Everything is VERY individual. People who are quite attached to family and friends and their hometown, prefer to stay home. People who like adventures - like me :) - go on exploring the world.
Its not about women, or Russian girls in particular :)
Cultural adjustment is inevitable - if she's not ready for it, then she's not the adventurous type, and probably should stay home, an d you shouldn't be wasting your time on her :)
I had a girl go cold on me within 24 hours of the most romantic and wonderful time I have yet spent with a girl in Ukraine. I was determined to find out why, and I did, but not from her. Turns out me and another guy made her final two. He won the race. Not sure why but I guess it doesn't matter. During her long 10 hour train ride home from Kiev she must have decided he was the one and not me. By the time she arrived in her home city she went totally cold on me. No explaination or anything. She acted as if we had never met. The strangest experience I have had to date in my search for a soulmate in Ukraine. I didn't beg for her. I wrote her a sweet letter when I got home. It took her 12 days to answer me (Before we met it was 3-4 days max)and this letter was indifferent towards me. That was the last letter I wrote to her. I don't waste my time. They are too easily replaced. There are so many beautiful girls in Ukraine. That is why the Ukrainian man is so arrogant when it comes to women. He already knows this.
Damn!! s/he chose another!! That's always such a bummer!!!
When I had to make a choice between two guys - I let the drop-out guy know my reason behind the choice against him. But I'm not often put in a position where I have to make such a choice. So far only once. And I'd have to admit it wasn't easy AT ALL :)
Yes Nastya. I made the finals. And it was fun! :) I Have no bad feelings. She was free to make her choice just as I was. I've dropped a few ladies in Ukraine to so it's all fair in love and war. :)I just wished she could have been more honest and open. She couls have wrote me a letter saying good bye but she didn't. I think it was because she wasn't 100% sure about this guy so she kept me as a back up plan. But I wasn't going to wait and waste my time.
Deano and i bet the other guy had more money and was willing to pay for more her travelling back to Ukraine more oftenly... thats what it comes down.. In my view you won. the other guy is the one who will really get shafted...
The clues I discovered would indicate you are right Van. During our letter exchanges just before we met in Kiev she informed me she was now taking English lessons and bought a new electronic translator and both would help us communicate better. As it turned out we used my broken Russian more than her English. But somebody paid for the lessons and the translator and it sure wasn't her. The translator alone was $400 and the lessons were $100. Hope the poor sucker didn't mind I borrowed his girl for a week of great bedroom polo. :) One thing I know for sure is he will be a happy man with her in that department. :)
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