That's a thing that pissed me off in St Petersburg, going to museums etc. I had to pay around the triple fee compared to the natives:-/ it's still cheap but the principle is very wrong, bloody discrimination!!
Jetmba is right on the money with his observations of the sponsership thing. And he's correct about the perception of wealth just because we are American. I spent three months in Ukraine. These two factors will ultimately contribute heavily to the failure of our mission to find our future mate in the FSU. I have seen in many other threads the comment about how FSU women have no issue with the age difference. This is myth gentleman. although you can tell your girl you are not rich she will not entirely believe you. It is assumed you have big money. Why? Because you are there and you are American. Therefore she see you as rich and a potential husband who can provide her a better life or be her sponser. I was told this by my interpreter. To prove this she asked me to open my eyes and look around. How many beautiful young girls did I see sitting on the bus in the arms of a much older man? None! How many beautiful young girls did I see in the arms of a much older man on the metro? None!
How many in the BMW'S? Many! In the expensive restaurants? Many!
See the correlation gents? When I was there I went after the hottest girls I could find. All had local sponsers and almost all had no intentions of screwing that up. They had it made and had no desire whatso ever of leaving their lives in Ukraine. Wealth and power go a long way in every country of the world. FSU is no exception.
I saw on single big shiney black Hummer of the streets of Chisinau in April. Couldn't miss it. It was prominantly parked at fancy restaurants on differnt days. Who ever owned that thing could have probably had his pick of any of the beautiful women on any street. They ALL swooned.
The wealth that it represented and that must have been possessed by the owner made it an incomparable icon - and EVERYONE was aware of it.
the world is small. I know the guy who is the owner of that Hummer. Not personally, but I know about his business. Indeed he seems to have funds. And many connections....
I know that he is a big guy. I mean physically, he's tall, and imposing. Probably 6'5" (to those of you who deal in centimeters that's about 196). My lady pointed him out to me at the grocery store at Sun City. Sound like the same guy?
I am not informed about his physical appearance. But as there is only one single Hummer in town yet, it should be him for sure.
By the way: I agree completely with you regarding sponsorship and others in former SU. There is no sense to see this part of the world too blue-eyed and not recognizing the reality.
Another thing I might mention is that in Chisinau - everyone of any importance or wealth has at least one bodyguard. Here in America we know celebrities like Britney Spears and Whitney Houston have them - and major political figures at the upper echelons. But in Chisinau where you really can't count on the police - they are all over the place.
In fact when talking about a "VIP" or any succesful person, the description always seemed to include that he had recently built a new house (a lot of construction but only for the wealthy going on) and that he had (multiple) body guards.
Since my lady only saw this guy get out of the Hummer - its possible that he was one of the bodyguards.
When I began looking for an apartment of hotel in Chisinau - I was breifly registered with a company that catered specifically to American businessmen. They offered to provide translators and a car and driver when I needed one. And they iformed me that they could provide bodyguard services as well for $30 per day. Honestly, I thought the idea was absurd. Why would anyone need a bodyguard? But having arrived in Chisinau I realized, again, that everyone had them. I further realized that having one would have been very prestigious. (Or at least not unpresigious - as not having one was.)
you pointed it out correctly - it is "prestigious". But in opposite to your opinion, bodyguards can be seen very seldom over daytime. More often in show the "importance". Anyway, it may help you getting free from being hassled of little street crooks or while being in disco.
All and everybody wants to show what he can afford.
A good friend there is for sure in a very comfortable financial situation. Knowing him now for more than 2 years I never saw him with a bodyguard.
Bodyguards are often active or former policemen or military-officers.
New houses? Right, especially many ones build from members of the local authorities with a monthly salary of $100,-... Long live shadow economy :-)
When I said $30 per day I was not necessarily talking about the daylight hours. Of course, there would be more need for them at night. And of course, that is when you might want to impress others with them and show off your importance.
I never got close enough to any real VIPs (I was only there three weeks) to see any bodyguards during the day though I did see some entourages from a distance which likely included bodyguards. But they were always mentioned with importance.
