If you would like the real update on what's been going on while you were away, I think we have to send you a mail actually... You see... Half of what has been written while you were gone is deleted by Olga.. LOL
Just give me a sign, and I will write you some words :))
If someone's posts needed to be deleted by Olga, then there's a high probability they did not belong here in the first place.
Seems pretty simple to me..:)
Until now I ommitted saying anything about Izi, but I'm a bit worried about him.
We had tentative plans to meet in Ekaterinburg again last Saturday to go out with our ladies, but he got hurt Friday at a disco....somehow he fell and hit his head on the edge of a table.
The next day he had to go to the doctor or clinic for stitches and treatment of a hematoma.
He sounded groggy and kept saying he was covered in blood when the doctors were fixing him up.
I hope I'm worrying for nothing.
At least he has most of this week to heal before having to fly back to Florida.
It's ironic in a way, because on the plane to E-burg we discussed our individual plans for sightseeing and travel to other cities.
I go off venturing all over the freaking place by train, bus, trolley, cabs and most of all walking on ice every day of the week and I come home without a scratch and nothing to complain except a few extra pounds on my belly from a massive intake of carby foods.
He, on the other hand, was just content with some local visits to some sights and sitting home with his woman and he ends up busting his cone, bloodied, stitched up and out of commission.
Tsk, tsk, tsk...
I'm certainly not wishing I could switch places with him, but the dude does not deserve this.
I bark with the best of them when it's time to sing to the moon:)
(or 'giving the moon')
The rest of the week is being spent in collecting all the info needed to initiate the fiance visa legal mumbo jumbo.
I could kick myself for leaving behind one of the info pieces needed from her with her name, address, etc in russian.
But we have the advantage of being able to fax to her work when we need something done.
We're not in a rush to get her here because she previously promised her mother she'd be there at least till her 55th birthday this October.
Her poor mother, I don't envy her one bit.
She was open about saying how much she liked me while at the same time being torn for knowing her only daughter and first born is going to move away to the land of earthquakes, freeway shooting, mudslides, gay marriages and 'poorly dressed' people of America..:))
Somehow, for some weird reason I have this unnatural, non-pragmatic faithful moment that tells me everything is going to work out well for everyone and all the pieces will fall in place harmoniously
Besides she loves her land too much to even go anywhere for travel.
Lena had to literally blackmail her a couple of years ago to go to Egypt with her. This is my ideal version of what a mother in-law should be like...:))
I know she will come out to California once the bambinos start showing up, lol...
Thank you Trad,
Noope...I took my sweet time and did it mmmmmyyyyy wwwaayyy.
But it's all working out well. Still much to go over but we both have our heads and hearts in the same direction.
nnnnnaaaaaahhhh....I doubt it!
The excitement & discoveries of the last few weeks as well as the challenges of the months ahead until she gets here have me jumping out of my skin already.
Besides, this would be one boring ass forum if I mellowed out even one bit...(I'm sooo full of myself this morning!!!....aaahhhh, but it feels good..:))
Maybe later this year once Lena gets here, I'll ditch all of you for a real life away from the computer.
Maybe we'll both be here to give you all a double ration of crap once in while...who knows?
But in the meantime, this is a good place for me to vent in a therapeutic and humorous manner.
I'll bet Toad is Playdoh in her hands. You know those really macho, opinionated people that say "Yes dear" in private. I'll be the amphibian has some domesticated animal blood in him.
Maybe there's some truth to it, after all...At least when it comes to my beloved kitchen, I've already been told who is the boss in it 24/7.
You think I mind it one bit?...HELL NO, lol.
I always enjoyed cooking in the backyard, anyways..:))
Her words: "You keep finding ways to keep our family financially safe and I'll do my best to keep the house organized so you don't have to worry about it."
This woman is no pushover by any stretch of anyone's imagination.
She is the most skilled and willing team player I have ever met in my life.
And she has more common sense in one fingertip than the entire North America N.O.W movement (including every single deceased, retired, resigned or UNregistered member/supporter since its inception).....that's roughly half the population of the entire US, Canada and a good chunk of Mexico, as well.
Although the delivery is quite different, I have shared with Lena just about the same opinions you rat bastards have read me yak about.
I said it before and I say it again...
Define what the hell you want in a clear concise manner out of this search for one FSU woman.
Learn to communicate with them.
Take your sweet time getting to know her well and her family.
Accept rejection gracefully.
Do not get stuck with someone who does not seek the same things you do just because she's cute or gives you good sex.
Good points Ditto and Dale...:))
I don't know about playdough but I've already been told who is going to be the boss in my beloved kitchen 24/7/365
And I don't mind it one effing bit....I always liked bbqing in the back yard anyways..:))
This woman is the most skilled team player I have ever met in my long and toady leaping life.
She has more common sense in one fingertip than the entire N.O.W. movement and its european counterparts.
If any of you rat bastards had been treated to her culinary skills like I have, you'd be begging to mutate to playdough status...:)))
I'm so old, crusty and set in so many of my own ways that I honestly thought for a long time that it would take some form of E.T type of advanced intelligent technology or just plain simple divine intervention to find someone who would match my goals and way of thinking to make this search come to fruition.
The sense of relief, satisfaction and peace of mind that comes from proving it's possible and that it works is what you can easily call "playdough" status.
Heck, you might as well call me Elastic Man, then.
That's how good it feels.