Ditch the paranoia, mate...
The same could be said of both of us, and almost everyone else in this forum.
Aren't we also looking to improve our potential marital living conditions' by seeking women from other countries because what is available to us at home just doesn't cut it, is not good enough or we simply believe we deserve better?
And if we're not prepared, willing or able to offer her better living conditions than what she has at home what right do we have to ask them to leave everything behind in such drastic manner.
I want my FSU woman to wish for better living conditions. I see it as part of the package.
Totally disagree with you. If I even sniff that the only reason that somebody is interested in me is to "improve their living conditions" I'm off. Already done it once. Will do it again in a heartbeat.
That aspect of this is a byproduct not the essential reason. Yes I am seeking a woman in Russia because I am looking to improve my prospects but that is a two way street in a man/woman relationship sense. Not because she gets to use a dishwasher and shop at the local mall.
Fortunately the lady I have found doesn't care about that aspect of this she is genuinely interested in me. There is nothing wrong with her living conditions now. I don't have much to offer except me! That should be good enough. If anything else enters into this then that would make her the equivalent of the usual western woman.
Where is the paranoia regarding this? My paranoia has been a good friend to me for many years and hard earned. It is usually right and has saved me a lot of hassle in the past with employers, women, governments etc. If it feels like they are out to get you, then they probably are.
There is manufacturing where I work. The workers suspected there was going to be a pogrom. Local newspaper talked about it. High up manager day after denied it. Don't listen he said it is all lies. Then day after that they laid off all the workers. No warning nothing. It wasn't a surprise to them I guess they were "paranoid". Nothing wrong with a healthy dose of paranoia.
I am ALSO looking for better living conditions. I do not think that there is something wrong with it.
I do know that in US if I have a job I will always get salary that is enough to pay for housing and food. That is why I want to live in US. Fifty dollars is the maximum month’s salary that I can earn in Novosibirsk. I prefer to live better.
I am looking for American man. And I know that there is a large cultural difference and adjustment can be a disaster. But I am looking for security and comfort and I am looking for a relative soul.
I know that a lot of American men are spoiled by feminism culture when people live in the family like “I plus I family”. I am looking for “We family”.
So do not be afraid that Russian woman is looking for better living conditions.
Like I said, wanting a better way of living for her has to be part of the package...NOT the main or only reason why she wants to be part of my life.
I could never in good conscience wish for someone to devote her life to me if I didn't believe I can reciprocrate by being a loyal, loving and 'providing' husband.
I think what you disagree with me falls under the 'providing' part of the formula. But it's a part only
Maybe what you call paranoia I call caution...it turns into paranoia if and when it prevents us from enjoying what we already have in front of our eyes and at hands reach.
You'll have a great time wih Marina..(but not with her dentist..:)
and I'll have a glorious time with Lena, (who knows how it will go with her family) and if the caution flags start rising we'll deal with them at the proper time.
I'm not going to let any of the potential concerns rob me from all the fun, happiness and pleasure I'm about to enjoy.
At this time, I have to rely on the honesty Lena has treated me with and the leg work I've done to get me to this point.
Hmmm.. I am actually considering moving to Ukraine... SO how does that work Bariga? Would you do that or is that A red flag for you? See My money goes WAY further there.... and I work as an expat overseas..... and I figure I dont have much going on at home so why rip some girl away from her family when its possible I could live there, at least for A few years. Maybe later move to the US if we hate it there.
But I understand A better enviroment has its allure, at the same time I totally agree with Izza... I want someone that loves me, for who I am and how I treat them..... To me I dont understand why women cannot understand the most basic way to please A man.... Appreciate him for the man he is, not what he has. Now if you love the man and the man happens to provide A better enviroment then so be it... and if you only allow yourself to encounter those types but still wait for love then I think thats fine, as long as the SOLE purpose is not improving living conditions.
Good luck Bagira I hope you find the rich man of your dreams.
This whole $50 a month thing doesn't hold water. If the country that you live in allows you to live comfortably on $50 a month then it is the same thing as $5000 a month in the USA. It is the same thing. Wished I did earn $5000 a month but I don't:)
I lived in Guatemala for a while. At that time it was the second poorest country in the western hemisphere after Haiti. It was great for me because the money went a long way but those that lived there did ok. I know because I actually lived amongst them. Life went on.
