You're 37. I'm 47. Yet I was dating a 20 year old also. That was even WEIRDER.
But I agree with everything you wrote ESPECIALLY regarding Ukraine (NOT Latvia - where things are differnt). You make me envious that I am not in Ukraine again right now.
Guys - take FREES advice. Take a second job if you need to to get the money (its not that much anyway).
And definitely WORK-OUT. A paunchy older guy will be more successful over there than over HERE (meaning you will at least find SOMETHING) but a guy who is toned and in shape will do MUCH better.
Ukraine was like heaven on earth for me. Every woman I met was interested and I got a gorgeous one. FREE sould like he is having the same experience now.
Heaven on earth. I like that! And I agree. When I always have returned from the Ukraine or Russia I tell my friends it's a single man's dream. Free is right about not putting to much stock into the one girl your writing. Always have a plan B. Always! As he said many times the girls have not represented themselves correctly and sometimes they don't look as good as the picture you seen. But sometimes they look even better than the picture so keep an open mind. Have fun Freebird but be careful. Remember all the other post on here about the negative things that are going on over there. They still apply. Don't get drunk on bliss over there and get blind.
Well I am back.... My god I miss it allready. Nothing I can say will properly reflect the way I felt about my trip and what I saw and experienced. All I can say is I am humbled and I will NEVER date a worthless american bitch again. Im just going to sit here and mope for the next four months until I can return....
Advice from Free
1) Read RWG trip and scam reports.... getting a clear logical view of how others interactions will help immensely in making any decisions about selection.
2) Do not count on anything but dont cancel that trip over one woman. Go, whatever takes, god man, go!
3) Dont be arrogant, You will lower the quality of the women who will remain interested in you like this... I saw some other american men while I was there and trust me they had nothing to be so arrogant about... I was embarressed by them and hope they get gutted for treating such wonderful women that way.
4) Absorb it... dont rush any decisions... Be kind but dont rush in because you can find some truly amazing opportunities there... Be choosy about the type of woman you want because I think it is very possible to attain it there.
5) Immediatly buy toilet paper or bring it with you to your apartment..... trust me this is a big one.
Just got back from my third trip in one year to Kiev. Your first trip muses me because you felt how i felt. I promised myself to never waste my time with American women too. And i still wont . No miserable fatsos over there. My problem is trying to sort them out because it only gets better not worse. I actually would like to live there. Never had a toilet paper shortage in Kyiv.
Yo Free!
Great report. I was planning on going to SPB, but now you have me looking further south.
Pardon me if this is a stupid question, but what is "RWG"?
Russian womens guide web site... It is a site made by men dating and marrying FSU women. I dont have a link atm someone else has one here somewhere I think.
My only experience is with Ukraine... So I cant tell you about anywhere else.
My trip got alot more interesting then what I wrote but it is unresolved atm so I am waiting before I give any news ~)) things are looking very good! You could not tell what happened by looking at my report... things have a way of happening there. The one statement that struck me true was this.... When A russian woman likes you... YOU WILL KNOW IT! For me it is exact!
Mmm You are very correct free, you definably know alright. They go that extra distance don't they !!!!!! They know what strings to pull and switches to flick etc etc tce cet cct tte Dam I lost it. You brought back GOOD memories 2 me