Before you go any further, you should know that the majority of Russian women do not like African-Americans or Africans in general or Indians. In fact, you will find that many Russian women have an apprehension towards black people and even identify black people with crime, bad manners, etc. You will hardly find any blacks or Indians pursuing women from the FSU.
Do not confuse personal preferences regarding physical appearance with racial prejudice. I would never date any black or Indian women if I were single, but I value black people as equal and I support their rights and the affirmative action. There aren't any races outside mine to which I would be attracted. I value all races and have worked and interacted with Asians and Indians (who are by the way extremely smart and hard working people). I like exploring their cultures and lands, which are fascinating. It's just doesn't do it for me physically. This is not prejudice, it's just a matter of preference.
Interesting ambition, moving to Ukraine. The cost of living is low there, and if you have some seed money saved up, you can use your money to make money there. Like many underdeveloped countries, the wealth seems to be concentrated in the hands of a small wealthy class.
As for the white separatist bigots among us:
I did not jump at the first opportunity to post my feelings. You have polluted other threads with your racism, and I just got sick of constantly letting it slide without objection. You can be a racits without twisting my words. As I wrote before, if you prefer white women, then that's fine. Why the need to blather on against "race mixing"?!! Why the need to twist the Bible into a book of bigotry and hatred?!! Why the need to claim the "Abraham, from whom all the original white British peoples derive", like you've got some Bibical superiority , hence some evidence of your white supremacist bull. (Take note BTJames. Which is it? Were the white British in Britain since the beginning of time, or did they originate with Abraham, as xtc11 claims? You see where the white supremacist aura derives.) As a Christian, I am offended that bigots here are co-opting the Bible and propagating separation of the races.
As for political correctness, the bigots here like Stevenb don't seem so keen on free speech that calls them out for being racist bigots. Who's being politically correct here? I am not to be cowed by the bigots into silence. I cannot recall the Pope or other Christian leaders quoting the Bible to prevent interracial marriage.
On another vein, some of the most beautiful women in the world are born in Brazil, a genuine racial melting pot. I think Lux has a point about the benefits of genetic diversity.
So, wtrav02, if you like white women, have at them. I like them too. But let every one else alone to enjoy the women they choose, no matter what their ethnicity. Who are you to say they are wrong?
God I'm Laughing!!! Do not mix races is not a racial statement? It surely is, but that's not what makes me laugh so hard. Quoting the bible to justify a statement, affirmative action? What does the bible say about killing? Oh I forgot, abortion is a choice not murder. God you libs when you get painted in the corner quote the bible that's way too funny!!
Philly, I don't know how you got that I told others not to pursue less than absolutely pale women .. I just stated my personal preference and what I thought was the preference of the majority of western men who are seeking a bride in the FSU (mainly from what I've read in this forum).
nasfan, yeah right you'd lose this opportunity:) expressing one's own preferences is not defined as making racial statements. The problem with you conservatives is that discussions about social issues always involve taboos. You've got your rules what is right to talk about and what is not. I also have striking news for you nasfan. It may surprise you, but you do not own the Bible or the Christian religion whatsoever just as you don't own the right to determine people's patriotism.
Gentlemen ..... and nasfan6,
American politics is boring me and I'm sure many others on this forum, it is accepted that GWB is walking five feet taller since one Mr Blair has had his head stuck up GWB's ass but that's as far as I'll go ..... except to say that one Mr Blair is losing, has lost, his job as a consequence.
Everyone has their own preferences whether it be big boobs, long legs, tight ass or indeed colour of skin but where does the bible, not that I am familiar with it, justify a liking of boobs, legs or ass thus why should it be quoted to justify a preference for colour of skin?
Many FSU nationals are of Asian appearance, I dated one myself although every man to himself but there are some damn beautiful non caucasian women out there but please can we keep the politics, the bible and the colour crap out of this forum, the forum is regarding FSU dating and that includes Asian ladies whether one or more individuals agree with it or not.
dear oh dear that philly has completely lost the plot.
If you like black women phiilly that is fine. you wont find many in Russia though. There is no need to lose your temper just because you are wrong again.
i go to ukraine to get away from this race mixing mentality that certain sections of the English speaking media try to brainwash us with.If perverts and deviants such as philly like to indulge in these type of grubby proclivities, then that is o.k for him, but in the ukraine they have thankfully not been yet been infested with the cusres of race mixing that have have been foisted on british and u.s societies and hopefully i do not think Ukraine ever will go down this route.
I think Ukraine and Russia have viewed from the sidelines the riotings on the streets on and off in British and u.s cities in the last 20 years or so and have come to the conclusion that multiculturalism and race mixing is an element they do not want importing into their countries.
Guys, I don't mind sparring with you, but please you've got to read the previous entries on this thread more carefully, if you truly wish to see where I'm coming from. It's a bit tedious, but I'll try to lead you through it since some of you profess to puzzlement.
Nasfan6: I was not quoting the Bible, but instead was quoting xtc11 from Oct 22. I generally don't quote the Bible.
wtrav02: I objected a bit to your statement on October 21, when you wrote "the Christian Bible says "don't mix the races, and I believe you should not mix the races..." Perhaps I overreacted a bit, but it just struck a nerve to see the Bible quoted for such purposes. I believe the Bible to be a book preaching love, and our country has a complex history of racial segragation that went far beyond what you wrote. But then you wrote on October 24 that you support xtc11 claiming the Bible prohibits "race mixing". I have seen people using the Bible and the Koran to foster good will, and also to foster hatred.
I don't know you fellows, and don't truly know what you're about. And none of you know much about me. So if you deny being racist, I take you at your word. But I agree with others who have said let's please keep race and the Bible out of this Forum, else we'll be constantly bickering about it instead of discussing FSU women.
Wtrav, you crack me up. I don't own the bible, but you libs want it out of schools, don't even adhere to many things in the bible. You like to use it as a crutch and not it's intended purpose. You support abortion and Gay rights, which are two major no-no-s in the Christian Bible. So why aren't you quoting that here in the forum. You only use it when it benefits your agenda. It seems to me that is what the Klan is always claiming, "The Bible says Race Mixing is against God's Will."
Philly I had no issue with you. Just the hypocrites above. Again if you don't like the Bible here don't go quoting it in here.
Guys, looks like you all have said all you had to on this thread and even much more that is off the topic entirely. Therefore it's best to shut this thread down.