Bagira this is a simple situation. A woman has to love me for who I am not what I can bring to the negotiating table. If she genuinely wants me then great, everything I have I will share with her and if that means her standard of living is going to improve fantastic. I am happy for her but it must not be the primary motivation. I am not running a relief organisation I am trying to find a wife. The whole point of looking in FSU is because the women there supposedly do not care about these things they are looking for a decent guy who they can build a life with. Apparently they are hard to find at home for a variety of reasons that has been commented on ad infinitum. There is nothing wrong with you looking for security and comfort, we all want that, but that should not even be in the running when looking for a husband or wife. Suppose the guy beats you but gives you money to spend in the shops. Is that ok? No of course not. Yes but you have security and comfort (at least when he isn't belting you)!!
Alternatively perhaps he is a charming fellow and loves you very much but can't keep a job to save his life. That is messed up also. There has to be a happy medium.
For me she has to genuinely, honestly care for me first. I offer myself not a bank balance. You talk about the cultural difference and adjustment difficulty. I respect this but you must look at it from the mans viewpoint also. For me this is going to be a financial strain, I am not wealthy. I am not broke either but it is going to take a lot of planning, juggling and general money sense. Then there is the legal aspect. I have dealt with the authoriites twice already and it isn't something that you do lightly. It is very serious and there are no guarantees. The pain of making this happen is very much a two way street. For you a cultural difference, for which there will be a simple fix when everything settles, a plane trip back home. If you really don't like it you can go home permanently. Leaving behind you the guy in a financial bind he might take years to climb out of.
You are the one bringing up paranoia Toad. Not me. Why did you mention it? Where is the relevence? I don't get it. I tend to be paranoid of Mexican policemen, groups of blacks in bad neighbourhoods and women whose primary motivation is to use me to better their lives in a financial sense. Caution or paranoia? Call it what you will I want no part of it.
I can not live comfortable on $50 in Novosibirsk. I had real income 10 times more before Soviet Union disintegration. It is not enough for food and clothes. I had to have strong restrictions on type of food that I can buy – almost no meet, milk, fruits. Most potatoes and pasta. I hate it.
All people are primary looking for relationship (I do not like to talk about love – it is too hurt) and at the same time money is freedom. Freedom to work only from 8 to 5, not all Saturdays and Sundays. If people are not going to have kids it is OK for man not to have enough money for two. His wife can work in this case.
I am not looking for a rich man. I really afraid that I will not be able appreciate his new refrigerator or a house. He can be proud of them not me.
I really can appreciate only his care about me – may be even I can confuse politeness and care.
I am afraid that most men who are looking for a Russian wife is from families where his Dad “sets rules”. For him it is not possible to ” set rules” with a Western woman. That is why he is looking for dependent person from Russia.
I think that most US - Russian marriages that are finished after 2-3 years because of this men’s attitude to their Russian wifes.
mexican cops....bbbrrrr....that's one paranoid thought I agree with 100%, lol...yikes!!
Izzi, my original comment arised from your reaction about what you read in this thread, not anything in particular you got from Marina. Along the way I have also dropped dozens of FSU women like bad habits when they showed me their main goal was their personal gain, salvation or satisfaction.
Look at it this way for a moment...Does it seem fair to our ladies that at this stage of the game, with one foot on the plane to Russia and after all the work we've done to learn about and grow fond of these women to let a post comment or years past raise doubts that may have no reason to exist?
I believe what I know of my woman already is enough to put those concerns to rest for a long nap. Heck, if they wake up, I'll deal with them, then...
Most men would simply run for the hills when we read the stories of ID and other men married to FSU women.
I'm definitely getting a local florist bring me fresh roses at the airport in Frankfurt. What are your plans for that?
I understand your predicament. I sympathise. Believe it or not it was similar for me when I lived in England. Contrary to popular belief the UK is not a very wealthy place for most people. I lived in virtual poverty for many years there. I escaped just as you are trying to do. I don't know anything about that partucular city where you live in Russia. I know it is not like that for my lady friend.
