Have I missed an earlier Post of Wolfs?
Above does not say "she has asked for money" it appears to me, they want to establish clearer dialogue only.
We all have different angles on things. How you know I am Flat Out Wrong beats me. None of us know who is right or wrong. I just know, if it was me, and 5 MONTHS communicating with someone, I would know if she was a scammer or not.
This whole extremist approach to everything baffles me. Life is a sliding changing thing. You cannot say for sure that one thing is definitely this or that. For example I am having some communication problems with Marina now. It will straighten out when she goes back to work tommorow but what if it didn't. Am I to assume that everything was a charade an elaborate plot to part me from a few bucks. I don't think so.
It could be that you two are exactly right and this is Al Capone in tights but we don't know. You are taking assuptions and running with it.
Relax Snowwolf isn't an idiot. He probably has some idea what he is going to do based on the more intimate information he has of this situation. It is so easy to make sweeping statements without any facts just assumptions.
You guys have an extremely good point about scammers but it doesn't mean that every girl out there is a scammer. Did this girl actually ask for money? Did she show any inclination to try to find another way? I don't know I wasn't there. Were you guys?
Hey all, thanks for the input so far. No, she has not asked for any money so far. She wanted to know what I wanted her to do. It was not a "she is quitting her job to go to class, so support me" type of thing. She asked me what I wanted her to do. I want her to go to class. I have only talked to her twice where we have needed a translator and once I get to Iraq it will not be required anymore since I doubt I will be able to call her from there anyways. I plan on taking my 2 week vacation from Iraq and going to see her. Her friend works at the agency and has helped her out the first few times, but in reallity it is her friends job to be a translator so i would expect to have to pay anyways at some point for that. My thinking on the matter is that if she can get into class and learn english it will save in the long run. By no way is she telling me that I have to support her in order for us to be together or talk. Right now we cannot get across the right communication to each other because it is being fed through a 3rd party and neither one of us want that. She does speak a little english and when I call her to wish her goodnight it is just her and I on the phone. I am teaching her some english when we talk on the phone and she is teaching me a little russian as well.
Have any of you guys ever bought a hooker? Not a chain hand on a logging crew,but a pro? I remember spending money in a strip club just so that beautiful and I could have meaningful conversation about her college life and her kids. This was normal for me--being grinded on and going home with blueballs was not. Has anyone ever called a 911 number? I haven`t,but there must be something to it,because the Phoenix "New Times" is full of them-probably 6 pages of them. Somebody is prospering right here in my hometown off of sexy ( never mind emotionally sincere ) conversation. Send her some money--she has serviced your heart more then a ho or a 911 operator. Maybe she will be just the spark you need to duck for cover in Iraq, the dream that makes you tread more carefully so you can get home safe and sound. I have actually suggested to a couple women that I help them monetarily--when they never even hinted about it. If your financial situation allows,go for it. Like afore mentioned here,it is a small amount of cash--a pair of Levis is a good comparison. ( Well-a pair every month probably ) I know somebody does not like that I endorse sending money,but she has been totally sincere and straight-forwardly answering your questions,and taking an interest in you. Now,if her mama all of a sudden has a surgery that needs immediate monetary attention,beware. You might find you have an interest in her lessons,and be able to mark her improvement to give yourself some enjoyment,and satisfaction in money well spent. Example-my lady friend from Ukraine asks me which is proper English--Will you open the window? Could you open the window? Can you open the window? SHe is teasing me because her understanding of grammarization has become advanced beyond many AMericans. It is fun to do this because you can mirror it back to them-the plural forms of words,and past-present- future. I get a kick out of it,and have learned something too. She will also most likely be asked at some point to do a thesis like " What I would show to an alien coming to my planet for the first time",and I am sure you will be tickled pink when she asks for your advice. It sounds like you have intimacy with her-which you don`t get with the average insincere woman. Good luck to you!!!!
Hey Snow In any post so far we dont know where you met her? all we know is you have phone talk with her, but lets back up Tell us how you first met?
