So what are you going to do, contine acting selfishly and irresponsibly like her father would, so that the girl is forever clinging after your recognition, or selflessly and wholy give yourself to loving her, despite that this might make her lose her interst intially, because you are unable to reflect her father for her?
I think you have a lot of theories, but don't take the time to read others psotings. Did I say she is desperate to please me?? Indeed in the beginning it was all about her and how much she wants to be pleased. She is very selfish, which is well understood since she always had to rely on herself. She is loosening up as we have sex and I please her and now each time she wants to make sure that I am pleased too. And, I get the impression that it is becoming more important to her to please me than herself. Anyway, all the other stuff about being worked out, you're plain wrong. I'm just checking my business mail and having a window of the site on the side. None's bad, you're right, even 50c ... Anyway, so long I am heading to the beach now. Thanks for the comments anyway.
I just noticed the comment about the "man". Dude you' re obviously incapable of pleasing a woman. What is with all the effort to lecture others what is passion and compassion and the definition of a man? Are you covering up your own sexual defficiencies and sense of inferiority? I wouldn't be surpised if your closet is filled with good old Norwegian porn. Do you think everybody's nuts on this site. I am not wasting anymore of my precious time on this talk. So long.
You're right I didn't think you were talking straight at first. But you certainly did imply she was desperate to please you sexually. Implication sure, but if you were talking straight there's no doubt in my mind. Good luck anyway, you'll need it ahead.
She needs to meet her father if that's possible. Otherwise talk to someone asides from her mother who knew him. Somehow it would help her to get a real picture of him.Anything really good or bad.
You just don't get it. "man" is not synonymous to sexual prowess. That's the point. Get it yet? Now? Still not?
For god sake, all the woman I know get it off quite well with a vibrator. I don't feel sexually equivalent to a vibrator because my sexuallity is a little "bigger" than that. (haha)
wtrav02 - Nobody CARES about your techniques, orgasm, satisfaction or sexual practices. This site has nothing to do with your conquest. It’s not your storyboard. This site is not for your soap opera stories. Stating a history while addressing a topic is understandable. Showing a justification for an answer is understandable. "Did he have passion in his life?" You probably did not even know this statement till you saw it in the movie Serendipity. In that movie they were linking the statement to what the Ancient Greeks use to ask when someone died at a funeral. Never was it linked to Socrates. In my readings of Socrates I don't seem to remember that statement coming from him. Socrates "whom you admire greatly", Never asked just one question. It is common to characterize the moral philosophy of Socrates as consisting of a collection of paradoxes. Socrates’ doctrine of the identity of virtue and understanding does not hold water as a psychology of human behavior; but it was never intended as such. Socrates was not concerned to find out or observe or describe or explain how people behave under normal or actual conditions. Being essentially intelligent beings, we live our characteristically human life, the only true life we have, in a world peopled by the ideas and ideals engendered by our intelligence. To understand the true nature of these ideas and ideals is to know ourselves, to be ourselves, and realize our special excellence as human beings. This is the essence of Socrates. To understand Socrates' moral philosophy properly we have to view it in the light of his own life, for his philosophy and his life are truly inseparable. Socrates was a paragon of moral choice: his whole life was a deliberate moral choice. To exercise moral choice is to acknowledge that moral principles and values constitute the humanity and the worth of a human being. Never was Socrates referring to Sexual conquest or his ability to reach orgasm. It’s insulting for you to take the moral thoughts of Socrates and relate them to your sexual conquest. But again this whole forum is about dating RW woman. Not about you. It's helping with advice for eachother. I could sit here and write about my conquest in life. However, I dont need that kind of ego trip.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream-and not make dreams your master;
If you can think-and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!
NORWAY: Again: wass wrong witd you man?? Dont read too much of that crap!!! your mind is really gone, you knaw that?? get a doctor to look at you DONG!!!
"Started to admire .......WHO?????? YOU???????Whats wrong with you Dong?? you ok?????
Its what I said from starts, dont try to analyse everything dude, cause youll end up REAAAAAALlllllllyyyyy fucked up...
DOnt say that I didnt warn you before!!!
Whats wrong with the americans, man, they are people you know, dont talk for them like that...
COMMUNISM.......Thats a big subject you opened there.....a system that FAILED IN MORE THAT TEN COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE, AND CONTINUES TO DO SO.......
Yes, I hate communism...
P.S. Yo norwegian, save all you communistic sociological poems. No one is reading them Certainly NOT ME!
Kipling was the first Englishman to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature (1907). His most popular works include THE JUNGLE BOOK (1894) with such unforgettable characters as Mowgli, Baloo, and Bagheera. Walt Disney's cartoon version was produced in the 1960s. He is in no way communistic. He wrote some very well known poems like Gunga Din, The Last of the Light Brigade and Mandalay. Kipling composed many of his poems while living for several years in the United States in the mid-1890s. His poems became famous for their lively, swinging rhythm. His only son was killed in World War I. I did not realize who Kipling was till I got to work today and I was thinking about it. I did not know the book "IF" thats what threw mo off. Because its not a book its a poem. Then I remembered Gunga Din one of the poems I studdied in high school. I learned allot from his skills in poetry. I still write poetry today. All inspired by My Olga. However, I do like and recommend his poetry and what a fine childrens story "The Jungle Book" Who doesent know that fine piece of childrens lititure. Would recommend to all the men out there, Write your girl some poems. If you cant then find the ones tha say what you want and send them to her. She will gain a respect for you that you will charish. VERY GOOD choice of writings Norway. I respect you for that. Kipling interested himself in the romance and adventure. Very good example for any man to follow. And if your Russian lady has a child "The Jungle Book" would make a very nice and respectable gift for the young child. I Dont know if Dating-RU could find one written in Russian and send it to your girl for the childs gift. But it would be well worth looking into. I would think that it be a very astounding gift for any child. And your girl would see that also. Its been a long time since I hace read Rudyard Kipling, I have to go to my garage and dig through some boxes and pull out some of his writings. His writings were a good influance in my highschool years. Thanks for reminding me of him Norway.
