Toader, who is this guy Olegnay I called the office today and they can not tell me who he is, I have asked him several times but he avoids me. This is the guy that now is sticking up for these agencies while a week or two ago he wrote this scathing letter about how crooked is. My feathers are all mussed up!
I find Asian women are beautiful as well as European, though I genereally do not like the way Phillipinos look and most of the Southern Asian countries, but Chinese and Japanese women with there pale complections and exotic looks are just damn sexy. Also about Japan that you would'nt which is odd but that out of all the countries in the world Japan and America are more alike, in culture, humor, ideas, and and way of thinking. I watched a movie in Malta once and found that me and my friends laughed at totally different points in the movie than the locals, what we found funny they didnt and what they found funny we didnt, but in Japan are humor was equal and when talking to the girls we never had to worry about offending them, but when talking to Russian girls it seemed like we offened them at least 2 times a day.