. It has been part of their culture for thousands of years. Russia/Ukraine should have been the National Socialist state, since they have basically practiced National Socialism. They DO NOT LIKE OTHERS. Frankly if I did not have the contacts I have no pure Russian or Ukranian woman would be interested in me. That being said, most Westerners could not tell the difference between a pure Ukranian/Russian and a half breed. Half breed women in Ukraine/Russia are not wanted in their own countries. One friend of mine is half chinese, half Russian. I love her as a friend vry much, but she can never get a date in Moscow, regardless of how prtty/cute/sexy she is and so much fun too.
america did not practice ethnic cleansing. not in the way its commonly known, i.e. hitler, slobodan.
If the english wanted to get rid of the indians on arrival, it could have happened within a few years. Instead, it happened over the course of two hundred years. Obviosly the removal of the indians wasn't the first solution.
Also, ethnic cleansing did not happen in other, defenseless, english colonies. Even though it would have been simple. Get off your high horse and stop judging our ancestors...oh. whats that? would have been the one guy to speak up?...shut up already.
Racism exists. whats your point? do you think there aren't many blacks who hate whites? are you one of those limp dick liberals who tries to blame white people for all the problems? or maybe your just an angry negro?
The American experience is complex, but the hard truth is the American Indian got the best end of the deal. They left the stone age overnight and there are more American Indians today than before the "Lost Italian" that gave them the name "Indian" showed up.They did not have iron bronze or horses. They did know of gold because the "Lost Italian" was not the first to come to the "Americas". Nor was the world thought to be flat before his time by those that navigated the seas. It is the European influence and narcisism that benchmarked that day as how history is marked. Similar to B.C and A.D. Without the American Indian we would likely all be "Goose Stepping" in Europe or under the rule of the Tzars and Kings. The French Revolution would likely not have taken place. It is the freedom of the American Indian and the English rule of law that combined changed the world. Jump in and hang on
Nope Preston, I'm an 85 pounder with weak lungs and scrawny legs. Though highly doubtful some Neo-Nazi with a cowboy hat would make me run. Almost as believable as danny is pilot and TinTin using the mexican street slang Esa. Just amazing how Preston Wiginton just happens to show up on a Russian Forum. The absurdity is his comment a friend of mine who he loves dearly is half Russian half chinese. Mr. Wiginton is a big hater of Asians, along with African Americans, Australian Aborigines, Baby Seals, Episcopal Church, Hindus, Homosexuals and Transgendered ,Immigrants, Jews, Muslims, Native Americans, Yankees,and Race mixers. Hell he probably hates his Grandma.
@gecko, Very cool to get flamed 4 months later! I had read a post above that included the statement, "Ethnic Cleansing is not a tradition in the US." It happens that I have a passionate interest in truth, and enjoy the study of history. As I saw it, that particular statement (in a post I mostly agreed with) was, if not simply incorrect, at least very seriously debatable. I replied in order to set the record straight. People are entitled to their own opinions, but facts belong to the universe.
"Ethnic cleansing" does not have a precise definition -- people certainly use it with different meanings in mind. I suggest that when a group uses force and coercion to remove people of a different ethnicity from land, for the purpose of taking that land -- this is an example of "ethnic cleansing."
My understanding is that well-established history recognizes numerous examples of this practice, at different times and on varying scales, in the United States. If you aren't familiar with this, you may find it interesting to do some reading on the topic. One can start with a famous example by googling "trail of tears."
Ethnic cleansing in the United States did not happen very quickly, or finish in a few years. After the 13 colonies became the United States of America, there was a vast territorial expansion, that continued for about 3 generations. And it took more than another generation for settlers to spread out into these huge and far-flung territories. So my country's history of ethnic cleansing occurred in many steps and stages, and lasted at least a century.
If I have misstated historical fact, I welcome correction. If my reasoning is mistaken, I will read other interpretations with interest.
As to English colonies... I don't know a lot about them: I read history in "patches," I've missed lots of spots. Examples that come to mind, such as India and British East Africa, had very small European populations -- I have read that the British population of colonial India (comprising all of modern India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh) never exceeded 100,000. The U.S. situation was very different: a constantly expanding population, most of whom (in the first half of U.S. history) wanted acres for homestead farming. Americans had a big appetite for land. Other British colonies were primarily for profit, rather than settlement. Instead of family farms, these colonies preferred large plantations worked by native peoples, so moving out the existing population was not usually desired.
You know, they are my ancestors too. I am (I learned as a boy) descended from an army captain who died in one of the peripheral battles of the American Revolution ... against Indians! (It happens that the loyalists and Indians won that day.) You are not the first man here to accuse me of such judgment. But I don't accept this.
