Wouldn't it be simpler if the cabs had meters thats the normal way I got charged 50 bucks for the trip from the airport to the station. On the way back got a minibus for 25 hrivna. I just think that you should be trying to encourage people to visit, lets face it te rip off is only a short term gain, surley you want people to come back. I would seriously think twice about coming back after that last experience ,but I blame myself, for most it.
I was charged 50 hrivnas - to go from airposrt to hotel in Donetsk - but the guy was a "cowboy taxi", and unmarked car - just a regular guy trying to make some extra money.
A friend - on the same trip - was charged 50 EUROS! And only realized that he had been REALLY taken later,
I give you advice, before you come to visit ukraine, do find some nice speaking english girl in internet and she'll help you while you are visiting her.
But don't forget to leave her money when you go back for that she spent her time on you.
luke, try to help yourself. First you'll loose sm money, but will get experience and woman.
Ah, guys, how much you don't want to spend money... nothing is for free in life...
$$$ is the smallest price you could ever can pay, you don't know that... then what you know??????????
If you had half a brain, you'd know there are plenty things that are free in life. Love for example, if you pay for it, it ain't love. Genuine, respect, understanding, if you have to pay for these things, it ain't real!! These things are EARNED not paid for!!!
I suspect your hubbby paid royaly for these things or do you want to correct your sentence??????
Your have good understanding of life and how to survive but please think twice before you write.
It is very easy to talk about throwing money around, as long as its not YOUR money, don't preach about spending money.
MONADA is the result of Communist philososphy gone wrong. Its the same reason that people in the FSU have no problem at all charging different rates to westerners for hotels, etc. and why taxi drivers stiff westerners.
The idea of independence and anything having a definite and constant monetary value (price) is lost on the.
The Communist philosophy is that is that nobody should ever have anymore than anyone else has, and certainly no more than they need. Everybody should share the limited resources (not make MORE resources).
MONADA realizes that SOMEBODY (namely western men) have more than she does - so their wealth should be redistributed. Pure and simple. And if we don't do it willingly, then people like her are more than willing to rip us off. And feel justified in doing it.
Yes Monada it is possible that I spent 15,000 dollars dating my Ukrainian ladies. And it was worth every dollar! :) Some of the ladies fell in love with me and I did not want them. I also fell in love with some of them and they did not want me. One day my future Ukrainian bride and I will find each other. But in the mean time it's fun searching. Where are you from Monada? City?
You, guys, look at DEANO and take him as example :) ) )) )
There was some men here writing that he tried to kill himself 3 times...
I could sent him into hell from the first attempt :) ) ))) He needs a ukrainian wife.... :))
I'm in Poltava now... already taken by one mmmmmm... very gooooood bastard :)))
If you're worried about spending a buck, this adventure is not for you. You will have to ante up my friend. I will put it this way, the lady I found is beyond anything you could put a price tag on. You will spend money, end of story. If you use common sense in your search, forget the agencies and do it on your own, chances are you won't waste time and blow a ton of money.
Jet, Monada makes Keynes look like a supply sider. Every step in life you have a price to pay. Yeah, Moronada, but some prices many cannot afford and are afraid to take that step. Exactly the way you are. There is no price to small or to great to pay for love, peace, freedom and prosperity. Unfortunately, the greatest love of all is free. Though I highly doubt you understand that love.
The main topic of forum is "to get russian bride". This is what I understand.
If you want to discuss phylosophy of love, better move to private. But better don't do it.
I'm not going to discuss it here, bcs this is very private thing.
The taste of LOVE everybody discover by her or himself. Lucky those who know it.
Thank you for the compliments Monada. :) I've learned a lot during my travels to Ukraine and I have learned to understand your culture there. I have adopted this country. Sure there are bad people in Ukraine as in any country and these bad people in Ukraine will smell when you are a weak man. Those are the men who will be cheated out of there money and their heart. I was cheated once and I learned quickly. Instead of running away I returned a stronger man and now go to Ukraine with confidence. The women feel this and the men see it too. Now I never have problems when I go there. Maybe I will waste some time but never my money or my feelings. I have passed through Poltava many times on my way to Kharkov. I'm told there are many beautiful ladies there. Maybe I should stop there one time? :) Monada is your very good bastard Ukrainian or foreigner? By the way, Maybe I spent 20,000 total but not more. I'm not a fool with my money. :)
I knew without hesitation you didn't have a clue what I was talking about. Blood is far from the most expensive currency, though to the marterialist and hedonist it is the most expensive. I just wonder at times, why people like you show up in a forum like this? What is your point of existence here?