You talk about an Agency which Angency are we talking about?
Also there are several blacklists and some Don't have the same gals
on them. So I made a system to be able to track faster.
Just something you might want to be A ware of :) The first blacklist
I looked at trying to find the one I was involved with Did not have her
and my heart felt relieved, then bam I was looking in another place and sure chit there she was.
Give the guys here some more info and maybe we all can help look.
A word of warning - The blacklists are good but you must still keep an open mind. Sometimes guys report women to the blacklists to get revenge. It has happened here. You have to be fair from both ways. Too often "scammer" gets cried out. Also as Spirit is saying it can be very subjective. It is a dificult subject. Rule of thumb don't send money.
:) You know thats a darn good point, I am sure there are girls on there and
that does very well happen, but if I found her on one I would for sure
do more follow up :) and if she's got 7 names and letters going to 100 men then I pull the trigger, by no means was I telling him to give up on her
just give us more info on how they first met and what angency is involved
If we find something it's up to him to decide weather to go for it or not.
There scams are getting lots better and some are starting to view
this as a big opportunity, So why not hook as many as you can
if it takes her 5 months to win your trust and I got 20 men that
are sending me money and some started 5 months ago and I am earning
income I dont much care about hooking people for that amount of time as long
as my scam works.
If you can fool the experts or even divide them on this kind of topic I
Would be all over this kind of scam.
Just somethings to think about we see in this very post.
Snowwolf, if you don't want to send her money but want to help with translations you may use mailforwarding system at http://www.russianservice.com/2core.asp?nav=mail
translation is 4$ per kb there. + you may choose conviniant way of delivery. regular mail, registered mail, courier, recite on the phone, telegram. if she has an email, we can arrange forwarding letters to her email. put in comments that you wish to get her response. we'll forward her reply to you. if it needs to be translated it will be another 4$/kb.
at least it is a way to help her without sending money.
Don't take this too hard, but I don't really understand why western men spend so much time trying to talk to women who do not even speak one common language with them.
You do not talk to her, you talk to a perfect stranger (to you). He/she in turn is supposed to be translating for you.
Right from the start you're stuck in a threesome of sorts.
Too messy, mate...
If I was able to correspond with 400+ women AFTER I decided to avoid the non-english-spanish-italian-portuguese speaking ones, it only means there are 1000s of good ladies able and willing to communicate with you directly.
Finding one who speaks english at least also helps you avoid agencies.
Pardon my neverending brutal evaluations but any FSU lady willingto seek a better life abroad should understand language is a mandatory necessity and should already be doing her part to be learning english long before you show up in her life.
NEVER spend a dime on anyone you have not met. Most of the times you will only be helping promote the pathetic image westerm men already have among FSU people in general.
....and as for paying for letter translation through fiance.com or any other service. You're better off getting on online translator.
If you have aol, it's free...
letter translators though will NOT teach you Russian or her English.
Thanks for backing my comments.
Said “Maxirat is so flat out wrong and superficial in his assessment”
The only true statement in his above swipe, is the word “assessment” That is exactly what we all do, pass judgement or appraisal on someone’s question (not knowing ALL the facts) to us on this Forum.
And as for WT idea of setting alight the PI’s, like some big financial business investment !!!
Lighten up. What the hell, Wolf, like most who start up something with a FSU women is risking a little $$ and a little time, but life is one big gamble.
Hello Toad
Remember, not all people have the time to search, and fulfil all possible qualities and requirements of the “perfect women”. This chap "Snow" is 5 months into this relationship, you and a couple of others are telling him (without knowing all the insider info, that only he knows) to pull the pin. She has not asked for $$, he is looking ahead and trying to streamline things. That all, not bankroll her.
Max you bring up good points, and he has been in phone chat with her
and I do believe she is for real,
My point is this isnt better to know before hand if at all it was possible
that you could get scammed?
We are getting divided on this topic and as we get divived
on this topic, everything I read about never sending money
until you meet is going out the window, because we failed to point out a very general rule.
