You sound very determined, so you will probably eventually succeed.
Olga and I regularly socialize with a couple who did exactly what you are doing. The only difference is the guy did not email to very many women. He had a couple of false starts, but kept trying and got lucky
I did not say snail mail was better because we want your translation business. Olga is about to go out on "maternity leave" and I have a real job. I say it is is better because it is a direct line to the physical location of women who really exist. It is the best way to make initial contact, and can save you a lot of time trying to figure out who you are really dealing with. That's all. With email there is a lot more static.
You got 20 good potentials out of 317 emails. I got 40 out of only 70 snail mails. Maybe it was just because I am such a handsome devil.
Again more power to you and keep up the good work. Just promise me you won't end up going over there umpteen times "in search of." It sounds like you are rally working on the 20 potentials so that when you do go your chances of success will be very high. Don't foget to keep asking them for RECENT photos and lots of 'em, and keep sending them RECENT photos of yourself and lots of 'em. That tends to really accelerate the weeding out process.
I have to admit - the snail mail idea seems to be a good one.
I actually met my lady through an organized Romance Social, which admittedly has potential risks. But I DID have the "time of my life!!
I see risks as well regarding letter writing of bth types (email and snail mail) but it sems that there is less potential for scammers using snail mail - and I have noticed that Russian girls love to write.
I do disagree with a point you made in another post. I limited my search to Russian women who could speak English and I've always been glad that I did. My theory is that will such a large available population I can afford to limit my scope somwhat. And through active and spontaneous verbal communication with her (since she is not struggeling to learn another language) I am able to discover more about her versus her translator.
That was kind of a cheap shot. I don't really have any interest in online dueling or pissing-matches, and am trying to avoid getting into one with you. However, I am not one to let a cheap shot go by.
I was trying to help you, not market you. Olga doesnot sell Russian women's addresses. She is not in the crooked, so-called "marriage agency" business, and your insinuations that she is are not appreciated or welcome. Olga is in the communications business. And believe me, she is not interested in working with stubborn, know-it-alls. Being naieve and inexperienced is one thing, but thinking you know it all when you don't is another. For one thing, guys with your attitude almost always end up in train wrecks and don't make good references as a result.
Your reply above is frought with poor assumptions, false statements, and just plain ignorance about "the process." Your approach is not a good one at all. It wreaks of corner-cutting and cheapness. And those, among other things will bring your more headaches than results.
You have also demonstrated complete ignorance and lack of foresight about what it will really be like should you be lucky enough to get a nice Russian girl over here and married to you.
But again, I am not interested in getting into it with you, so I am not going to detail each and every one of your false statements and assumptions.
Live and let live, I always say. One man's hell is another's paradise. etc. No more cheap shots or libelous statments about my wife's business from you - no more sharp comebacks from me. Sound fair?
And as always, the best of luck to you and we really do hope you succeed, no matter what crazy approach you use. I say this with all sincerity. Each success and happy ending makes it better for all of us - for those who are already married to Russian women, as well as for those who will come after you.
Doug you are seriously mistaken I only point out to you that we are aware of these methods and I did not say anything about your wifes service other than your intent is to sell it here. I did nothing to insult you or her. Here you come out though to show your colors as My only statement was to be honest and admit up front that you are here to sell your method of correspondance that I might add that $15 per letter is outrageous but I left others to make that decision for themselves. I have done nothing to hinder your efforts only ask that you be more honest with us here. I did so in a very non confrontational way that was meant in a light hearted fashion. But if you must know I will invite your to sell your business elsewhere as I feel you are not a stable person. The simple fact is I welcomed you here. I invited you to share knowing you had an agenda and I simply smiled and said yes thats interesting. You seem to be the one with some kind of axe to grind and to be honest I will not put up with it at all. If you have a problem then I would be happy to address it with Oleg and see what is thoughts on your sales here are. Again if you want to share go ahead if you are interested in making sales then I honestly am not interested...sorry nothing personal and again you are mistaken to think I have any ill will in any of my above statements.
Please make up your mind as in one statement I am so wise and focused and the next I am pissing in your oatmeal. Please make up your mind so as not to confuse the good people here. Makes it hard to understand your motives.
