calling you a lowlife Danny is an insult to lowlifes everywhere.
You like to think you're a big man.....happy with his lot....only the truth is that you're too stupid and retarded to understand real facts.....too backward and ill-educated to even spell properly....and too twisted to realise that assuming false indentities is the sign of a sick individual.
I would be ashamed of hiding behind a woman because I was too dumb to respond to people.That is not a problem with you Danny is it?
Although the number of times you type one handed (work it out !) probably explains a lot of your attitude.Watch the eyesight old chap!!!!
NOOGA Hey congratulations you have now got an authentic case of V.D Veneral disease or as they say now STD. Not just any australian variety of VD -but a real Authentic ukranian variety.
Just suited for the discerning pervert and desperate man that you are Nooga.
Have you guys noticed that 95% of the posts entered here lately regard either danny or nooga? Seems to run on every thread and maybe we should limit it. But we should limit it for entirely different reasons for these two.
We are unwittingly providing comradery to danny, that he desperately NEEDS by responding to him. We ALL want him to go away but by commenting to him all the time we are doing nothing but encouraging him to stay. He's nothing but a lowlife, uneducated fool to be sure - but even with his limited intellectual ability - he is BORED OUT OF HIS HEAD in Chelny. Unable to have decent conversation with ANYONE (he can't do it in Russian, hell, he couldn't even do it in English). A guy can only sit around, waiting for the "lady" to come home from work for so long. He can't even understand whats on TV. So he writes to us as we are the only outlet he has.
The best way to handle danny is to absolutely ignore him. He lives for our responses as its the only communication he HAS!
Nooga - on the other hand is just a young kid on a new adventure and he wants to communicate with guys he can identify with. I think a lot of us are a little jealous deep down as he is younger than we are and not very serious. We anxiously write letters hoping to find the special one - while nooga goes off boistrously making all the wrong decisions. We shouldn't be so offended at nooga - maybe just a little amused. Hey - I wish I had ben able to do what he is doing at his age.
danny is an annoying idiot who should best be ignored. nooga is a boisterous young pup who should be tolerated a little more than he is. But neither is a Russian woman which is what this forum should really be about.
"now... leave monday after 2 weeks in this city. not much more to tell. who knows if i'll ever come back and who knows if I'll ever see this forum for too much longer... "
Hey Noggie...well, well.......sniff, sniff...........wasn't all you bargined for, huh. Thats okay, you will always have the 'memories' of your trip. You may be young but very foolish.....just leave these young ukrainian girls to the old googsies like myself!!!! It is better to learn from others
than to think you know it all....for me I read this forum almost 6 months before I posted and that was 2 months after my first trip. I'll be first to admit in that first trip ...I broke most every rule..#3, #8 #12, 23( from Wedding Crashers)!!!
Seems to me the only ones paying for it around here are the Aussies. I have to tip my hat, Nooga hasn't raised his ante up to a house yet.
With that being said. Danny is a lowlife and a liar. Who can do nothing but insult women. Which is cowardly and only a coward hides behind a womans skirt or skirts as in the Salon girls. You don't treat women well, that's in your nature, I saw it first hand in Australia. You are like many of those ignorant idiots I saw in Perth. So when you start spouting off with the mouth as usual about the USA take a look at yourself and your home country idiot.
Also any new guy that posts on here, gets jumped on by you no matter what the question is. You're an absolute ass. As far as I can see, I'm not sure this is real with you. You bring nothing forward. Latched on to the first woman who would pay attention to you. Basically bribed her if it is true to stay with you.
We've all seen the list of Aussies who have come on this site and crashed and burned. It is a long list. There tells me that a problem exists with personality. So you try to overcome that with money, which will always lose out in the end.
I could never be jealous of an ignorant individual, keep dreaming mutt. I'm looking forward to the day. First you were leaving on the 28th, now the 30th, which day is it?
You help no one and that's a fact. No one would put up with your stupidity. Ignorant retard you're the only one here who has bought a woman, paying for a woman that you are not married to, they have a name for that moron eh moron danny?
So if nasfan is such a decrepid big shot, with no idea, a wife buying nobody that is going to crash and burn, with difficulty finding a woman that wants him etc. then why on earth would anybody, anybody with any intelligence anyway, want to trawl the archives of this forum to re-emerge mimicking him literally word for word?
Admit it oh dyslexic one, you aspire to be just like him don't you?
Is danny really that stupid and doesn't get it? I really believe this guy not only cannot spell but he cannot digest what he reads. "Pritty?" no one past the age of 8 cannot spell pretty. I mean is this what Australia offers to the world? Even Mick Dundee could articulate and spell. I don't think the image of an ignorant swamp dwarf is what Australia is promoting to the world.
Martin the cretin mimicks because he has no original thought. He was hoping to stir up a past dispute to divert his idiocy. He has no merit or constructive measure here. None, not one. Some poor chump posts the first time, asks a question to many of us seems simple since we are all past that stage, Asswipe jumps all over him. Like he is the smartest to enter this forum and ridicules the new guy. I think this guys is a flamer, he's went down hard now he's constructed this fairy tale life to prove something. I don't know about Russian women, but I know Ukrainian women cannot tolerate uneducated dolts.
Hey carpenter danny, going to be a little cold to build a house when you get back. I've got a log cabin kit I can sell you for $4200 you pay freight, or Turnkey for $15000. $100 grand you're getting ripped off, but that doesn't surprise me.
I am doing very well with my Australian bride, 18 in 3 weeks she is.
me and my 2 mates have organised to once again (as we are veterans of odessa) visit odessa and KIEV, in the next 18 months... no rush.
This time things will be done alot DIFFERENTLY... I will have learnt from my mistakes, also too should be a group of about 5 or 6 of us to do some seriously piss flap sorting out!
is anyone here actually doing any good?
or do you once again need to see young australian kids head over and have a crack right before your very eyes?
Nooga is noone paying attention :( Are you saying you are married? Why the need to go back to Ukraine? Maybe you charging your mates to act as experience guide?
As you are so interested I married last year. Not too much older than yours, 28 years younger than me. I may be old bt no googsie
Whilst I am not exactly a friend of nasfan even I take offence, as did Batman previously, at his wife being called, or insinuated as, a whore.
You deleted danny previously for calling 'whore', he immediately returned as 'angus' and within no time at all he has reverted to calling other mens ladies 'whores'.
Please, might do us all a favour, and exterminate him again, 'angus' that is?
Martin, let the idiot make a tool out of himself some more. Here's another great lie that danny wrote. Remember the 5 month visa stay and the barefoot skiing. Here's what he sent to me in a pm:
we go to australia on the 12jan and we return on the 11 april .. a home stay in the city is impossible . i sujest you organise your accomadation with the swiss hotel in neb .
Funny how that's an exact 90 day stay. Seem's to me the great liar is at it again. Also it's SUGGEST YOU MORON.
I live in Sevastopol. Where is this apartment you are talking about, Nooga? What cross streets?
I am positive Nooga is lying, people. He puts certain things in BOLD and keeps talking about this film he's going to make because he is eventually going to try to sell you, or others, his tape.