Regarding your post where you said about many emails which you had sent to about scammers and suspicious profiles. I have checked all incoming mail at since the beginning of this year - no emails from your email account have ever been received. We have also sent you two emails asking you to elaborate on your point or resend the messages you were referring to - but since September 25 - there was no response. Please send a message to
maybe it is because you forgot that you did not post any emails about scammers here. If you have a brick for a brain this means you have no understanding of this.
Yes you may remove them, I do not doubt that, but then the lady can simply move onto another site.
One may consider it one's responsibility to make other guys aware of the identity, the name, of active scammers, a name mentioned on this forum will show up on internet search engines for guys to reference tomorrow, next week, next year etc.
Do you not think it reasonable to make other guys aware of active scammers or do you think it reasonable that we pretend the lady doesn't exist,we discuss it only behind closed doors and we remove any mention of her identity from the forum?
It's called personal responsibility. Up to each individual to find and verify his own information. Too many great scammer hunters on this forum anymore.
This issue has caused more problems in this forum than any other single issue. I wish the moderators here would simply not allow posting of profiles in this forum referencing them as scammers. Some here are just not smart enough to figure out what defines a scammer, well that's their problem. Then you have the great scammer hunters here, and it's gone on for a long time with a few, that all the proof they really have is a google search. I think the reporting of scammers here in this forum does more of a disservice than it really helps. It may inflate some ego's, but totally unnecessary.
Report a suspected scammer to Admin, learn about scammers and their techniques and leave it to this website to clean up it's own house.
Scammers are going to slip through the cracks. Not website is bulletproof on that. What I don't understand is the constant bashing of how bad does their job. If it's so bad why the hell are some of you posting on this forum?
If you remove an scammer's profile, what happens with someone that may have already excanged personal e-mail with this woman? would warn him?
Some girls that I was writting a few months were removed by admin, or maybe they asked for it. How can I know? Can I ask Adim. about it?