Bottom line is services(a genuine reply) usually are not rendered for the fee.That to me is a legitimate complaint Where i grew up it is called being taken. I withdrew my membership a long time ago. Dear Olga,don`t use the forum to do personal attacks either. Sounds like when push comes to shove you do not like it. I don`t understand? Did you not get a scan of his passport, or get a photo taken of him when you sent him a dozen roses or a bottle of cognac ? There is a service you can get that does a background check. Fiance .com will do all of this for you:-) And please do not edit and only post what you want. I am sorry i touched a nerve.
...translating machines need not oil but some a bit less stingy gentlemen. Not those who expect that for 20c an interpreter with a university diploma will sit an hour first correcting dosens spelling and grammar mistakes made by a farmer or... a train driver and then translating the letter, just to please his "sophisticated" taste and lingustic feeling.
wmferg, you're right I found my wife though letters on this very site, which three years ago had a different name, dating-ru. I never had problems with agencies, but I can't claim that I dealt with too many of them, so I might very well have lucked. I believe people who like socials do not generally come to sites like because they're not interested in letter writing. The few, like jmoluv and jetmba who choose both routes may end up here.
jmoluv, I believe that in order to be successful in this sort of dating you've got to go with the flow, try to use agencies to your benefit, many may prove crooks, but the few who are not may be very helpful. They were helpful to me in two occasions. The objective is not to try to fix the world's problems here, it is what it is, and we try to make the best out of it, not necessarily make sense of it. Who cares if I was scammed a few hundred dollars in the past (I was!) since I found someone who is worth a lot more than I would have ever dreamed. If you begin to think how many things had to fall in the right place to end up with each other, what are the odds? I would have never met her if did not exist and if search engines dod not exist or is she was not familiar with web browsers and so on. I know of a couple very average looking (at best), average financial situation men in my area who are married to much better looking, hard working, good wife FSU women. It was through letter writing, so it is very possible if you ask me. Just like with everything else in life, patience and persistence are both virtues. Letter writing may not work for everyone, but I am certain there is another way and I know you will find it.
a lot of people try to find love, even if it is online, but what gets me, is people trying to make a living off the deception and decieving of others to fill their pockets with cash. You would think that someone, who actually had some money, and actually really wanted to see people suceed in finding love, they would embark on opening a website, that was "free" in all aspects of the word free. would actually cost maybe the amount of 2 people that open a vip account on here to run the site each month, plus you would be opening up a website, that actually stood for something instead of lining your pockets with money, at the expense of others.
Some might say we offer a great service, and give the top girls, but I think in reality it is a farce. Dating agencies, or dating websites, all thrive on how many you correspond with, or how many models they can aquire to be on their site. More models and more agencies that they get to participate in their prymid scheme makes the site look more tantilizing to the person who's just lonely and wanting to find a friend, that maybe just maybe one day, might bud into a great relationship.
I for one, would sign up for a site that was actually free instead of always wanting a membership, or money for correspondence.
I design programs and make websites, and with the "mail order bride" services that are all over the website, not one is genuinely there to actually see you suceed but to empty your pocket book. You would think with all the frustration and disappointment, and all the bickering that its a wonder actually anyone ever does find one they actually know is happy and had success. granted Max, glad, trad, crash, ditto, nasfan and the one they call wtrav020 where sucessfull, but look at the larger picture, how many actually registered for the site, over the years and what's that ratio? I'll bet anyone that it has to be about 1000 to 1 odds that someone is successfull on a mail order bride website. (If not higher odds)
But lets look at it for a moment, Men are the ones that have to pay for a membership, the women get to sign up for free, which is all fine and dandy, but a website at most costs 100 a month for 1500 gigs of transfer if not more, If you really want to help people find love, make your funds by opening it up free to everyone, and have advertisement slots and sell that, to offset the costs of having a dating site.
I guarantee you if someone opened a free website that was for corresponding across the globe with women and men to find their true love, or just a pen pal or a good friend, There would be atleast 100,000 to over a couple million users using that service constantly. So selling advertisement revenue would surpass asking upfront 49.95 for people to sign up for a monthly service.
