Einstein quoted about the infinity of the universe my dear chap NOT human stupidity......my reference to that one is all down to you.
Gender roles "old chap" are what you make em!!
What works for one is not the right thing for another,at the risk of repeating what has been said in other threads...."we are all individuals"
That works as well for the FSU as the rest of the world!!!
the people at the gulags do not find anything funny as they are dead sancho, they are dead as not thinking or feeling, now Iknow a guy like you likes to kick a dead horse over and over again but those dead at the gulags will not come back to life. Besides it is not polite to kick the dead,
You know I just remembered an old song, this song was created when there was the USSR, and the idea is that the singer is still single though all her friends are married long ago and she is still waiting for her prince, and at the end she sings "I would like anybody to get married and then I will teach how to behave in a right way". And she gives the features of her prince "I want him not smoke, no drink, always present me flowers, give me all the salary, call his mother-in-law "mother", be completely indifferent to football, be the life and soul of the party, and also handsome and clever":)
So this is also a view on gender roles:)
Western women don't really worry about the man's temperament or habits. They assume they can fix it later. To them, every man is a project. If we are so bad, why do they keep marrying us?
Girlfriends and fiancees are fine with me. It's the wives I have trouble with.
Almost without exception, every american woman today says the man they plan to marry based on his "potential".
In other words, they never see, love, support and appreciate the man in their lives as he is or for what he is, but only for what they think they (the women) can mold him into in the near future.
Those of us who've been put through the american marriage meat grinder know this all too well. That's why we go gaga googoo when a pretty fsu woman gives us love respect and support for what we ARE, what we DO and what we THINK.
Exactly......I can't describe the difference....we had a quite large falling out the other day and I got into bed expecting her back turned to me, but couldn't be more different, accepts I have a valid point, thinks she does to, but doesn't affect the her love for me or vice versa, so refreshing. I smoke and drink but she never mentions it and she respect that I am intelligent enough to make my own choices and I never fall down when drinking, and neither does my mood change, what I am trying to say is she loves me with all my faults and never mentions them or try's to change me
they are just the opposite of what american women are: pushy, hard to please, unappreciative, taking u 4 granted, bossy. I know this from experience with both. Nuf said.