And what do you truly bring to the table, besides condemnation of others that are searching, belittling the supposed man you live with now, stereoptyping most women from Ukraine? What is your reason of existence here? The point being is you have tried to remind me that this is a search for Russian women. What have you enlighted us with about this search? Except the facts you give about women from Ukraine are a little skewed and intentionally misguided.
I've taken the time to meet my wifes friends and her family, I'm still searching for those that you stereotype here. Actually I've found the majority of her family and friends not to be much different than many from where I live with the exception of language and cultural customs. Having the same desires as we do here, the same worries and fears and a belief in hope that surprises me because many lived in the negative society of communism, which you still highly hold dear to your heart. Since you endorse that lifestyle so much, it pretty much shows me your deep inside character. Her true friends have been supportive of her decision and hold no envy towards her new life. They have been truly kind towards me and have gone out of their way to make me feel welcome each and every time I come to Ukraine. Obviously you lack true friends like that because your condescending and venomous posts prove this without a doubt.
I haven't seen you provide any serious guy here looking for a woman with any kind of support or guidance, except your acerbic negative attitude about how men here should bow to the altar of money in hopes of attracting a woman from Ukraine. You have labeled them in your own words as parasites with only one agenda in mind. If that was the case my wife should have went off with the lawyer that spent time writing her in the past. Though maybe she doesn't have the character flaw that you have and wouldn't sell her soul for the almighty buck.
Again why are you here? You proclaim you are providing an insight on the inner mechanims of the women from Ukraine, when you only belittle the really great people that exist in Ukraine. You're IP may be from Ukraine, but beyond that you show very little in the way of how the decent and hard working people from Ukraine really are. You only portray the bad side to many people here who are trying to make a decision of attempting this search, though they haven't been to the FSU yet. So being that as it may, they take your negative native input as being the truth of life as it exists in Ukraine. When it is so far off base it's ridiculous. People like you have caused many guys here not to even make the attempt to go and find what it's really like there. I think that is what your agenda is. To cause people to mistrust and put a negative light on this venture which to many is a bit scary and daunting undertaking.
I can see by your posts, you've probably in the past rubbed in the faces of your own countrymen your lucky new life you have found with the previous yank you were married too. How with your new life you have looked down at them as some idiotic paupers who now weren't in your same class. Having money and material things doesn't guarantee class or intellect. You have pretty much brought the same negative attitude as many other spurned women here have. You try to impress us here with philosophical diatribe about life, when you still only embrace the spectre of a hideous idealology called communism. Why? You may fool many new guys coming here about life in Ukraine, who haven't taken the time to research or even go there. Though I know the reality of Ukraine and look forward to going back and seeing my new found friends.
I would hate to think that I would refer to my better half the way you describe your guy. I feel for him, if he even exists. If he does, you got way beyond more than you truly deserve. You can't have that great inner love you proclaim, that is the sun warming everything around you, when you demean and individual like that. Though when you read your posts, it's always I, I, I. Good luck, you're going to need all you can get.
deano wrote Maybe I spent 20,000 total but not more. I'm not a fool with my money. :)
Any western man with half a brain would laugh at this... Mate with $20000 you should be able to date an escort for a year .. At least she will hang around longer
lol what a friggen joke
Actually idiot the 20,000 includes all travel expenses for several trips to Ukraine. After discovering Ukraine I prefer to travel there over lets say the Carribbean. If I were to spend 20,000 on Carribean trips I would see beautiful beaches and sea, get a great tan. In the Ukraine I have a date with a beautiful girl every night. Usually don't sleep alone so no need to pay for an escort. And maybe one day one of these girls will turn out to be the girl of my dreams. I'm looking forward to spending another 20,000......MATE!