I'm just a temporary visitor and don't know you but like your story and hope it all works out for you. Your description sounds very much like a previous wife of mine. 'She is a woman of high moral standards, impeccable grace and beauty, character, class and intelligence.'
What raised a red flag for me was your comment... 'I hope I can live up to all of her expectations.'
If she is full of unrealistic expectations you are already in trouble and if you feel you are going to have to raise your game to keep her happy, it's not the best foundation for long term success or your own self-confidence.
To me, the perfect woman is one that has few or low expectations. She will then be delighted when you exceed them.
Good call. I did not tell her what my expectations were, but I can tell you she exceeded them. She has not told me what her expectations are, but she said "Da". I am guessing I am on the right track. I certainly feel that I am. As language communication improves perhaps these ideals will become more apparent between us. I am who I am and maybe I should have phrased that as "I hope I meet her expectations". I have no intentions of changing myself to fit a mold. Been there, done that, doesn't work. A person must maintain their inner happiness to be happy on the outside.
So far things are great and I have been given no reason to believe they will change. I will not worry myself with it and will continue on building upon what we have. Again I feel that this match is more than random chance. I know it sounds hokey but it is the way I feel. Thank you every one for your wishes of good luck. The journey has just started!
Werent you the guy slamming all the Aussie guys here who where trying to tell you about the REALITY of it all
Part of the problem is Australia's laws. Different if you lived in south africa and could bring your woman back in a week. The Aussie govt sucks and contributes in the destruction of any possible relationship. So if you can swim through all the fake woman who just use western men and find an honest girl you then have to battle the australian governments promotion of muslim / asian culture and making it impossible Eastern Europeansto come here
Mike I know what you are saying the country is totally on the take, the whole place is structured that way. It is no surprise that they all think youre Santa Claus. The thing is they have no value for money. No one in Russia has ever worked and saved up to buy a house, a mortage is still unheard of in that country. Graft is everywhere, it is the only way to get ahead. It is why a lot of people I know, want to leave.
They are not the only ones that are useless with money. Even my ex, who is basically a good person, could not stop spending money. In the end I had to take the cheque book and credit cards off her and put her on a budget. Gave her a couple hundy a week to get her hair done or what ever. And you know what, She was much happier with that.
Id do the same thing with a Russian chic if she turned out the same. If she gave the money to her friends or family, well so be it but there would be no more when her budgets was gone. After a while they learn how far a dollar will go.
Unfortunately sometimes you just have to treat them like children and there it is. Life is very rarely perfect.
Maybe you can try kiwi style, coke and packet of crips, anything else they get is bonus.
What happens at all lollie scrambles - the polite/good ones hold back and the fat greedy pudla's get the candy !!!
You give an inch - they take a mile !!!
Start as you mean to go on !!!!
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth !!!
Don't kill the Golden Goose that lays the golden eggs !!!!
yea - right again Mike - "you reap what you sow" !!!!
Just re-reading my above - it looks like I am supporting the "perpetrator" but I did not mean this – more to show the outcome of such actions - what inevitably happens - its human nature.
vanechka, you are right... that's strange why not only AU gvrnment but the majority of civilized countries make possible muslim shit to come and live and spoil the level of live and sucurity in the coutry they come. they are like animals, not able to study, learn and accept the standarts of the place they come to live in.
While normal people from UA or Russia, well educated and civilized, able and eaging to work hard to rise themself and the ecomony of the place they come live in... they face to big troubles tring to open visa and have to prove that they are not shit.
Me personally, I won't make even a step to any Embassy... let it better do solusitor to protect both me and the man who wants to take me to his country from stress.
If you even could see what is going on in Italian Embassy in Ukraine. Men are waiting monthSSS untill their already wives(!) could get visa and join them.
I think a long time ago I wrote how Mike Double Donuts, help perpetrate scamming. The village blowhard with his deep pockets and staccato english, sounds like he got taken for a ride. Oh well such is life. Hey it's his quid, so now why is he crying about it here now? Remember he used to brag about how much money he dropped on his girl, I think a BMW was also in the offering. How idiotic. I really think Mike is full of horse dung or just a naive idiot. I choose the horse feces.
Braggarts like liars, are of the same cloth, both useless. Oh Nas, where is your compassion. Well, when you had to decipher the litany of bullshit that has been posted here by the Rupert Murdoch of Ebay, there is little, also there was little substance in his posts. Except he was set up to get dropped down. Then other guys pay for his stupidity. I took my search serious as hell than you get these bozo's that just love to be controversial and stir up crap in a forum like this. Maybe that's why I'm not so astonished that Mike now is giving up on the Russian thing. Remember he didn't have serious intentions, so why shouldn't the lady look at him as any more than a cash cow to feed the family and friends. What about the child that has been born out of this idiotic relationship? Oh send a few dollars that will take care of it Ay? Anyone can be a father, it's takes something more to be a Dad.
Sorry I think Mikes posts have been hogwash fromt he get go. Maybe now He and Viva can spend time in Thailand and discuss why Viva thinks he's a deity.
I don't know about most, but this is as about as serious an undertaking that you will make in life. Unless you take this with a shooting fish in the barrel attitude. I found the most incredible woman in my search, I didn't have to impress her with money, I told her up front who I was and didn't put on any aires. You're not playing on the same level with their economy. Hell anyone can go over to Ukraine and Russia with 5-7 grand and play the mini Rockefeller for a couple of weeks. That's not what this is about. Though those are the clowns that like to whine when they get taken.
Also no one with the brain above an amoeba writes constantly in their vernacular. God, what a headache. It's funny for a while, but then it's time to get real.
