agency will know you called the girl? And as I tried to excplain before (nobody dont listen me of course) normal Baltic girl dont go to agency but use all kind of International dating sites.
Usually young people speak good english too. Im very much afraid these girls are some sort of lusers or work for tourism. And of course agencies make money, its business why you complain, you choosed that way of dating.
Im maybe stupid but why "loving couple" let agency organize their life? Why girl cant tell her phone number SEACRETLY? How agency control what you do? Im sure all young people study english at school in Baltic states, SOME english your girlfriend speak or she was at school for mentally ill! If you go to bed with your girfriend, does agency make your job ,guys!
If you expect to do all your work for you, forget about it.
If in your letters the girl won't give your her phone number or address after corresponding awhile, forget about it. I think you
frustrate yourself too much buddy. Don't worry about contracts and
committments with agencies, If it doesn't work right for you move on
with you dollars and your feet. Spend more time concentrating on
a decent woman. I didn't ask mine for her address or phone number for
about three months of letter writing. Don't be in a hurry relax, enjoy the ride. I have also learned through my lady the frustrations she has had with her own agency. How difficult the relationship is with the girls and some agencies. It's a two way street. So if you are
looking for a redress of grievance with and some agency all you will get is more frustrated. Olegnay this is not a knock on, we as men have to have prudent responsiblilty on our own part. So Shaggy, if you have a problem don't use to resolve it, resolve it yourself. Spend more time searching for that lady that fits what you are looking for. Patience my friend, because when you finally find the one, that is the least of the difficulties you are going to encounter. Simplicity is the best advice here. Keep it simple without complications. It is like the theory of Estoppel in law, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a duck. If an agency and a lady aren't upfront with you it probablly isn't any good so move on my friend. Just be patient and relax.
i think you are missing shags point . he cannot get the womens adress and mobile phone to a woman because the agency edits out that part of his letter. and the agency is his only means of communication with that woman. she does not receive his request . do you understand now.
Annika the email is going threw the agency. I do not have the phone number to call because they will not let it through. It is the agency that wants contact to be through their services at a charge per minute. I get .017 Euros per minute why on earth would I want to pay $5 or more per minute. They want me to pay them for the chance to talk to her on the phone to get her phone number. That is the problem. The agency is screening our mail and will not let there ladies give out their personal contact information unless I buy a conference call with them from the agency. That is not how VIP membership is discribed when they take our money for this service. Oleg has told us that our email to and from the ladies should not be editted and to let them know if agencies are doing this. So this agency is doing this and I am told to simply purchase the call and move on. So yes it is against the rules but this agency is a big customer/partner so we will do nothing but suggest you buy the call that puts more money in both pockets. I just refuse to pay for the same service twice. Does not matter how much it cost. If you will read the threads carefully you will see that I am solving it my self through the agency and making this scam yes scam known to others that a large % of women from this agency are on this site and I am only asking to receive what I have paid for. If everyone else wants to just keep paying then go right ahead but the whole purpose of this site is that you get all these great features for this one low price. Not some of the features for this price and then extras to get these features. If it is not true then state it so fairly on the membership information. Thats all I want is it to be clear and it seems that would not serve the purpose here.
I understand perfectly well what is going on and yes it is business. It just is not very honest. I will shut up now as I see there are very few who believe there could be such happening but it does and it is. I just wish they could come strait out and say this is how it is and then enforce that policy. 10 minutes talking with the agency or changing the claims on the website would end it all. But hey doing nothing is easier and cheaper right. The other suggestion I had was to put the names of the agencies with the ladies so it will be easier to avoid the blood sucking agencies all together. I know Oleg says don't write any girls from agencies but now is that realistic? Not for me for again it is the majority of the listings. Sorry I just refuse to let this kind of crap go by without at least making them know we are not just so stupid. I will drop it as again I have made my point and then some. The actions of all parties here is self explanitory and anyone looking for information about these poor practices can read at their leasure.
After addressing it with the agency I have now received the direct contact information and I can continue to talk with this woman directly and I did not have to pay for the extra services that all wanted me too. It is just such a circus of misinformation that it would seem that many here would want such things to be much clearer. Anyway thanks to those who commented and debated this issue. I only wish we could see these things delt with more effeciently and with out the skirting of issues. It was very simple and strait forward. It is now solved at least with this woman. And if I helped one other person avoid an unneeded charge it was worth my time and effort. All we want is a level playing field.
A lot of families in Russia do not have home telephone numbers. I did get the telephone number only in 2002. Connection cost $100. I have been waiting for connection for 3 years. If I wanted to get connection earlier the cost would be $400. The average month incomes in Novosibirsk $100.
