("Hi! I saw your desperate ad. I am desperate too and living in a foreign country. I can find no women within country's borders so I thought I might try yours. I don't know if you are sending me real pictures of yourself that are current, or whicgh were taken when you were much younger. I don't know if you are actually an agency scam or a man posing as a woman, but I will continue to write to you until I either catch on or you ask for money. I might even try and visit you and then discover nothing about you was real."
Isn't THAT how you two found YOUR women? At least I am meeting them face to face from the get go. )
You did make a reference to my current wife previously as being a Tart, then your other buddy jumped in with the same remark. So don't even try to document that you have never made an insult to another guys lady here in this forum. It's just not true I think you said earlier in this thread about something regarding ethics and the truth. Please comply to you statement.
The truth be known some of the so called experts here should figure out there own relationships before denouncing another ones here. It's a little more involved than just taking a picture to get a K1 visa.that this is, as I remember the new and improved forum. With tons of quality and verifiable information, of which some has been documented, to refute , like condemning free personal sites, then using them, themselves. Some here can insult others and get away with it, then others are screened previously. Some come here with nothing positive to formulate helping other people and others come here to inflate their shallow ego's.
Since I don't live in another country, I wouldn't even comment of how immigration and the visa process works. Though plenty here like to interject their smart assed ridiculous remarks with thier expertise which is none. I think I would be more concerned with the process of the country I lived in, on how the process works, and getting my education there first. Though others will preach they know it all, they didn't have a clue about visa regulations, employment regulations and the sort.
It's like here in the states, different areas have a backlog on how quickly the immigration process works. Some I have talked too waited almost three months from filing their ladies adjustment of status to biometrics, where ours only took 7 days to file and then have the biometrics done.
here the inmates have been running the asylum the ofther forum condemned is still going on, and the funny thing, not one ill exchange or stupid comment had been made to others. Simply put the problem still exists here and "those bad apples" weren't really the problem after all.
Oh Martin you have it coming now pal .. who knows what his sick mind is thinking about your wife right now ... we'll soon know I guess ...
He's such a pathetic man that he does not realize he's insulting most people who come to this forum especially those who were capable to find and love someone and keep that someone for more than a few months .. since most members used letter writing as a method of introduction. In his sick mind letter writing is equivalent to:
"Hi! I saw your desperate ad. I am desperate too and living in a foreign country. I can find no women within country's borders so I thought I might try yours. I don't know if you are sending me real pictures of yourself that are current, or whicgh were taken when you were much younger. I don't know if you are actually an agency scam or a man posing as a woman, but I will continue to write to you until I either catch on or you ask for money. I might even try and visit you and then discover nothing about you was real."
Nasfan, you’re entirely wrong about me calling your wife a tart. I specifically recall the thread in which Martin replied to your criticism by implying the word “tart” for your then fiance. I never called anyone related to you a “tart”. I did used the “tart” term to describe one of izi’s girlfriends (I am not sure which one since I have lost the count). I never call people’s wives, mothers, sisters or anyone related anything. If there is a difference of opinion, this stays between us and should not involve anyone else related to us. It is unethical to do otherwise. I hope that you agree with this statement. I copied the posts listed below to prove my point. The posts where the "tart" word was referenced is: "How many women want to come to the United States for real?" The word "tart" is surrounded by 5 asterisks left and right and is capitalized for your cenvenience. If you have any further remarks, please advise!
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Member Send: 23.11.2005 18:18:30
OK, you've got me, I haven't been in the battlefield since I left the military, you see, unless called upon by the US to add moral support for their fights, we're a peace loving nation, we're not addicted to fighting like some.
A reactor going off in Israel would have a similar effect on US as did Chernobyl and I say again, what the fock have any problems in the Middle East got to do with the USA!
Have you visited Kuwait recently, the focking hate, no they detest Americans. Do you want to travel to Iran, I an go there without any problem at all, can you?
When was the last time a British embassy was attacked, oh dear me, quite a while ago compared to attacks on US embassies but hey, the USA have got the best foreign affairs policy ever!
And just for the record, your hostility kicked off by my mere mention that an FSU lady may not like US gun laws. By self confession you have admitted that some ***** TART ***** that you have been hanging around with questioned why you have/need a gun. You have admitted to the point that I originally made, FSU ladies may or will question US gun laws.