Ok after writing a book I think I have said my peace.
schurchel...First there are free sites, but because there are no paid staff to monitor, you are more likely to be writing to Boris rather than Tanya. There are more people over there that would like access to your pocket book than the agencies. Keep in mind that there is that possibility on any site...just more prevalent on free sites. The names that you posted came from one of my posts and they are just the ones I remember in addition to myself. I am sure that there are plenty of success stories that do not post here. As far as the success odds you posted, since no one keeps any kind of stats on that you can pretty much say what you want and cannot be refuted. But it probably quite high as there are people like a guy I work with that saw my success and decided he would give it a try. He found that the media portrayal of FSU women as docile wallflowers that would accept any situation was...just crap. He was looking for a house slave and found he probably wasn't going to find what he was looking for in the FSU. The minimum 10 grand or so(if you are an American) to bring your future wife home would send others looking elsewhere. I think you will find many reasons for people discontinuing their search overseas other than the price of membership.
I have had no problem with this site. They have always supplied the services that they claimed they would give when I joined. The first lady I visited was from this site the second and the one that I asked to marry me was from another site.
Your statement here could be made of any retail organization. I would doubt that there are any retail organizations that care one wit about their customers other than they are able to return and buy more of their products. Welcome to a capitalist society.
"1000 to 1 odds" man that's got to make it precious, thanks for reminding me!
It's a give-and-take process, it has a lot of risk because the potential rewards are enormous. It's not some sort of fairy tale where everyone's working for you free of charge to find you a woman .. may I suggest that you wake up and smell the roses?
For people like schruchel it's not a matter of choice. Such people simply sit on their hands and end up doing nothing or spend endless hours in chat rooms and never actually make a visit.
Agencies that care to build a name and capitalize on the word of mouth do care about their customers being successful. Many web sites post customer commentaries and success stories.
There are such free sites, one always has a choice, there is a saying 'you get what you pay for'!
I am very much one for saying get your ass on a plane and stop sodding around with a keyboard but, being honest, I'm a lot nearer to FSU than many guys and I'm nowadays happily settled and no longer involved in the 'rat race'.
But, to get an ass on a plane, accommodation etc. might be USD2,000.00 for a week whereas USD2,000.00 will write one hell of a lot of letters and even if one pays USD30.00 per month then USD2,000.00 will last five and a half years! Of course one needs to get the balance right between being a keyboard romeo and assing it on a plane.
Of course one, who might be tighter than a duck's ass, might decide that USD30.00 is a rip-off and, hey, there are other sites out there for free. Sure there are but quality control suffers because there is no money to pay for staff, their only revenue is from banner advertising, and such sites, free ones, are lairs for the scammers.
To summarise, I can't believe that you're wittering so much over a few dollars a month when any serious guy realises that to see the process through is going to cost quite a number of thousands.
Websites like are just a tool not the solution. 99% of the work is up to the individual. This business model is very common. For example lots of bars have a cover change to get in. Lots of these bars allow girls in for free. If the bar is popular guys will pay the change. Not many bars give away free beer. I could if i wanted to I could go down the road to some dive and have a beer for a few dollars less by myself (well schurchel will probably be there).
You're on the right-track in one sense regarding the faulty business model from which agencies operate. As I've previously written, the current system operates under the premise of "Your failure is their success." Meaning, if by chance you should succeed, they lose not only a paying customer, but also a revenue-generating asset.
Unfortunately, an entirely "free" site is not a viable alternative either. For that matter, a site which allows free, undocumented registration for women regardless of whether the men pay or not is equally worthless. For example, there's a site called "Lucky Lovers" which has been destroyed by the Nigerian Sh*&t-bags. They have swamped the website with fake profiles.
The scam is that the woman was visiting someone in Nigeria and is now "being held hostage by a hotel manager until she pays the bill (of course her money has been stolen), would you send some so she can get back to be with you" And of course, then there's the usual FSU classic scams competing for your hard-earned dollar/pounds/euros.
Sites like fiancé .com are good at weeding out the "send me money for a visa/plane ticket scams, however, their business model is also flawed. By compensating affiliate agencies with commissions based on correspondence, they are creating a strong incentive for fraud.