The serious guys here, have to sift through the bullshit on these boards to find real information on their legitmate search. That in itself is almost as difficult as finding a woman in the FSU. So that pretty much tells the story of you reap what you sow. Stand on the street corner in any town and wave money around, soon you will find someone willing to take it from you.
I have to agree that there is creedance in what you have to say. However, Mike has offered me much good advice on how to have a successful trip to Russia. Not just to bring home the prize, but on how to have a good time without getting abused. As with all of the members who post here, some of the information is good, some bad. I look at the big picture and call it like I see it. After having made 1 whole trip to Russia (a true veteran), I can honestly say that no one here is right 100% of the time. ( I hear in the back of my head my Mother quoting a line from Bambi, "If you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all")
All that being said, and with Martin seemingly gone, why don't we all try and look at the positive side of life and our pursuit of happiness rather than jump on opportunities to beat each other up? Mike got whooped. There is little doubt. Does any one really feel better by kicking him now. I hope not. What I would hope is that we all learn a lesson from Mike and his situation and make sure it does not happen to us. Mike, I understand what it means to be betrayed. It can be one of the most painful experiences a person can feel. But I know that you are ready to move on and that is best. When the milk is spilt, milk another cow!!! Just don't get kicked.
I learned a little from each of you, things to do, things not to do. I paid attention and was careful and I believe my caution and attentiveness has paid off beyond my wildest imagination. And to those of you who supplied me with you wisdom and knowledge, I thank you... we thank you!
I know that my journey is not over yet. I may still have use for this forum. But with God's good grace, soon I will be able to retire from here and get on with my life. Those of you who have chosen to write me personally I will continue to check in with and keep informed on how things are going. But I see no need to continue here once I have reached the end of my journey. The input I can offer is mostly pertinent to my situation and likely will be outdated in the near future. Standard stuff, like avoiding scams, is available everywhere for those WHO WILL LISTEN! It's not rocket science.
God has blessed me and my lady and I believe that in a few short months my life will be better than it has ever been. I hope this is the case for each of you.
good luck Bill, I would have suggested to make more than 1 trip to spend more time with her, but to each his own. What works for one may not work for another.
Adman, I have to take issue with your statement. My mother and father in law worked their tails off to buy their home. Their very hard working people and they have all my respect. Plus they own a dacha in the country and two other flats in the city they rent out. Plus mortages do exist now even though they are not popular yet. Credit cards are also easing their way in. There is corruption beyond belief over there but honest people that try to do the right thing do exist.
Skiired as you know after the fall of communisim everyone was given the property they were renting, they didnt pay for it. Virtually no one has the concept of saving and buying a property.
If you didnt inherit a property, chances are you will never own one.
I certainly expected to make more than one trip. I had planned for many different scenarios. Proposing marriage after being face to face with her for 3 days was not one of them. I suppose crazier things have happened, but our meeting was nothing short of magical. No one was more surprised than I was on how things worked out. I know I will never convince any of you posters of my feelings on this but time will tell whether I am the fool or the prince. I am willing to give it my best shot.
Bill whether what you did was right or wrong, it is what happened, and no one here can condemn one for their right to choose. Life itself is crazy and when we place to much expectations on the "norm" life becomes a little boring. If you're willing to give it your best shot, that's all that can be expected, whether you have met once or three times. Love is a lifelong experience and it doesn't just come to fruition by a long courtship, but nurtures itself over a life time.
As for your utopian idea of everyone getting along, well that's not realistic. It wasn't an attempt to kick Mike00 when he was down, it was stressing a point of the foolishness of his posts in the past. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. With that in sight, Mike belittled and derided many posters her with his bravado and his somewhat stealth insults about his great wealth. Like who cares, what you make or what I make or what anyone here makes as an income has very little to do with searching for a lady from the FSU. Let alone, the idiocy of bragging about it in an open forum only encourages the life expectancy of scamming, since it gives them the belief that there are still plenty of idiots willing to part so easily with their money for hopes of some kind of relationship. Just ridiculous. This continues to hurt legitmate guys seriously seeking a life long companion and impedes their process to do so.
So since some Poms, were ridiculous idiots, I wonder what level of Pomdomn some live in now? Hell even Martin once in a while provided some good information, albeit mostly by google searches, it still doesn't make him a worthwhile and reliable poster here.
This is a forum for adult males trying to find happiness with foreign women. Others are welcome but I believe this is the overall mission of this forum. It is not the playground for a bunch of children. In as much as this is intended for adults, we should all act like adults. Your post above is well written, thoughtful and concise, and for the most part it meets what I consider to be the format this forum was based on. Sure Mike says some things that are out there or display "bravado". You have done it, I have done it. I think most everyone here is gulity of losing track of what this is about. My point is to try harder to stay on track and use this tool for all it is worth. Who cares whose dick is bigger? I only care that I find that special woman that appreciates it for what it is. (by the way, what is a POM?)
I admit that I lost it with Martin. I let him get to me. Shame on me. But this forum should be for discussion, not name calling. I don't think this a utopian concept, just practical. If a person wants to sit at their computer and call everyone else names, by all means go to AOL chat and have a blast.
I am of the opinion that any FSU woman interested in finding a husband should visit this forum. It will give her all the info she needs to draw a conclusion about our egos and stupidity. I for one would welcome the idea of inviting a prospective bride to come here and read my posts and then decide what kind of a man she thought I was. Would all of you do the same?
Monada, you need to watch the Video, "You can't fix Stupid" I think you're in the credits. You can cure cancer, stop heart attacks, but you surely can't fix stupid.