all you men out there, did you here what brian had to say here. a lot of these agencies are just a person writing these letters for the ladys who never even see them. another case proven. some of you men just refuse to hear it. my two female friends former agency writers in kyiv say it is very common thing to do . you just dont know. but he did as i did to one women. send flowers and get a picture taken and also attach some specific requests on a letter with the flowers. try to by pass the agency. now are you going to say that he stirred the pot wessman? he pretty much repeated what happened to me. i was angry but now i am more aware and educated and calmer. hey brian , i will send you an e-mail sometime today. it is now 9:20pm est in usa.
most of the agencies do not do it and not supposed to do it. get personal information about that lady, her home address, phone number. talk to her first./ then, when you are making trip plan ask for quotes for several travel agents, form that ;lady's agency and so on. in any even, that lady's agency will help you when you get to that city, especially if help is needed with the translation and everything. they will be your real guide there if lady doesn't speak English well.
actually the lady I refer to is from Moldova. I have visited the US Embassy Moldova website, visited it while in Chisinau (the capital) and written to a Consualte Representative. Though I am aware of the rhetoric often heard regarding the near impossibility of a Russian woman getting a Visitors Visa - I have yet to find any concrer information on that, especially in regard to the US (as opposed to the UK from which I hear the same discouragement) Ihave also yet to hear anything specific regarding Moldova (as opposed to the other FSU countries).
OFFICIALLY (as I was told by the Consulate Representative) a decision can only be made after an interview. I have also read (somehwere) that the liklihood of being granted a Visitors Visa is based on past history at any particular embassy with Visitors Visa holders actually returning.
But you said that the they (the US Government?) are not granting ANY Visitors Visa to FSU ladies. I wondered what your source for that was.
Why are you hell bent in knocking FSU women???
Yes, there are women/Ivan scammers and crooked agencies in FSU, but after one full year of searching and making fsu lady friends left and right, I have not been scammed once because I have done my 'due diligence'.
You, like many others who refuse to lay the blame where it should be, obviously have not. That's why you spent money on a scammer.
Anyone who wastes money on anyone they have never met run the astronomically high risk of getting scammed. End of story.
And you have nobody else but yourself to blame for it.
"No tiene la culpa el chancho, si no el que le da de comer"
"It's not the pigs fault that it's such a pig, but the one who feeds it."
There seems to be mixed signals regarding tourist visas. I have e-mails from cousulates in Kiev, Minsk and Moscow that state well over half of the tourist visas are approved. Presumably, there might be a age factor. ie: a 25 y/o is invited by a 50 y/o or something that otherwise looks funny.
alternatively, are there nice vacation places where a russian does not need a visa for a second visit with a man ?
I am a 56 yr old widowed American. Been in contact with a beautiful Russian woman for about 3 yrs now. She is college educated, St. Pertersburg, and speaks fluid english. Our conversations have gotten serious. My looking into a future with this woman seems very complicated. I've read about my having to visit her in Russia and then the fiance visa. Is pursing further all this complicated? Not a show stopper, but would like some personal info from experienced folks on this.
The fiance visa is a fairly big production, but right now you have the cart in front of the horse.
Right now, the best fares from New York to Peterburg are in the 600 to 700 dollar range, and Russia just made getting visas faster, easier, and cheaper. Get yourself over there ASAP!
What you have based on your correspondence, deep as it may have been, is little more than a house of cards. Time to show up in person!
If you need any advice with practicalities, post questions here, or to me by PM on this forum.
The advice that Durak gave you in the above post is spot on. You have nothing until you meet in person, that is when the romance begins. You will however have quite a good head start because of your prior communications with her. Yes, you will have to visit her in person, and then get her a fiance visa if you want to bring her to the US on a trial run or to get married. After you meet in person and get to know her in St Petersburg, you might want to take a vacation together before bringing her to the US. There are places she can go without getting a visa, just not most of Europe or the US.
You need to get to St Petersburg NOW as their weather is beginning to change, and you will enjoy any of those cities more if you visit in the warm weather as there is plenty to see and do. Right now is a good time to go as the weather is still good, but you won't be paying the high airfare that I paid to St Petersburg a couple of months ago.
If you need any help or travel advice, feel free to post or PM me anytime.
Clyde,, as Durak has said, get over there and see who she is..
3 years of mail will not give you all of what you need to know about her.
visa's and all that bureaucratic crap isn't the complicated part of all this as weird as it sounds.
its finding that good match,, you may have a good chance here.
dont let your mind wonder around on "ifs and buts" and emails.
mail alone is not good enough to think this far ahead on something that may or may not happen.
but since you are thinking of it, get over there,,,, you will enjoy it
and they are fantastic at looking after ya
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