Actually I find her amusing.. and she show me what to not look for in a woman... She used to be quite nice, but I think she is getting more and more bitter as the years go by, and she is still stucked in her own sad world... And the great part.. She think it all is the mens fault... Because she is ofcourse doing everything right... Funny..
Nor, I find Annika as amusing as playing with rattlesnakes. Which I have some experience with while in the Navy, used to catch them and take them to venom centers for drinking money. Till I got nipped by one of them little rascals and I was sick as hell for about 4 days even after anti venom. I felt like I was beat with a baseball bat for four days. Yep, that's how amusing Annika can be!
Actually you can think about me what you want, because I dont care really! But it isnt democratic and it isnt interesting site any more!!I think its time to close that point to keep it!
Better idea.
You leave and we will keep the site.
This isn't a democracy. We don't vote. We say what we think and it is pretty much unanimous that you are acid and unpleasant.
You have clearly demonstrated what you are all about many times and pissed off so many of us that you get this reaction.
You reap what you sew.
Toad actually told you that once. He said that if you stick your head up expect to get it bitten off.
If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.
Damn if you want to play in the boys club, you better put your helmet on and strap yourself in little lady and hold on tight. Welcome to Equal rights my dear. As the lexicon in my neighborhood is, if you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch. You can dish it out my dear but can't take it.
There is even a newer one coming out in 3 day's. it called Dave really has lots of Fun in Russia. The star of the show told me that it will be sure to be action packed. I guess I will have to sacrifice for the better good of all man kind, it will really suck being away and being over there (NOT)