As I stated above check it out and what is that going to hurt nothing at all
You cant tell me men dont think with other parts of there bodies
If someone is saying she is a scammer all ready they no chit.
I believe there has to be some flexibility to the "don’t send $$"
If a lady asks for $$ = Bad
If you offer $$ to help and assist your relationship building = maybe OK
I just know, after 5 months communicating, I would know if she is OK or bad.
There is however the fact that, wolf has asked our opinion, this to me = perhaps he has not done his homework ie: asked the correct questions to flush out and lay a food trail to a potential scammer. Its not difficult to flush the bad ones out. Common sense and basic logic.
I bought something on the internet last week. I bought it sight unseen, read and looked at the promotion Photo and made a decision to buy it. When I received it, I was disappointed and it was not as good as it looked in the photos. I have bought 127 items ranging in value from $5 - $14,000 on this internet site. I have made 1 mistake out of all those 127 purchases.
Some of us like a challenge tinged with a little gamble and chance. Possibility, where you can be wrong. It all adds to the thrill of making our $$, helps take away the monotony of work.
Get my drift !!!
yes, 5 months already in the soup places wolf in a different place altogether.
That's why I asked him not to take it too hard at the start of the post.
On the other hand, I have some questions.
Is this the first and ONLY woman Wolf is corresponding with?
If so...why?
I did not have that much time researching either, but if we're serious about finding someone to spend the rest of our lives with, we better make the time to research.
It's called due dilligence and I treated it as a MUST do.
That's why I stuck to my weird and overly strict qualifier criteria
NO women who do not speak one of my languages.
NO Agencies.
NO women who smoke.
NO women with more than one child.
NO women outside of the 26-35 age group.
NO women who refuse to have direct contact via phone or e-mai, ICQ, etc.
NO women who do not have their family support in their search for a foreigner.
NO women who refuse to show photos or share info about their close family.
NO women who do not fit my physical preferences.
And I still had 100s of them to choose from.
Kept in touch with 6 of them throughout most of last year until I decided (11-04) Lena was the one I wanted to visit.
Wolf maybe in a 1-1 setting with someone he's already chosen and not talking to anyone else, but for those other newbies out there Toad tells you to embrace the KISS concept (keep it simple, stupid) and do your due dilligence.
Messing with 3rd party translators or even online translators is messy and far from simple when there are scores of wonderful and adorable english speaking FSU women already.
I met her here in Fiance.com. I have only found her on one other site and her profile matches what she has listed on this one. There is no difference in the 2. I looked at her amount of responses and I keep an eye on that. It is a very low number in comparision and since I have been corresponding with her it has only gone up by a few numbers, most of which are the responses she has sent to me. She has all her letters translated for her and that does not cost me anything. As of yet it has only cost me the flowers that I sent her a week ago, which she was throughly thrilled with. I have her cell phone number, that of 2 of her friends, and her mailing adress and when I get home from this little training deployment I am on I am going to be mailing her some pictures so that she can have one at home and one at the office since the only time she gets to see me is when she is at the agency checking her email. One reason I have some faith in this as she has been a member of this site for quite sometime and if she was a scammer, I am pretty sure she would have a crap load more responses and she would of been picked up by now by someone as one. She is happy working where she is at, yes it takes lots of time away from her and her little one, but she manages. She makes a good salary there, but for her to be able to attend any type of class she would have to change jobs in order to free up time to do so. I may end up asking her to wait a little bit, but I would really like her to have the chance to learn a little more. It is quite amusing, the last time I was on the phone with her she was reading me some of the lines in the book she is using to learn english "Hello, my name is ______", "I am from New York, where are you from", so she is trying on her own as well, but you all know how hard that can be. This woman makes me smile like I never have before, and when I hear her voice on the phone it just makes my heart melt. You can hear the frustration in her voice when she cannot think of the right words to say, and then she goes off in Russian in almost a cussing way cause she can't come up with the word. Then she just giggles and laughs.