I am bashing politics in general Shaggy. And I have not been here much either. If you bring it up, I will do my best to bring it down LOL. As for seeing you shaggy, Hello, how are you??
Crises yes crises for the poor everyday workers/people of Ukraine.
Politics in Ukraine is an absolute farce !!!!!!
That Yulia (one with the platted rope around her head) is a real problem. Yuchenko is a puppet !!!!
Elections going to be held end September then it will be all the same again round and round in circles just keeping themselves in a get fat job Buggar the people of the country !!!!!
The situation in Ukraine is much like the political struggles among the elite in America. It is just one group of crooks fighting another group of crooks for the right to plunder the citizenry and acquire more power over them. It is both a farce and a racket. Politics sucks.
Maxirat: I'm hoping things will still be stable in August - when I make my journey. I heard mor commentary in April from taxi drivers etc. regarding Ukrain politics than I had ever heard before.
Stevee: NOTHING about Ukraine is like it is in America.
NOTHING about Ukraine is like it is in America.
I did think of one thing while staying at a Holiday Inn.....the migration of people from north to south for the summers..and winters! :)))
You oust once president, and whether he gets back in or not makes f-all difference to the people living there - and makes only a difference to the people living outside (especially of their own nationality).
Ukraine has no oil or gas because Russia has it all. That's the politics
The only difference between the rulers in the America versus Ukraine, Russia, Nigeria, Australia is the way in which they take advantage of their citizens. Some are openly corrupt. Some are more sophisticatedly corrupt. In the US much like the UK, the establishment with the help of the press does a good job of maintaining a compliant population of suckers and freezing out anyone in politics who dare question the assumptions of the regime. In Russia, you may be shaken down by the government or the mafia (is there any difference between the motives of those two?). In the US, you may get shaken down by the official authorities (homeland security, IRS, your local zoning board) or the lawyers, etc. Ukraine politics is very close to politics in America in that the 2 parties in power are only concerned with getting more power and money all the while telling you it is for your own good. Just one of the most recent examples was the fact that the overwhelming majority of voters in the last US election turned against the endless Mid East war policy supported jointly by the only 2 approved parties, Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee. They voted Tweedle Dee for control of Congress, and what happens as a result? More blood and treasure are to be thrown down the rat hole that is this war all for the pursuit of power. You could argue that the US government is worse or better than Ukraine's government, but I don't think it is accurate to say that they are different in their goals or philosophy. Both groups are largely made up of liars and thieves, and people should recognize this charade for what it is no matter what country it is in.
Great opportunity for a guy like you to to be your own leader. You could play Tweedledum one day and Tweedledee the next. And declare elections any day of your choosing to vote yourself off the platform. Or even stage a violent coup against yourself.
Only two approved parties?? Wow I'm learning something new. When people start going to the voting booths or voting at all, and voting for statesmen instead of politicians is only when we will right ourselves here in the US. Overwhelming majority voted against the war. I beg to differ on that. If it was an overwhelming majority the Dems would be able to over ride any Veto Bush used. That isn't the case. So no mandate. No overwhelming majority, save the rhetoric. More Blood and treasure, really how soon we forgot the 3000 killed on 9/11. In three days at Gettysburg over 50,000 men died over a principle. We have lost our intestinal fortitude an until many understand this, the Islamic extremists will use it against us. Look what is happening in France now, finally someone in Europe is getting a clue.
In Ukraine, I saw and was there at the time of the Orange revolution, everyone proclaiming Yuschenko as the second coming, why? Because of his words? Well what was lost in all this is Yuschenko was the Banking Minister for the Corrupt Kuchma regime. Hmmm? No change there. Yulia Tomaschenko, booted for being corrupt. Way too much difference between Ukraine and the US to make even a half assed comparison.
Most are liars, really, no most are socialists and that is the true evil staring us directly in our faces. So writing and complaining does very little, getting involved does. Not just with lip service. Watching the debates now is really interesting. Yeah, the media props up it's celebrity candidates, but I've found Dr. Ron Paul to be very interesting. At least thought provoking. The biggest factor I've learned about Paul is his integrity is impeccable. A breath of fresh air, in the typical rhetoric. At least constitutionally speaking. If you want to make slurs against the parties there are two things to remember, you either voted for them, or you didn't vote at all.
I like when the anti war guys come here to cry about the overwhelming majority. Remember Clinton was going to have the most ethical administration and San Fran Nan said the same thing about congress, What has changed?