I am wondering if I should have gone for a younger woman. Marina is 37 but looks like 27.
Nope, stupid idea. A girl like that one you have found Jet would kill me. I would be a whimpering idiot within a week. I wish you all the best luck in the world, she really is incredible. And the other one no wonder you had such a hard time choosing. Is it still illegal to have both? Can't something be done? A petition or something?
Try Utah..:))
The population of orthodox poligamist mormoms has exploded in the last couple of decades.
but like I said earlier, BEWARE!!!
Multiple wives has the gigantic disadvantage or bringing multiple mothers-in-law, as well...
You prove that you have excellent taste as well.
You know I playfully considered how might a guy bring TWO lovely ladies over. Not these two actually - there was another before who I met at the same time as my fiance.
I mean - not to get greedy or anything - but they DO seem to be anxious to come over.... It would really only be as a FAVOR to THEM.... Really!
But I checked. You know - even if you officially join the Mormon Church - you still can't practice poligamy. Oh sure its done unofficially - and there is a splinter group known as the Reformed Church - which still advocates it. But its strill illegal in Utah (I checked.)
Whats worse is that they make you sign papers to that effect when you apply for your fiance visa. Those BASTARDS.
It is always the same thing. Illegal, illegal, illegal. There is always someone trying to stop a good thing. One of the main reasons I came to America was because of slavery. I get here and I find out that some do-gooders killed it. At least it was compensated by the fact that I can bear arms. I thought at first that it meant I had to wear a t-shirt then I discovered it meant I can own a gun. This pleased me because I always wanted a gun. My doctor in the UK said I couldn't have one.
So I bought 2. One for now and one for later. Every Monday morning the voices say that I should stay at home and clean them bad boys. However I resist and always go to work. Isn't America great?
I hope to God Martin isn't reading this. It is just a joke mate, there is absolutely no truth in it. The poetry is getting better but I don't know what the music is for the first part.
LoL sandman, referring to your original post here... If it was possible to set you up with one of her girlfriends you would have to lineup behind my brother and a few friends that are driving me nuts already with that same question. When they seen her photo they all just about jumped out of their skin. Little do they know she has a personality to match!
I'd also like to see your lady Marina. Well simce she's already taken (and so am I) I guess I don't actually need to see her - I'd settle for a picture. Have one to spare?
Reluctant as I am to post in these shark-infested waters, thought I would offer you my tuppence-worth..
The temptation for guys to hitch up with someone younger than their offspring is a powerful one. You see so much of it from middle-aged guys going to the FSU. Just as in SE Asia, it's a well known phenomenon.
Speaking to British and American businessmen living in St.P, who travel around Russia and have lots of experience, they all seemed to be of the same opinion. You are taking a big risk with women online. Since it's the only option for most men who work, it's not the kind of encouragement one wants to hear.
While the ladies stay in Russia, the chances of the relationship succeeding are much higher than when they come over to the west.
Spoke to a Russian lady yesterday who claimed that there is a lot of misinformation about the success rate of RW/AM marriages. She watched a programme on Russian TV about the phenomenon, where they claimed 90% of marriages fail. As soon as the lady gets the green card, they are out of there.
She also said that American men make the best husbands in the world. Strange dichotomy there.
We all know stats can be manipulated as well as invented, to suit whatever agenda, including Russian TV. However, I think your chances of success are increased if you find someone who is closer to your age and has a child in tow. Nothing to do with stats, just common sense. On the other hand, if, like me, you know the risks and accept them for a few moments of joy, then that's your choice. As long as you can deal with the consequences when it all goes down the toilet.
There is a great story of a British billionaire Aristocrat. Lord Chumley-Bumley or somesuch. He blew his fortune on 2 blonde bimbos over a 10 year period and died a lot happier than most of us will.
You are right not to care about the physical beauty. While some of the others will be crying in their beer, to anyone who will listen, about Russian deceit, (in the same way as they do now about American women) you will be tucking into your bangers and mash with a self-satisfied grin on your face.
You and Toad have yet to meet your ladies. As I and others have found, it may not turn out as you expect or hope.
You reject that plan B but if the lady decides you are NOT for her, you will be surprised at the speed at which the Siberian winter sets in and you'll be kicking your heels in an alien environment, feeling pretty dischuffed. Always best not to close off your options.
Dale has found a good one, I think you have too. Time will tell.
As for me, think I might just visit Moldova after all... see what all the fuss is about ;-)
I agree completely. That is why I chose marina. She is closer to my age with a child. Also both of them do not have English problems, she doesn't particularly want to leave Russia, she always speaks her mind, she is practical, she has been to the USA already etc etc. All that remains to be seen is if we can stand the sight if one another in person. I am staying with her in her apartment kind of hard to have a plan B. Although I have an idea of what I would do.
I think that you are right on almost everything. This age differnce thing has always bothered me but I also know a couple who are living Chicago, with the age difference and have a child. It has been 5 years now. I think that was just a TV programme for the Russians and I can't take it seriously. I have seen too much evidence to teh contrary.
I am hoping to God that that Russian winter doesn't set in as you say.