I understand a little better now but I would keep quiet about this aspect of your goal as it would easily spoil possibly a potentially good relationship.
If you think that I am looking for a subservient Russian wife you would be wrong. Is that what the thing about the house where Dad sets the rules? No, I want a wife who is a true partner, someone who can be trusted and will seamlessly work with me to build a family and future. Someone I can be in step with for the rest of my life. Not someone to push around or carry either. If it turns out that my future wife is better at finances than me or anything else for that matter I will, step down and give control over. The talent has to be used where it is best suited. A team not a dictatorship. Couldn't get that with my last wife but have high hopes for my future one.
My resurection of this old thread was not because I do not trust Marina. Far from it I think I have struck gold. I think that she is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I can't believe my luck. And if you could see the picture I am looking at now you would agree!! No, I was actually shocked that Olga would have said something that is so far removed from everything else I have ever read.
I don't think so. From what I have gleaned so far women in FSU don't really want to leave. Many of them have no particular love for the USA. I have seen many, many listings where they specifically say only Europe or Germany or even nobody from the USA please. The resurection was one of sarcasm not doubt. I think you may have misunderstood my reasoning.
This florist thing I haven't fully thought out. I like your idea. But if it isn;t too expensive I would just buy some inthe airport. The thing is I don't remember buying flowers in an airport before. I don't remember seing a florist in there. There must be I just don't recall. How are you going to do this and are the flowers going to be ok on the flight?
I read your comment again and I really feel for you. I really do. There is nothing worse than being trapped by a situation like yours. Managing to survive but only just and no prospect of any future other than next week. I really hope you find someone who can help you to escape this situation.
I apologise if I offended you I did not mean to. I am sure that you will find someone but once again I would keep this particular reason for your search quiet. It really could wreck something good.
Most guys here like Toad, Freebird and myself would all agree on this point. Although we don't mind helping we want to be loved for who we are not because we can possibly remove someone from a bad economic situation.
Your comment was very honest and believe me I can relate.
When I first came to America I was 'trapped' in a job for 7.5 years. I couldn't go back to England, I couldn't get legal, I couldn't leave and I couldn't get another job. Meanwhile I lived quite well, often had more money than many of my American friends. I was a prisoner with golden chains. I was subject to the whims of my boss. He was a moody character and you never knew which way he would jump from one day to another. My entire life hinged on his mood that day. It was a horrible way to live for the bulk of the '80s. Eventually I escaped but I would never want to go through that again.
You are right money is freedom. I agree. However the pursuit of it in America can sometimes suck the life out of you. Unfortunately it is like gripping the tigers tail. It is a fast ride but don't let go because there are big teeth at the other end! Good luck to you, you deserve better than what you have. You have courage to do what you are doing and speaking your mind.
Yes there are scammers in FSU and girls looking to get out of A bad situation... Sorry guys this is directed at people that decide to step on land mines..... If you cant see a scammer coming then where have you been living? In a hole?
"Along the way I have also dropped dozens of FSU women like bad habits when they showed me their main goal was their personal gain, salvation or satisfaction" Yep!
Sorry FSU girls but you have NOTHING on your western counterparts... Unless I just had some seriously bad luck... but then I would be alone here.
These girls scamming can be seen A mile away... A basic instinct is to detect insincerety.... I know I myself have ignored flags when getting involved because I wanted them that much ( With AW )... arent we all older and beyond that? I mean we have all been there done that got the T-shirt.
My point is this... I will date anyone I find attractive is the age difference is realistic.. If I detect any insincerety on theyre part its over.. period. If a girl appreciates my financial status I dont mind.... if shes my wife its hers anyways as long as she really loves me.
A girl that complains when I spend too much on her, will only get more.
A girl that complains when I dont spend enough, will only be complaining to herself.
Bariga I did not mean you are not A sincere girl.... I am just saying that in my opinion.. the girl should be carefull about where her feelings go.... be wise in your decision about your mate.... as long as you really love him.
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Where did you post it?
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What are you trying to prove?
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Why is it not very good results?
Why is it spam?