Some good points Bastard. I have been known to cross a few party lines myself. I guess you guys know in general I am conservative but I am not above voting for the best canidate. I have several democrates (yes thas a joke demo crates) here in Missouri that i do vote for and support but I know them individually. I understand their thoughts and have trust in them. As it has been said earlier anyone that aligns themself at the polar ends of issues are probable the stupid and yes Bastard the rest of us are somewhere in the middle. But can we at least all agree to dislike the French. I mean we need someone to
You are right the british soldiers can be hard bunch but I agree there is no one I would rather have on my side! My best friend growing up was half english and his family was quite a hoot.
"Groon, the US presidential election is over.
The majority of the people got what they voted for.
Bush won both the electoral college and the popular votes.
Deal with it. Move on.
It's time to heal your wounded liberal heart, mate.
Maybe it will be different in 4 years.
toad "
I have no idea what you are responding to. My post was not about the election. I voted for Bush and really don't care much about who's president. It will be the same regardless. But hat is a discussion for another day. We were talking about Human nature, weakness of character, and the stupidity of most poeple. Or rather my perception of the stupidity of the general public.