When I state that the United States killed at least 100,000 civilians on the night of 9 March 1945 and the following morning (according to best estimates of casualties) -- this is not a judgment. It is a statement of historical fact, correct to the best of my knowledge. If you interpret this as a criticism of the US, well, that is YOUR judgment. Jesus is supposed to have said, you shall know the truth, and it shall set you free.
When I say that the US is a terrible country (I have not), or compare 19th century America to Yugoslavia under Milosevic (I have not), then I will be judging in this way.
It so happens that I love my country, and appreciate the greatness of its heritage, civic values and people more and more as I grow older. My isn't the kind that requires that I pretend that my country is without blemish or sin. If there's someone or something I'm only allowed to say "good" things about, then I'm a weak, toadying brown-nosing lick-spittle.
I am willing to learn and speak truth. If this puts me on a higher horse than people who are not willing to do so... then so be it!
Yes, I am an angry Negro. I am also a nervous Jew, and a Latino who wonders whether I'll be able to return to my house tonight every time a cop approaches. I'm a Muslim who is despised and mistrusted by my Hindu neighbors. I'm a Navajo who gets drunk and smashes my beer bottles on the pavement every afternoon. I'm an Irish Catholic from the Six Counties, and I by reflex I threw myself flat on the ground the first time I heard my neighbor fire his shotgun. I'm a Russian who wonders what happened to the greatness and respect my country once had, and why the pension of my grandfather who helped defeat the Fascists barely buys groceries -- and I'm also an Uzbek day laborer who gets harassed by Moscow cops every day, and wonders when some skinhead is going to smash my head with a shovel, or throw benzene on me and strike a match. All men are my brothers -- including you!
In response to the ethnic cleansing of the American Indian the arguement could be made that the Native Americans made their own bed. When siding with the British in the American Revolution they were involved in Atrocities against the rebels. The British used this to their advantage.
Families in the wilderness that sided with the rebels were targeted by the Iroquois and slaughtered. The sentiments passed down from generation to generation didn't go away very soon. Right, wrong or indifferent there were no innocent victims. Do I agree with the treatment of the American Indian. No. Were they innocent victims of genocide? Not really. Was it ethnic cleansing, not in the true definition.
Attrocities committed by Indian natives against the first English settlers were many in the period between 1650 and 1780 .Many of the British explorers and settlers were captured by Indians buried in the groung up to their necks in the ground then a fire was lit next to their heads-the heat exploded their eyes and the flames left them an agonizing deaths. You wont see that in "Dances with Wolves" or any Michael Moore history lessons.
why must frozen dinners be heated to 'piping' hot? by the time you eat them they are cooler temps anyway... why not just heat the until thawed and at room temp? just wondering
btw, sooty makes a good point. we can all speculate what we wish. and make history into our own beliefs or desires. or that which has been told by others, often disputed, but what we hold on to as the truth. the truth is that none of us has been there to experience it first hand. what we believe or percieve to be the truth has been diluted by historians by the meer fact that it is mostly second or third hand knowledge. often told to or relayed by story tellers. and more often than not, the opinion of the writer. yes, there has been tons of research regarding the civil war, the war of independance, French and Indian war, Rodney King, whatever.
the fact remains, do you believe half the shit that is posted on the news every day in our modern times? do you believe the news is biased? do you believe the news is just a bunch of sensationalized stories that piques the interested of the common person on a daily basis? do you believe that what you see on TV every night is true and in the best interest of common good?
Well folks, in 50 years from now, 100 years from now, 200 years from now, this will be the history that our future generations will be discussing and disputing. and by then, it will be a lot easier for a Russian lady to get a USA visa. Assuming of course we are not all wearing towels on our heads.
RB.. probably google.
Red man kills white man, white man kills red man...blah blah blah.
The white queen chases down the black king and some pawns get in the way and are sacrificed.
One man putting the an axe into the skull of another is older than the story of Kane and Abel.
To say one tribe started it is like pissing in the wind.
Re-inventing a small morsel of savegery is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying ...Nada..
Kirkland -- that analogy may inspire some racist to think you are assuming the white queen is better than the black king --- maybe she is perusing him for reasons other than to conquer :) and who would be the conquerer? throw thyself white woman to the black man...
just make sure you have a good job and are able to take care of yourself in your years of loneliness and destitute living...
Older than Kane and Abel? The only story older is the eviction from the Garden of Eden, I didn't know the white man was killing Indians that far back.
So Kirkland who's being the history revisionist??
Though we know it's true about Columbus since the leftist history revisionist said so.
Who was murdered before Abel? Please enlighten us, I know it's all a fairy tale anyway.
Why doesn't SOOTY make mention of some more recent atrocities of WWII?
I'll tell you why not, besides the Japanese it was white man fighting white man and it doesn't suit SOOTY to admit that colours of skin have got diddly squat to do with wars, acts of terrorism, atrocities etc!