Don't want to get into a whole 'silly foreigner' fight here, but doesn't the recession exist because of Bush's under-regulation of the US private sector? And, speaking of bombs, hasn't Obama inherited a nation at war - twice - both started by the aforementioned predecessor?
I'm not an Obama apologist, and I don't presume to know more about your nations situation than you (and I'm open to correction), but it seems Obama comes under a lot of fire for problems created by Bush, which 'dubya' seems to avoid criticism over - on this forum, at least.
The recession started in the finance/banking sector. If you look at ALL of them, they all have one thing in common: they invested in home mortgages. The under regulation of mortgages was to help the poor also obtain homes. Some say that those regulations were initiated by President Bill Clinton. Although that makes sense, it is hard to google and find the origin of that law.
President Bush can be blamed for that, if you want to. But, Bush had to work with a liberal congress who is intent on helping the poor. Prices of homes were doubling, tripling and even quadrupling. Everyone got in on it, not just the poor. Noone saw the crash coming: Bush, Congress, Alan Greenspan and the private sector. Simple rules on who or who cannot afford a home would prevent this calamitiy again.
It is the private sector who provides goods, services and jobs. They do so by investing in capital and using their ingenuity. Overregulation will prevent that and can only hurt the economy.
President Obama now wants to put the massive burden of healthcare to the employers. There is no such regulation in place now where the employer has to give healthcare. Yet, when funds were available, they provided it. So, an employer about to invest in goods, services or jobs will now have to hesitate or not even think about it because of this regulation and other regulations to follow.
I don't think anybody is disputing that the current financial crises was caused by inregulated home loans to buy overpriced housing.
Intelligent economists would prodably seen it coming and holding out hope that it wouldn't happen. Unfortunately the banks are not run by intelligent economists. They're run by the "greed is good" doctrine.
This is evident by the massive salaries that these people pay themselves.
The Citibank president apparently is on an anual basic "wage" of 100,000,000. (yes that's one hundred million). Not counting other perks, dividends and bonuses.
I just want to vent here a little....I mean WTF kind of business pays one employee that kind of cash?
The Labour government in Britain has made it one of worst countries in the world for national debt.
The policies of the British government have ensured that it will be the last come out the recession and will soon be bankrupt.
Socialist policies the Obama administration is trying to copy.
That is the nature of the private sector. If the government intervened, then it can no longer be called the private sector. Why are you angry that one person made that kind of money? Is it because you did not? Rejoice that someone made that much and did not steal it. Now, strive to do the same and pray that the government do not take it away.
Citibank is owned by investors, not the government. If this is excessive, then the investors, not the government should be the ones to dictate this. If the government gave them bailout money, then they can dictate this as a condition to repay the loan. Otherwise it is between them and the investors. It is none of the government's business.
Relax, Kirkland. Excessive compensation did not cause the recession.
Are salaries, and bonuses, not decided by productivity? i.e. the more sales made, the more money borrowed = well paid director becoming overpaid director because of a, supposed, job well done?
We've had the same in UK, banks etc. lending monies like nobody's business, it was all going to fall flat on it's face, but those in charge of the money lending organisations didn't care because they were sitting on nice fat salary cheques!
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? It is a product of greed and corruption. these overpaid ceo s and corporate presidents - DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR GUNS! for soon - in the relative sense of the word considering how young and stupid this country is - you will need one.
Productivity, but I think it's mostly by supply and demand. When a company becomes large, it needs a leader. The best candidate will go run another company if his salary is not competitive. If you go after corporate bank officers, you might as well go after other corporations. I don't believe large corporations can exist without big salaries. This is a large source of goods, services and jobs.
Many times, the job also goes to the person who owns a lot of stock. Corporate salaries are well publicized. A prudent investor also looks at corporate salaries before he invests.
If the chairman of Citibank knew of the impending collapse of the mortgage industry and still went through with it so he can get a high salary, or if any profit is done through lies and unfair practices, then I would agree with greed and corruption. But if the the products, goods and services are competitive with market prices, and they made a good profit honestly, President Obama and the government should leave them alone. Their activities will generate jobs.
President Obama has repeatedly said that unchecked profits will be dealt with. I do wonder what that means.
When I bought my house in the late 80's I was allowed to borrow up to 3 times my annual salary, that was the industry standard of the time, more recently lenders, I believe I am correct in saying, will lend up to 4 times an annual salary.
When I borrowed up to 3 times my salary and interest rates subsequently shot up it became difficult and very many people lost their properties because they simply couldn't afford to make their repayments.
UK property prices rose and rose to beyond the point whereas 3 times a salary wasn't enough to buy, had the lenders stood their ground then property prices would have stabilised, or dropped, but that wasn't in these lenders interests, they needed to lend money to make profit, they increased it to 4 times an annual salary, more people borrowed monies that they weren't going to be able to afford to repay and property prices continued to rise, what would have been next, 5 times an annual salary?
Now such a situation as we have at the moment surely shouldn't be allowed to happen again, these lenders need to be regulated or monitored and whilst we may all have individual views of how that may be best achieved somebody, whether it be the US government or whoever, needs to act to prevent a repeat of this situation.
Due to the British Labour government polcies Britain now has a bankrupt economy.
Ukraine is set to have a better economic policy than the corrupt British Labour government.
One time, two times, ten times annual salary. That should be a corporate decision. If they default, they should bear responsibility. This bailout bothers me. Now, the government dictates their business.
One time, two times, ten times annual salary. That should be a corporate decision. If they default, they should bear responsibility. This bailout bothers me. Now, the government dictates their business.
I mean the bank's responsibility to account for the defaults based on how liberal or conservative they are in their decision to lend. There will be defaults. If you are liberal in lending, you will have more defaults. If you are conservative, then less defaults. They should know this through their own statistics and statistics of the industry.
But surely lenders must be regulated. Imagine if airlines were not be regulated, and it was up to each airline to ensure its own safey. If a plane crashes then its the passengers fault because they didn't research the airline they were flying on? We can regulate airlines why not lenders?
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