Yes Annika you are wrong.........if you live in Russia then your native language is russian.....ergo if you live in Ukraine,Moldova,Uzbekistan,Kazakhstan then your naive language is wherever you happen to be........NOT Russian,that is not to say that many people do not speak russian.Becuase of the way the former USSR controlled the various republics russian was the OFFICIAL language.....NOT the native one.
My wife is from eastern Ukraine.....a little place called know.....the place that used to be the capital!,and the majority speak Ukranian,not a great deal different from russian I agree,but nevertheless unique to that country.
Yo, I agree, and then we add accents, idiom, slang and jargon, mix it with the language of the migrated masses and/or imported minorities who're currently living amoungst the local majority, 'local' however dependant on where they originate from and the era they came in, keep in mind that Napoleon introduced registries of whole populations hence before that time anyone's guess is as good as yours, and see who gets confused first.
Esperanto anyone? ;-)
Oh, I C - just specify if that is your official, local, ethnic, regional, native, political, inherited or national opinion please? Adopted doesn't count, neither does befriended or sympathetic, even when you understand it - coz I don't anymore ;-)
The above was a joke, but in some way it is sort of true.. This is an extract of something I wrote in school some years ago:
**At first, “California” meant the peninsula on the west coast of modern Mexico now known as Baja California or Lower California, and the Spaniards believed that they had discovered an enormous island. Only as they ventured further inland did they find that “California” extended north to join the continent, and they named this extension “Alta California”, the region that now forms the 31st state of the United States of America.***
Only in California they would try to Make Ebonics a real language. Enuff said on that! Supported by the intellectual greats like Ron Dellums and Maxine Waters!
I persionaly know many russian women. They are very inteligent, good in behaviour, if she love you you can do any thing in sex and she accept it with pleasure.
If somebody lives in East-Ukraine, her native language is russian, her nationality is russian and her family is russian, ukrainian goverment can make ukrainian official language 100...that person is RUSSIAN not ukrainian and she still speak russian as her main language.
If person is russian and lives in Kazastan she start to speak in kazah language and shes kazah now? Answer is NO!
If person lives in Moldova, her nationality is russian and native language russian is she Moldovan, answer is NO!
If person lives in Latvia, her native language is russian, her family is russian. She isnt latvian but russian, she might have latvian citizenship though.
If people dont understand the simpliest things in FSU ...that people have nationality in Ukraine or Moldova dont make russian minorities living in these places ukrainians and moldovans...
Im not suprised people make stupid things and mistakes in so called FSU!
My lady has set limits on the sex, of which I will not speak here. I don't mean frequency, but certain acts. Does that mean she doesn't really love me? Or do you only speak of the younger women? Maybe I should have gone for the 20 year olds.
I know you speak in generalities, but I thought I would add to the discussion.
Since FSU women are suppose to be so open with their sexuality and it is quite obvious in what they wear and how they walk i will go there with my experiences with my remarks on my sexual relations i have had over there.I am not giving statistics either. They all were quite boring in bed. They all had limits on what they will do. These were grown women . I will be quite blunt. They love to receive oral sex but they dont want to contribute. Go ahead and flame me for saying this but this always has made me wonder why. A close friend of mine over there said they simply cannot imagine doing that. American women as i say from my experiences are much more adventurous in bed.
Perhaps the American women are much more adept at doing the calculations required for the frequency of their services versus the settlement of the divorce decree.
JMO, May I kindly retort!(Stolen from Samuel Jackson.) I would have to disagree with you, maybe you are just running a bad streak. I won't delve into specifics but my experience was fantastic!!!!!! The main ingredient was passion, something that is lacking in the states. Yes it is one thing to be adventureous in bed and it is completely another to be adventureous with blinding passion. Maybe I'm lucky or I was just patient this time around or a little of both. Anyway I wouldn't trade a moment spent with Larissa if it was only drinking coffee in the morning with her. As Id said it's the search for the diamond and I found mine, maybe a diamond in the rough, but still a diamond!
Yes Mike,
Anna was one hot blonde. I wouldnt mind to go a few rounds with her.I got busted checking her out. I just have a feeling that Ukrainian men just like to roll on and roll off with not much else. Hence , it reflects.
JMO-my experience is not of FSU women,so I am keeping this little oral tidbit in the back of my mind for future reference. However--and I am not claiming to be Casanova, my experience here is that black women-especially southern women,Mexican women,and all women of different shades than Caucasian are more adventurous sexually. Maybe I can generalize and just say Southern women-even tho I hate to generalize this has been my truth. Also in the U.S.-southern women have seemed to me to be the closest thing we can get to Europeans-- with the rich cultural heritage and generational traditions.
I dont want to generalize either, but every FSU women i was with was not much work to get into the sack , but would not reciprocate as was discussed.My American girlfriends were all anything goes well . There is nothing more silly than being with a grown woman of 38 years old(FSU) who has a child who says she has no sexual experience and she says i must teach her how to kiss. I am still laughing about it. A grown woman who plays stupid in the bedroom because she feels it will make you think she has never been with a man is ridiculous. Honey , if you have experience you better show it now or i will look elsewhere. As far as southern white woman are concerned , it has always been said they are probably the best find for a wife in America. Hows this for thought Spirit, my friend Oksana`s friend Leana works as an interpretor for European Connections Social`s in Kyiv. She told me a group of three black men from America attended the socials in Kyiv. The ladies were very nice with them but refused to go out with them. Not one of them had a date for the whole week. Ummmmm. Very interesting.
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Russian brides > Main Forum > "Sandra, All American Woman". Give me a break. American Women are fat old bitches.