Rick ... isnt ukraine calling russia a shit hole a bit like the pot calling the kettle black .
And rick where did i say cairns is good ...
and where did i say russia was good .
Seems you do a bit of dreaming .
And rick the last thing i would do is open links to read your rubbish
I get my info first hand through skype direct from MY russian family and tonite i can ask mother inlaw to check the shelf for cheese
Things in russia are defiantly more expensive but russian people will deal with struggle like they.
Keep dreaming and enjoy life in your war torn shit hole .
always have
Rick our first child is 3 sunday and wife and i still have never had even close to an agrue ... she is amazing
"If all you lot weren't so heavily fixed on Ukraine there might be some forum members actually on the ground in Russia who would be able to provide first hand, eye witness, accounts of how things are.
Don't believe the journalists!"
The Russians based their budget on over $100 per barrel of oil. It is half that. They didn't take into account the sanctions either. Yet, when journalists report bad times in Russia, we shouldn't believe them? Media includes Russian media. Any reports of good economic times in Russia?
I guess Martin is still sore at that Ukrainian. He has been posting against Ukraine ever since.
That's funny ... I can make a lengthy post without so much as mentioning Ukraine, or anything connected with Ukraine, and the village idiot's response is that I have been posting against Ukraine and that I am sore at a Ukrainian.
My post was regarding an ongoing discussion, argument, regarding the west vs Russia, not Ukraine vs Russia, and making the point that journalists are, for example, reporting that cheese imports are banned then, shock horror, posting a pic of an empty imported cheese shelf in a supermarket!
Reports say the US have a black president. Lo and behold the pictures show that he is black. Only Martin can mention Ukraine without mentioning Ukraine.
I guess he is still sore at that Ukrainian. He has been posting against Ukraine ever since.
Understandably, Martin has always been against Ukraine. His previous reason was Ukraine has no visa fee, so the field is saturated or something like that. Whatever that means, he is no longer in the running so is not a participant and because of his experience, he is not unbiased.
The simple truth is that Russia imported 50% of the food consumed by consumers in 2013 from the EU.
Putin cutiing off that supply in response to western sanctions has had a disastrous effect on food supply in Russia. Supply that still has not been replaced.
Of course Russians will deal with the struggle because a good portion of propaganda brainwashed people believe that suffering for their leader is patriotic
You were scammed in Ukraine, whereever she came from. Big time. Bigger than anyone I have ever heard of. Stupid, I might add. How can you give control of that much money to a woman. Holy cow.
To that, I believe is the reason you don't say anything kind about Ukraine. And no, Ukraine does not charge visa to most countries in the west.
You made your point without answering mine, Martin. Many of us in the western world do not have to pay visa fees. We already know that they probably charge fees for others.
For some reason, you used the visa fee as as a reason to be antagonistic to Ukraine. You and I went at it several times on this. Today, you gave no valid reason to not believe the journalists that Russia is having a hard time economically. You are still antagonistic.
I guess you is still sore at that lady from Ukraine. That happened in Zaporozhye, Ukraine, I believe, but that's not the issue.
Perhaps I am antagonistic towards journalists ... Because so many of them care little about the truth but care more about selling advertising, newspapers etc.
As for Ukraine, Russia and the rest of the USSR, quite honestly, from my location, I couldn't give a fuck although I would like to see Ukraine at peace, returned to it's rightful owners and the asshole ultimately responsible for bringing down of MH17 tried for terrorism.
Even from your location, you have been antagonistic against Ukraine. This time, it was no different. And don't tell me you and me you and I have not gone at it with your favoritism of Russia over Ukraine. Your reasoning about the visas was stupid, as if you hit your head on a brick wall. As you have said, you should not care from your location, but in the past you have, even from your location.
You picked a poor example against the journalists. That Russia is suffering economic hardships is right on and you have not provided any viable evidence to the contrary other than your poor examples of them actually giving photographic evidence. I have not seen any evidence that makes me question the journalists. Your example is laughable.
I have no favoritism of Russia, I have only been there once and for all of four nights, Russia needs to get the hell out of Ukraine and it needs to be brought to justice for the downing of MH17.
There's a member on this very forum, I'd never heard of him before, he PM'd me around a week ago and we've exchanged a few PM's since.
If that member should speak up he'll probably tell you that I spoke up for the women in Uzbekistan, I slated my ex girlfriend from SPb, Russia and I pretty much sat on the fence regarding the women of Ukraine.
What's the matter RB, did TomZ dump you, are you feeling all lonely and unwanted and is that why you've chosen to nitpick with me?
Lonely is not the word. You played the good guy with TomZ. I have exposed how good of a guy you really are with Tom Shea, TinTin and Driftwood Arts.
Now, about Russia. I have exposed their lies many times on Yahoo news, YouTube, Twitter and Google Plus. Now, I am exposing you. You know very well Russia has been using the media as a medium for their lies. That the sanctions are not affecting them drastically is what they want everyone to know. You have perpetuated that. Your reason is the most asinine I have seen: photographic evidence of their news report.