Martin, next time you are in the US please look me up. I would definately like to discuss the ***** TART ***** remark about my fiance face to face. Just email me, and I will give you a phone number and a place we can meet next time you come to the US. Or better you can choose the place I really don't care.
izifaddag says: "If you can't speak English stay in Pakistan or Somalia" => then why you, izifaddag, are importing from FSU (through Miami immigration also I assume) an FSU woman who doesn't speak English? because she is fluffy white while the Pakistani and the Somali are dark like shit? there you go you're exposed you're a RACIST, admit it with the full word, say it with me I'M A RACIST, be proud of your prejudice, it's what you are.
Izifaddag I have to say to you, you fit perfectly in this flip-flop, forum of many hypocrites. A few pages back, your are an avid Buddhist, kind, peaceful person, trying to make friends with everyone. Then you go to Russia, you find your ***** TART *****, too (thanks for the term Martin!), then come back and join the chorus here.
In fact, nasfan, jetmba is not the only one from your old gang (who mostly departed this forum thank God a while back) who called my wife names. Jmoluv did first followed by GL TALL TOAD in a thread that was then deleted altogether by the moderator. In fact, Mr. Tall Toad was referring to my wife in a manner that implied that he was sleeping with her without explicitely saying it. Then he advised Mr. Jmoluv that this is the way to insult someone, i.e. do it in a way that gets the insult through without using explicit words. Of course Jmoluv was wowed at the time (as always) with Mr. Tall Toad's ingenuity with respect to cowardly insults. Very cowardly and a trademark of that particular tall "gentleman". Do not second guess why I did not like any of these "gentlemen" and why it turned the way it did. I do have some respect for you because you seem to know that there is a line that is not to be crossed unlike most them.
Just for the record, when I used that 'T' word I wasn't aware that I was referring to one's fiancee. One repeatedly referred to a lady by her name without identifying her as his fiancee.
Sevastopol sounds great. Unfortunately, I live in a land locked city with no large bodies of water nor any mountains. My concern is that a woman from a beautiful coastal city might become bored and unhappy here. So, I have avoided Sevastopol thus far.
jetmba: Yes, you're right, I attended an Anastasia social. It was my first trip to Ukraine, and I was traveling solo. But I figured "why not try it?", and ponied up the $400 entry fee. It wasn't for me, so I've not done any more socials.
My feeling is that just as different people learn best in different media, so too different men function best with finding women in different ways. There are options, some work for one guy, but not with another guy. I don't believe there is one best way for everyone.
Sometimes I think we tend to generalize too much about the FSU women as well. Some are gold diggers and users, but some are not. It is like lots of life's tasks, sorting the sincere from the insincere. You can find both types of women in the socials, in the websites, in the bars, and in your hometown.
Trav: It seems, at first, curious that you continue to frequent this forum after having found a wife years ago. This forum has a particular and well defined purpose, and yet you revel in having chased away those who legitimately used it as it was intended. If you were a vast storehouse of knowledge and could offer sage advice to the many who might be perplexed in their pursuit, it might be argued that you are here to lend wise assistance, but you almost never even write about the subject at hand, don't seem to know much about any particular relevant issue and never say much except to insult those who are looking FOR the fact that they are looking.
It seems quite curious that you are here.
But looking back at your comments in this particular thread alone the answer seems quite clear. I bet that in real life most people avoid associating with you like the plague and have a difficult time stomaching you. It appears obvious that this is one of the few venues of communication available to you as you twist logic, use double sets of rules and demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of the most basic social rules. You cannot be ostracized from this community as you have likely been from most others you have ever been a member of (for very good reason).
We don't expect you to share your personal background with us, but you certainly know what it is. And I am guessing that you have had trouble with things, in real life, like "anger management", "uncontrolled rage", paranoid delusions, feelings of persecution and other things like that, particularly in your younger days, but perhaps even now.
I am sure that for you it is best to have a foriegn born wife from a different culture who might understand you, or at least accept you.
It makes sense now as to why you keep comong back.
All are welcome here trav. We are a community of friends. And whether a person needs help in the intended area seeking a Russian bride, as this forum was intended, or just to communicate with because no one else can stand you - we are here for ALL.
