Congrats trad hope all is well, as things are here.. Am now a married man and everything is G8 all went very smooth.
I hope all goes as well for you as it has for us.
Well just thought I would report in:-)))) Everything in the garden still very rosy. Am still finding out new things, sometimes I am taken aback a little, but I have found that I am living with an incredible woman.
Famtastic to cme home to a warm house, smelling of home cooking, dinner on the table and a beer opened, I have taken to washing up, she found this strange to start with but is ok now:-)) and she was a little disconcerted when I started cooking dinner one weekend, but now she loves for us to spend time in the kitchen making dinner together.
What I love most is when she gives me an ironed shirt, or brings me a beer and I say thank you, she always says it is her pleasure, with a smile on her face....I am a lucky man.....western women, you can keep them
Glad to know things are going well.
It's refreshing to read your 'reports', even if you keep the juicest details out for obvious reasons...;))
I'm surprised annika or some other resentful western(ized) scorned wench hasn't attacked your anti-feminist type of relationship yet.
Opened beers??? Ironed shirts???...COOKED MEALS????
Boy, you're asking for it, you slave driver, you...:))
I spent the Thanksgiving weekend with my kids visiting family and friends in Northern Calif.
Last Thrusday, just as the turkey was being carved, prayers were being offered by hypocritical semi drunk slobs and toasts were flying across the table I took morbid delight in announcing the following speech:
"Dear friends and relatives, I have come with my children to celebrate yet another one of our infamous disfuctional family get togethers that I've grown to enjoy to so much over the years.
But this year, I not only come with the usual cases of Argentinian wine, I also brought some news about my personal life that I know all of you will take morbid pleasure in tearing to shreds...specially you, Martha (family matriarch feminist - unwed, of course)
I have decided months ago that I no longer seek to get involved with a US or western woman for any potential serious relationship. This means that you MUST STOP your perennial attempts to introduce me to your girlfriends, nieces, daughters, neighbors or other warm blooded female bodies you may have on your "Needs/wants/seeks a husband, call Toad" list. You're all 'excused' from your matchmaking efforts.
You have failed miserably, so you're all fired!!
Every woman you have introduced me to over the last decade has not even met my most basics expectations.
NO, John....Sorry to disappoint you, my dear closet homo, but I have not decided to switch teams to join the "Hershey Highway Hitchhikers Team", either...
Unlike most of you, I do not believe the earth is flat or that there is an abyss outside our continental borders that prevents anyone from this wonderful land to connect, interact or even fall in love with someone from another far away land like the one I originally come from. Quite the contrary.
Your dear Toad is going to find a woman from eastern Europe, marry her and hopefully live happily ever after with her.
Until this great life changing event takes place, I will not be keeping myself without sex, so keep sending me those desperate women you usually choose for me, but with the understanding that
one of my first questions to them will be 'are you a screamer or a moaner?'....Thank you very much, may Lord Bacchus bless you all..."
"iron shirts" is what wives did before they discovered that they could simply take them to the cleaners shop, who for a modest but cumulatively expensive fee would be happy to do the job the wives originally signed on to do but reneged once they discovered feminism.
Every time my ex bitched that her anniversary presents got smaller and cheaper every year, I said: "I decided, in the name of fairness, to split your gift with everyone you delegate your wifely duties with...the cleaners, the pizza parlor, the cook, the nanny, the babysitter, the maitre d's of all the restaurants you make reservations when you decide we are going out to eat for no reason whatsoever, etc etc etc..."
So that is what an ironed shirt is? Now that you come to mention it I do remember seeing one. Now who was it who could do that. Oh yes, I remember it was my mother!! That woman also knew how to cook, sew, take care of kids and hold down a part time job. I didn't know they still made that model. Seems you found someone rare Trad.