So do not be surprised that girl do not have telephone but have access to internet via internet cafe or from work computer.
Yes Bagira I do understand this and that is why I have continued with some that do not have the number. It is a judgement call but again in the letters I can usually tell the ones that are not real. I have sent calling cards to those without phones that they can call me direct from where ever. So though it apears that I am cheap or at least that is what they would like everyone to feel it is just that I am careful. Probably why I can do this sort of thing to begin with is I am cautious with my money. It is the only way for it to work for me and not against me.
Bagira are you from Novosibirsk. I have knowledge of some agencies there and would like your opinion if I might contact you directly?
Hell I only root for Antwone Randel El, he's my guy!! Being an IU grad
it's good to see one in the NFL, hell IU doesn't know what football is and now since they canned "The General" they don'w know what basketball is anymore, Go Texas Tech!!!
Indiana University- Well known for it's baketball program and hot-tempered coach who was ultimately fired for his chair-throwing antics and choking his players.
Dale E, also get is straight, The choking incident was bullshit and to know Bob Knight for who he really is and not the media hype is a different story. Three national championships, clean program and players that graduate is all I will ever need to know, along with most of them very successful in life. Knight is more than a coach but a teacher of life.
It seems we have more in common. I'm an Indiana boy at heart, but I went to ND and played for Dan Devine. There was a coach. First I met him, he came down out of his tower to walk across the field, grab me by the facemask, and chew me out for not flattening a wide receiver for running a lazy route during practice.
Plymouth Indiana is my home town. I remember Dan Devine, actually I dated his daughter Jill when I was in high school, she was pretty much a burn out. Well then you might have played with a buddy of mine that I played high school ball with. His Name was Pete Buchanan. Got to love those coaches that grab the face mask. I was able to get my
coach to bury his clipboard halfway in the ground blowing coverage during a scrimmage because I thought I would get cute and blitz off
the corner. I thought ND did Devine pretty shitty, the same way they did Lou Holtz. Oh well I still root for the Irish in football, but I'm crimson and creme when it is hardwood time.
Well first I must say lata that I am shocked you would post these letters including there contact information. Assuming you are from an agency you should show better respect to even the worste members. I would say that this letters will get the responses they deserve. I don't belive it is your duty to act on the ladies behalf. If she has ask you to filter these kinds of mail then by all means but this has nothing to do with the issues we are discussing. We were asking for contact information and asking for better quality of translation. I have found in many cases agencies added text to letters to fill in responses and left out other inportant parts of letters that could change the meaning entirely. My other point is Fiance.coms claim is x number of women. It does not clarify that most are from agencies that can't be trusted so just don't use them. That is such poor advise. If does not trust these agencies then simply drop them. Don't take money for business with scammers. It is an easy business choice.
I still think that you are correct that if they listed the names of the agencies it would make it easy to avoid the agencies we have trouble with while allowing the better agencies to use this service and help it to grow into a better more trusted business. One that many would use much more readily here in the states.
Shaggy just go to scam alert, all the crappy agencies are listed there. Plus a couple of other sites that list disreputable agencies.
then make the call on your own.
Yes I know it. I am just responding for lata's benefit. I just think if they listed the agency with the womens listing it would make it much easier. Would love it in the search engine.
I posted this parts from different letters of men for show you that some times situation is like this and that agencies working not only with men, but with women too. It's mean that all our clients (men and women) dear to us and we value all our clients.
As for my duty to act on the ladies behalf, can you imagin that almost all my clients agree with me and ask me help them to find a good, intelligent man for seriouse relationship, not for correspondence... More over, I will be not lie you, that when woman would like be our client, we disscuse this question in the begining... And can believe me, that all women agree with me and don't want lose time and recieve this kind of letters or spending their time for interminable correspondence. Some of women just don't know how to write a letter for foreign man (you can read womens forum for this subject), and my duty to explane it and help them. More over, most of my clients are a seriouse women with seriouse values, who looking forward a seriouse relationships, not for a take a pleasure of corresponding with some one or, like I said it already, for recieve this sort of letters...
As for translation, I do it and help with it to my clients and it's not just a words, if you need I can give you testimonials of different my clients about it...Problem is that I do my work, but you pay for another agency for this service...Yes, we collaborate with FC, I don't know can I say it or not, because not all my words, which I writing keep place here... But, yes, I understand that it's not a problem of men, it's problem of missunderstanding and not full agreement between FC and many agencies, the clients of whom are on this site. But, I repeat, it's still like this untill we'll be have a good understanding with FC and work for together for same reason and for same resultat.