Neither these books, nor the ones listed above are instruction or "how to" manuals. If anyone thought that I was trying to say that these classics would contain stories of modern day Russian women and how western men should respond to them - then we had a communications error.
But there ARE differences in literature - just as there are differences in the temperament of the peoples. Out histories are divergent - Russia, for example HAD no middle ages that compare to those of western Europe - different and seperate things were going on in Russia even then.
Western plays and works of nonfiction - almost always have happy endings; they saved the farm; the guy got the girl; they won the campionship. That sort of thing. Russian literature is mostly devoid of happy endings. That might be one of the most striking differences.
If you consume a cerain amount of literature anyway - maybe you should include a little Russian literature and open your eyes a little to a culture that is very different from anything you have known, because it has different roots. That's pretty much why I mentioned those books.
During my first visit to Kiev, we walked around the city and hopped into a couple bookstores because my wife loves books:) It was amazing how many people were browsing and reading books in the middle of the day, ie. literature not home and garden or gossip type publications. It's a hobby for many people there just like Internet and TV is in our world. My wife says she relaxes by reading a good book. On the other hand, I get the worst headache, cannot get concentration, read a paragraph and think of something else, then have to go back and re-read it. I prefer discussion and observation to reading books, but fully agree about the importance of understanding the cultural side of our other half.
I would like to recommend one book I really enjoyed recently : Natasha's dance : cultural history of Russia. Figes, Orlando. ISBN 0713995173. And I recommend everything what is written by french writer Henry Troyat about russian history!