50c I like your humour , attack everything with uncompromising nonsense, pretend you cant read and join a crusade against the pretensious while you hide yourself. Hint though, blow more than one tune - it does get tiresome, ESPECIALLY FOR THE REST OF US.
And I am right about your real hangups, think about it.
yo 50c, yo bagpipe. You like americans? You like men with adventure and hair on thier chest? Men who go husky riding in Alaska until their hands freeze off and have uncompromising contact with eat or be eaten natural evolution and the like. Then you like Jack London. (Call of the wild, Wild-fang). Suggest you read more about this man. Read his "Martin Eden". He was a staunt sosialist!
Axis of Evil Wannabees,
by John Cleese
Bitter after being snubbed for membership in the "Axis of Evil", Libya,
China and Syria today announced that they had formed the "Axis of Just as
Evil", which they said would be "more evil than that stupid Iran-Iraq-North
Korea axis" President Bush warned of in his State of the Union address.
Axis of Evil members, however, immediately dismissed the new Axis as
having, "for starters, a really dumb name". "Right. As if they are just as
evil ... in their dreams!" declared North Korean leader Kim Jong-il.
"Everybody knows we're the best evils? eh evilest? that we're the best."
Diplomats from Syria denied they were jealous over being excluded, Although
they conceded they had asked if they could join the Axis of Evil. "They
told us it was full," said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
"An axis can't have more than three countries", explained Iraqi President
Saddam Hussein. "This is not my rule, it's tradition. In World War I
I you
had Germany, Italy, and Japan in the evil Axis. So, you can only have
three. And a secret handshake. Ours is wickedly cool."
International reaction to Bush's Axis of Evil declaration was swift, as
within minutes, France surrendered. Elsewhere, peer-conscious nations
rushed to gain triumvirate status in what has become a game of geopolitical
Cuba, Sudan and Serbia announced that they had formed the "Axis of Somewhat
Evil", forcing Somalia to join with Uganda and Myanmar in the "Axis of
Occasionally Evil", while Bulgaria, Indonesia And Russia established the
"Axis of Not So Much Evil Really as Just Generally Disagreeable".
With the criteria suddenly expanded and all the desirable clubs filling up,
Sierra Leone, El Salvador, and Rwanda applied to be called the "Axis of
Countries That Aren't the Worst But Certainly Won't Be Asked to Host the
Canada, Mexico and Australia formed the "Axis of Nations That Are Actually
Quite Nice But Secretly Have Some N
asty Thoughts About America", while
Scotland, New Zealand and Spain established the "Axis of Countries That
Want Sheep to Wear Lipstick". "That's not a threat, really, just Something
we like to do", said Scottish Executive First Minister Jack McConnell.
While wondering if the other nations of the world weren't perhaps making
fun of him, a cautious Bush granted approval for most axis, although he
rejected the establishment of the "Axis of Countries Whose Names End in
'Guay", accusing one of its members of filing a false application.
Officials from Paraguay, Uruguay, and Norguay denied the charges.
Norguays king Harald can't understand the rejection "I filled out the
application myself".
What does any of this have to do with dating woman in Russia? I dont mind your topic but its nothing to do with this forum. Please lets keep the poltics out of this forum. I may or may not agree with what you have written here. But this is not the place for it. Olga has told many of you that this site is not for Politics or Your story board for sexual encounters. Please lest respect her and respect the site and its forum. This is not the place for this. Its funny how you waitied for the weekend to post this knowing that Olga will be off for the weekend and you can get away with it for the weekend. This is taking advantage of Olga and of the forum. Im not the forum police. However, I do enjoy it and its content when it stays with the subject. I hope that we can act like adults here and respect what this forum is for.
Not much CodeRed. But then what does Kipling's history and your garage, your personal taste on childrens books have to do with it? Really. I mean the poem was relatent as a weight against sex -fixation which is a basic pitfall for many men on this site, as you and many others seem to agree. But the rest..?
Who doesn't like Monty Python? Better than those essays you like to hit us with. A bit of humour doesn't go amiss, especially when it focuses on tolerance amongst nations.That was the original topic of this thread I started. I think an attitude of religious, cultural and national tolerance is a very useful prerequisite when dating across borders.
And it sure is sweet to get the one up on 50c and co.Hey bagpipes dude - it's not smart and it's not big bang dong. Watch out or us commi Norgs are going to make you drive our tractors and drink the breat-milk of our big-mamas so that you can grow big and strong commi man.
Well I took the author you posted and suggested that the guys write some poetry to the ladies, then I suggested the the book for the kids as a gift. For tolerance in religious, cultural and nationalis - fine if its not political. I used Kiplings history to show Mr 50c that he was in no way communistic as he was stating. I admit that I do go off the path a little but I do try to stay in the right direction. I have made the mistake of being harsh sometimes but I try to stay away from that now. I try not to fall into the name calling game again. I hope you understand. But I really never thought that this thread was a good topic other than a disguise topic. (Another fast one you thought nobody saw).