You still don't get it. EVERY woman we seek here is different than the "norm". You don't like the age difference aspect? Well then let's talk about the culture aspect. A lot of women try living in a completely different culture but never really adapt. There are hundreds of stories of women living one place and then eventually going back to he homeland after some years. Is that enough to make you want to stop searching? If it is, kindly step out of line. There are plenty of us willing to fill in.
If the age difference is a problem for YOU (or you prefer women your age) then "more power to you", have at it and good luck. But don't come and rain on the parade of those of us who don't agree with you. We don't need tendancy to point out the obvious (that the women we seek are not run-of-the-mill). If you want a TYPICAL girl - walk down to your local neighborhood pub or bar. You'll find the standard fare for your part of the world.
"...ah, sure, AND faithful to her 25-year-older husband for the rest of their lives LOL.
Likely, the rest of his life LOL LOL."
kingarthur: Does the thought of your potential wife being unfaithful to you AFTER YOU'RE DEAD really bother you? If she manages to stay faithful to me for the rest of MY life - that's all I should really care about.
You're Italian, right? I don't seem to recall anything about an aspect of Italian culture where the widow is expected to throw herself on the husbands funeral pyre. Its an ancient Hindu rite and coincidently the Vikings did it as well - but not even the Romans generally practiced that one.
You might be able to find a chastity belt to slip on your soon-to-be widow, if illness onto death seems to be approaching. But SHE will likely find a locksmith, and be able to do as she pleases.
I take acceptable risks, so I dont date 2o year old.Yhet is so last year.
The new age limit criterior is, You dont date younger than your daughter..))
be sure, the 'unfaithfulness' of my potential wife after my departure does not bother me at all :-) Did I suggest it? Just your interpretation, I only tried to underline with some humour that 20-25 years difference are a lot.
This new criteria is for both daughters and sons...don't date a women younger than your son! In this case, jet, you are bucking the new criteria, now you got to rid yourself of your new girl!!! :(((
I guess Addy will have to be more detailed in his interpretation was younger than your kids. Which lucky for me I started late.
Jet, good luck with your, younger than your son, girlfriend!!!!! :))))
I have a very safe criterion. Since I have no children, and my nieces are in their early thirties, I don't date younger than my nieces' children.
your comments are right on the money. i have a different perspective because of business in ukraine and russia. But I
have been told by many young and cute girls and have seen by myself here that there are plenty of young and
reasonably well to do local guys available for the cute girls!!!
they know they are cute and have no interest in older foreign men unless you happen to be brad pitt:)
Hi guys! I've read your posts. I DIEEEE LAUGHING ) ) )) ) )) ) )
If you have some quests about UA fashion or best fiancee hunting game, wellcome to ask ) ) )
We are really more mature and the western 20 years me older men are guys in their mind. We have another prob with our men, in 50 they are very, very old.... in everything... and in bed also... ah... there's nothing to do there ) ) ))
You have to know that A LOT of our girls have no desire nor to leave the country nor to be with foreign guy. Don't think that any of the lady here will fall in love with the first... sorry.... foreign di** )) )) )
Hey, one more idea. Forget about age different. Same age partners may separate the same quick as with big age difference. I think people should be tgther untill they are ok with each other and nothing to do with money, culture or country.