I have asked many times for an explanation of their commission structure on this forum and never received an answer. The affiliates receive some type of payment for correspondence but it would be interesting to learn the details. Since men pay on a monthly basis versus a per letter charge it raises a number of questions: Are they paid per letter, and if so what about the number of letters a lady writes? It's possible the affiliates receive a set-amount for every "lady" with whom a man corresponds. Then of course, if a man writes a woman frequently it would be quite time-consuming for the fake letter writing affiliates to keep-up. This may be why some women "get sick" or "go out of town" and can't write for a while. Other forum members speculation on this subject would be interesting.
As far as setting-up a favorable business model, it would have to be similar to a corporate head-hunting agency. A system is needed where there is incentive to find a suitable candidate for the client. This is difficult since a great deal of trust is involved. The “recruiter” could end-up putting in a lot of time and expense only to learn the man wasn’t really serious. Or, the client may get amnesia about the agreement after meeting the candidate and refuse to pay the finders fee. Therefore, some form of deposit might me be necessary. On the flip-side, paying money in advance in Ukraine assures that you will be ripped-off so that’s out of the question.
buffed, we have written it already - is normal dating/personals site. affiliates are getting paid as everywhere else. we do not want to be a head-hunter, and sell anybody to anybody. we have to work with agencies are there are thousands of ladies without internet access, or knowlage. Agencies help them.
check sites like yahoo personals,, bride ru, absolute agency, they register only members with personal emails, and so ... the same story every time: she asked me for money, I sent her money, I came to visit she was not there... one needs to do own homework. You will get hundreds of letters from agencies that put their ladies on those web sites and finally drive you to pay for communication with their ladies via them. , with its members help, gets rid of bad agencies, or bad ladies with private emails daily. Read ladies' forum on a lot of unhappy ladies there too, they are unhappy with the way men treated them. Good luck with your model, as far as I remember one agency owner who worked on this basis in Washington, DC was recently sentenced by one bride who got married via them 10 years ago (check washpost). provides its members with personal advertisement, and communication tools. that is it. and terms and conditions governs what members can/can not do.
Yes, as others have stated there are free sites and they have their own problems. Hey, why don't you invest hundreds of hours of your own time doing it? After all you said you design programs and make websites. And of course there is no reason for you to try to make any money at it. What do you say?
Dissect this thing anyway you want to. Spend all your time "Anal"yzing this. It boils down to common sense. So for all the falsehoods and BS it can happen if you live life with a clue not like some of the posts I read here. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to be a guy in this forum and I truly understand how scammers succeed.
I get the impression that some of the mewer visitors to this forum demonstrate a deeply academic interest in analyzing the industry model of the international dating business .. makes you wonder are they searching for brides or are they veture capitalists looking for a place to park money-:) would understanding how the various web sites make money help someone find a life partner?
All of the agencies I have looked at, not joined, but looked at, if they had an american counterpart you would run the other way immediately. Money for an email address? And Buffed, why after the first few hundred tries would you just proceed blindly forward to the next one and pay again? Glutton for punishment I guess. I wouldn't be quite so proud of that by the way, you know what I mean ;-} I think that in the end, no matter where you look for the love of your life, it still comes down to luck. But watch your backs guys cuz lovely Marina or Olga or Svetlana could just be a fat 54 year old named Igor sitting at his computer laughing all the way to the bank.
"what are these girl's expecting?"....WOW!!! big question Jame's...much like "how long is a piece of string?"...basically Jame's they are "expecting" the same free lunch women from the west want..(generally speaking,feminist's
You can continue the age old practice and tradition of "keeping a woman"...or you can find and demand a partner...mutually equal in life...and after all...are these not the "so called time's of equality"...we men are making huge adjustment's to the way man and woman have interacted for millenia
Many letter's wont make sense James...usually from those who have a very poor command of the English language or bad translation software...either way...a letter that make's little sense reflect's a person who will make no sense to you in real life...communication is first and foremost...if you cant have this you are wasting your time and those who have been there and done that...and dont lose hope that some do find love via the virtual world.
good long and prosper!
I think there is another option too. The girl may be real, but she's writting 10 letters a day to different men, and she don't have time to make them personal. Just a template with different header. That is not to blame either. Was she going to write 10 letters about the same things? When you have to write about the same subjects to different people, the copy/paste tool becomes quite useful. I am sure we all have used them sometime.
Is there any way to know that a profile is fake? any trick?