Funny I went back again and just can't find these insinuations. Maybe you have some kind of special vision I don't. It clearly says that we understand the acts of these angencies and I refer to them as they and not you. Again I think you are very mistaken in your attack and would appreciate an apology. But I will not loose any sleep over it one way or another. Maybe we are paranoid? It takes nothing to see your attempts to advertise your site here and I think for the most part we have been very polite to you. I still see no justification for your malicious attack.
I see they have already cut out your last thread attacking a member that questioned your motives so I can't refer to it but I have reread your outlandish post again I would love to hear our list of my poor assumptions, false statements, and just plain ignorance. Seems to be you have only done this once and I fail to see how it makes you an expert on all the other methods available. You have no better proof of a real person on the end of a letter than you do a person on the end of the email. Simple truth is the only reason your method is better in your eyes is it will make you money. I will bet that my methods involving email, mail, and phone calls gives me the same information and a better sample of the available women. Simple truth is I have chosen from 312 while you chose from 70. I did it 3 months to find the finalist for $90. I have writen over 800 letters so yes it is so much cheaper than your method. At $15 per letter with your communication agency I fail to see how it is any faster, anymore ecconomical, or the ladies will be any more real than the methods I have used. The simple difference is I do it much faster for less. There is no crime in being smart. There is no crime in saving money. There is nothing wrong with my aproach or the quality of the women I have found in my search. Numbers do not lie and simply put I feel my method was more effective.
Again folks many of you know why I posted this information. It was brought up in other threads so I shared my information openly for all to see. I never expected to be attacked for sharing such but I guess you must always be on guard. I offered it up front as a for entertainment only. I have no service, no agency, no personal axe to grind. I share my experiences for the good of the group and others interested in what goes on here. My education is in Information technology and the simple truth is we live in a world of numbers and patterns. The best chance at any information being worth while is that you collect as much as posible and then focus on the higher quality information that is only found in demanding research and yes statistics. I have found my numbers are very similar to those found on other sites that are experiencing these same methods. No amount of letter writting or any magical method will change the fact that when I find her I will know and it will be finished. The world is full of better mousetraps but a caught mouse is still a couaght mouse no matter how you caught it.
Doug, I found my now wife through this agency, she had her own email, she speaks English. I agree with shaggy47435 snail mail does not fit the style of many of us. You're an American right? you should know. It is called "instant gratification", our whole lifestyle revolves around it, we cannot wait too long and there's nothing wrong about it. As far as I am concerned, Russian girls cannot wait too long either and those who try to delay things, they're likely scammers trying to milk you. I also agree with Martin_UK, visiting there and seeing the women in person is the only way to verify yours and her feelings and progress the relationship if there is one.
When I started in mid-2002, in fact, I intended to do a snail mail campaign (the term wasn't trademarked at the time). I bought unlimited access to women's profiled on AFA. I spent about 4 weekends carefully selecting which ones interested me. At the end of this process, it hit me: out of 40000 records on a database that was going back at least 5 years, how the hell I knew all these women are still available? If the woman is not available and she doesn't reply, how long do I wait until I cross her from my list? snail mail takes a minimum of 2 weeks to get there (if you get very lucky), so even if she replies right away, you're looking at 1 month+ for 1 letter cycle. The only solution is letter forwarding where they scan your letter and picture, email them to their office in Russia, then the local office prints your documents and mails in local mail. I sent snail mail to one woman from Latvia whose address I bought from another site. I had to request verification service from the psot office, so I made sure the letter would not get lost. They ended up collecting 5 signatures, it took over a month to get there and they had the girl go to the post office to pick up the letter. In her reply, she asked me to use the phone for communication because it was awfully long wait with the snail mail!
In my mind, email is the most efficient way to contact ladies in FSU, good, honest agencies do add value. A good agency can find things for you and even bridge the cultural gap. Another agency through which I contacted a girl in Russia helped me communicate with her when there was a misunderstanding. They had an office in a nearby city and they called her at home, they verified her, asked for her phone number. Since then I called her on the phone and wrote her email.
An agency is much more than a translation service. Are there bad agencies? sure, so what. When you find soemthing is wrong you move on. The few agencies that I ended up dealing with turned out honest people. For me agency/email worked well. Maybe I'm lucky or devilish handsome :)