When I started dating in the internet I got quite a lot letters. All americans wrote : I have this and have that, I can provide family and so on. They all wrote about material things first. Im not suprised all these things happen in FSU...
My british boyfriend wrote the trouth, that hes in really bad situtation because of the devorce and can lose everything. He wasnt even devorced. He just wanted to talk, nothing else. I didnt care he have money or not hes just so smart, kind and handsome bloke. He is not allowed to travel Russia because of hes job. If he was that kind of sex tourist I never started to talk him.
Annika77 - we are just talking about Moldova here and the differences in the economy vs. the western economies and practices that we are familiar with. I have a good income but I am not rich. Everyone tries to put on a good face where ever they go - so of course I hope to impress rather than not to - just as a woman puts on makeup and her best clothing - because she want to look her best. She wants to make the best impression possible, just as I do.
Your accusation of anyone being a "sex tourist" here though is typical of the conclusions you generally jumpt to. It is negative, judgmental and just plain wrong. I look for a wife. That is my goal.
If I have a little fun along the way - learning about different cultures and their development and spreading the news, both good and bad, then there is nothing wrong with that.
You can accuse me of being a "sex tourist" or materialistic all you want. But you are flat out wrong.
Lighten up a little - and stop being so critical.
I bet that to you every glass is 1/2 or 1/4 or 1/8th empty. Nothing is every ever half full.
With the exception of your references to your great and glorious boyfriend - you are the most critical and condemning person I have ever heard of.
Intersting that you would use the word bloke? Doesn't sound like a word of someone with your vernacular would use?
As far as your boyfriend losing everything welcome to the real world my friend. I was a member of the "Evil Material World" divorce for males gives them a reality check into what you once
had and what you have now. Now I have my freedom, and their is no
amount of money that can compensate for that. I have downsized my life a lot and I am happier for it.
Jet is correct in his assumption. Not all of us are material.
Lighten up little lady. Also I would be concerned with talking with a man that is going through a divorce. When I was going through mine and a year after I didn't want to have a damn thing to do with a women. Not because I was bitter. I just had to heal
emotional and financial wounds. Losing everything taught me a
valuable lesson in life. It isn't about things, though I appreciate the comforts I have and I will always try to improve
my living situation.
So my advice to you my dear is "Caveat Emptor" with the man going
through a divorce.
As far as us being "Sex tourists" it would be cheaper for me
to fly to Las Vegas financially, find a high class hooker and leave without any emotional stress. So get a clue Annika. I'm going to meet a wonderful lady here in a month and the last thing
on my mind is getting laid. I won't say that it won't happen but it is not on my list of things to get accomplished in our meeting. It's not like this would be my first lap around the virtual sexual racetrack. Plus at my age sex has to have a little
deeper meaning.
So my advice Annika is don't pass judgments on people you don't know. For all we know, Jet or any one of the other "Blokes" in
here could be one of the finest men you might ever come across in you life. Also it takes a remarkable woman to bring out the best in a man. At this stage in your life my dear you can't see the forest for the trees. So take the critical and condemnation glasses off for a while and try to see life for what it is. It is
extremely amazing and wasting time busting someone's ball's is not part of it.
No doubt Annika77 picked up "bloke" from her boyfriend.
My Latvian lady had never heard the word "excellent" before, but I used it and she looked it up in her vocabulary. She like it and used it quite a few times after that (always with a beautiful smile). I think its kind of cool.
Yes you are right I really picked it up and I havent even idea its something negative, is it? Excellent-we sort of studied that word at school. And its really sounds nice.
And dont worry Mike-we are "posh" again. My boyfriends exhusband found another fool. These british housewives know how find men!
Annika dear, posh as in fashionable or like as in money -halfpenny? But this really alludes me--My boyfriends exhusband found another fool.I got the put down on British women with the British housewife remark but it sounds like your boyfriend is gay or was gay married to a guy, what's up with this?