c'mon Muzzy, a little fun that's all. btw, I was responding to the post by someone asking advice etc that you managed to reply to. by the time I hit send the post was deleted. so the moderators are watching. they are just very lenient when it comes to the usual shenanigans.
Illegal aliens other than Mexicans who sneak through Mexico to the US, Muzzy. I have seen a few. I saw a German mother and child and also a Russian couple.
I made the genuine effort to point him in the direction of O'Briens in Odessa a couple of years back at a time when he hadn't eaten for a couple of days, afraid to go out etc.
He had his first meal in a couple of days and all he could do was complain about the price, and as for any acknowledgement, never mind 'thanks', of the assistance provided, well what do you think!
He's another Australian attention seeker, this one is still wet behind the ears, just ignore the little brat.
thanks, martin. I was starving. It felt as if i had landed on mars or something. I was down, out, confused and scared. But then I conquered Ukraine!!!!
Wow I just read this thread. If I can get an apartment in the same city I might voenteer to run the video camera for you guys. That's 50% more footage for hilarity on you tube.