:::))) you are the gem dude::)) and a real fun to watch going nuts over just about everything:)) listen to yourself, you've engaged in a one-way war of name calling and unfounded accusations against me because I touched your nerve about the fact that you haven't been able to find a real woman and keep her for a while ... and you keep going back to these social parties in the well lit rooms and using polaroids to sneak out with some pictures of half ass decent looking women showered in a ton of make up:::)))), social parties which you come here to advertise and try to convince everyone that they comprise a legit (!) way to find a bride:)). None takes you seriously dude, realize it and don't make more ass of yourself::))
Listen to what you write, what is this? isn't this rage and who needs anger management around here except for you and urgently I might add:::))) Of course your rage shows very clearly your endless and unbounded envy. You' ve been constantly up to this point attacking Martin and I because we found our wives, as you said a long time ago, and you are still on a desperate look.
Not only you come here to spew your hatred and rage (this time against me), but also you spam the forum by going to every thread that I post and write irrelevant things just to get at me. You're a sorry spammer going from forum to forum and engaging in attacks against members by filling the boards with your disgusting spam.
As I said before, you're a very sad individual. You don't know me personally and your wishful and hateful thinking that I might somehow (only in your dreams) suffer socially or otherwise is only the product of your sick mind and soul. There are places to take care of your issues. As you see, aside from defending myself, I'm not following you in the path of low life that you've chosen by name calling and continuous accusations. Realize that you've become the laughing stock of the forum (take a look at the comments of others above). So, continue entertaining us I guess, aside from the occasional personal attacks your other posts are quit entertaining soap opera type reality show of one's pathetic life and unrealized dreams of having in his bed a real, young, pretty pricess from the FSU::)) Too bad it's not working for you jetmba, but you're not making it easy or desirable for others to provide you some help. I can clearly see why women avoid you like a skank. If you expose who you really are just as you do in this forum, I bet you can't keep a woman around more than a few days (weeks at best for the FSU because of the distance::)).
P.S. I ditto Annika above, jetmba please tell us which love tour boat you are embarking on, so we can make sure we check you out on the web (after all, every room in well lit::)), so I'm sure the polaroids will work wonders::))))
Recognizing again that you have difficulty with reading comprehension (not to mention anger management as seen above), I will ask you in a short sentence "Why are you here?".
Even Annika, living in Estonia, offers rare information on Russian women. Martin (whether I personally like him or not) continually offers excellent advice and tips on pursuing Russian women.
All you offer is anger, paranoia and ridiculous politics. Just HAVING a wife from FSU doesn't really count.
Now I'm FOLLOWING you from forum to forum?!? Maybe today should be double med day Trav.
Are you up all night watching the board for my next reply :)lol who needs medication dude? you replied within 12 minutes of my last post .. are you fantasizing about me and my wife??::)) that's disgusting ... bliahhhh
Suck up on Annika and Martin now maybe they will stop bashing you for a while::)) do you also suck up on ladies like this?? there's your problem, you suck up too much, which is a characterstic of the losers and those who have serious self confidence issues. You're an open book mba (mba>??)) even women from socials will not settle with you ... what else to say? is there a better way to describe your personality that this: "not even desperate women from the social party would take this guy"::)) now if you have any self respect at all, you should hide in your rat hole::))
You've got nothing else except for name calling, aren't you embarassed in your age of 50 something to resort to coming here and engaging in name calling? isn't there something else for you to do?
It doesn't count that I have a wife from FSU::)) what counts? and how do you count it? what the hell are you talking about? not only you are dyslexic but also you have an IQ of less than 50 (perhaps you should look for a companion in your local zoo??::)))
Still waiting for the meds to kick in, huh trav? We'll wait with you.
I don't suck up to anybody ever. The fact is that Martin and Annika sometimes offer useful information. Whether I like or dislike them is irrelevant. What is relevant is that they offer useful information.
mba go to the zoo, Co-co the monkey is waiting for you all dressed up lol she's not a Russian, but let's face it that business ain't working for you .. on the plus side, yoiu can wear her your favorite make up and perfume and you won't tell the difference::)) as always don;t forget to tell us how did it go::::))))
I'm still intrigued regarding these 'Mail Order Bride' romance socials.
It seems to me, as a layman, that there is no romance whatsoever, it is an interview (or two) followed by a photograph and a fiancee visa application.
Does anybody know of the percentages of how many ladies who have the interview & photograph actually arrive to the guy in his domicile country and thereafter what percentage make it to marriage and afterwards what the divorce rate is amongst these interviewers and interviewees?
I just can't believe that such a scenario exists but, as they say, live and learn.