nothing of me. I was racing 'dirt bikes' when I was 8. Here in Los Angeles the term bikes is synonymous with motor( motorcycle) and without motor( bike). I do like the rides up the coast from LA to San Francisco. I have a Kawasaki Vulcan 1600.
Because of the age discussion, I was talking about was going up a hill on a bike( no motor),now that is rather difficult!! The term cycling is not used very often, unlesss you are talking about a race. Ax for the ceramic pads, I was just kidding. :)) Terms can have different meanings in different countries, don't you agree????
That was interesting/scary reading - now I know why my wife doesn’t use a Micro-wave oven - and holds food in her hands to reheat
Christ - I just thought of something else !!!!!!!
Pheww - its still there - hasn't fallen off - yet ????
Thunder: The trip idea certainly intrigues. Can promise anything right now - except that I will think about it.
I DO ride a MOTORCYCLE (for those who seem to think bicycle). Its an old Honda Shadow, but I've riden a few crotchrockets in my day as well. Had an Enduro back a few years ago. I might be interested.
Would be esoecially fun if we could get four of us. Thunder, Glad, Nas and myself. That would be one hell of a great trip. forgot beemer!.....still smiling at the term "crotch rocket",I'll have you know my little "crotch rocket" is quite a comfy machine.......COMFY!.my god listen to me.Now that is age.:))
Presently using a CBR1100 Super Blackbird,doesn't go round corners like my old Aprilia RSV or Thunder's machine,but still gets enough adrenalin pumping when you carck it open.
read the kidofspeed thing a while back and had to admire that ladies determination in going where she did,from my last trip to Ukraine (Jan 2007) I know there are still a great deal of restrictions in and around Chernobyl,but the NW of Ukraine is still a fascinating place with a heap of good biking roads.
As a suggestion.........a trip along the path of the Dnepr River is an interesting one,leading to the Ukranian Riveria!....Odessa and the Black Sea Resorts......just a thought.
That's a nice machine indeed! I was wondering why you'd emphasized the straight-line speed, the Priller's renowned for sublime leaning. Interesting though, that 'Bird is the bike here which' name you only mention when clearly pointing at it - to take away any confusion :)))
So, Jet's in too it seems, perfect, and he's got the same sentiment I do - Nasfan should be there too! Better inform us Bro, however time aplenty!
I'd even go as far as to say that Nas & Glad should take their better halves with, purely for social reasons - never mind their undoubted help when there, this primarily is to be a social outing (hold yer horse yet Jet :)
Look, during most days and some evenings we'll no doubt team up. See things, do whatever, ride and have holiday fun. During eve's I'm sure the couples would appreciate some privacy which would leave Jet & me to 'go out'. No organized romance socials but impromptu local socials, and don't worry, I'm not a big drinker either. However, for any ideas, votes, routes, stopovers, accommodations, details and why's there's oodles of time. What we need to do first is deciding WHO, then WHEN.
I hope all of the above-mentioned will like the idea, will consider it at least and will be able to make up their minds within a reasonable time.
Only then we can start planning, and on this keep following in mind: I already suggest to stay OUT of the summer-peak for it will be crowded everywhere, with prices to match. Secondly, I strongly suggest to hire the/a bike(s) there where there is choice. Dunno about Blighty but in the Benelux there's plenty, this in contradiction to Southern Europe ... and this would mean we'd meet there or thereabouts which would save the yankees a bit on their tickets. Cost-wise it will not be a cheapie but it is quite affordable, and keep in mind that only I face a horrendous exchange rate - and I've done it several times before.
Nasman, if you promise Larissa not to wheelie all the way I'm sure she must love the idea of traveling through Europe this way. Even Gladdie 'adjusted' his bike from 'mono' to 'pillion' (a hunch - right?) to cater for her or at least be able to do this, and I'm sure Jet & I will follow suit with our bike-choice (which means I already count you in Jet, know it :).
All considered this no doubt would be the trip of our lifetimes! Think well, I'm in, and I realize that's easier for me because I'm alone. Jet's too so Glad & Nas will have to plan more.
Keep's informed!
Just to be overly clear Nasfan, I actually count on you joining us too!
I know, presumptuous me, jumping the gun etc, but I can just imagine us all having a major ball in such a diverse group set in that part of the world.
Thunder - SO FAR I'll be alone. Of course something could happen to change that with me newest dear one from Ukraine. If that's the case however, it could be something of a homecoming for her. And I would have to behave myself to a slightly higher standard.
But as far as the trip - I'm interested either way.
we all can see the gears up there are churning ;-) Now wait 'till Nas starts enthusing here.... and you're going to be sold too :))
Homecoming you say? Get her out to join us at our start if all goes well, the more the merrier! In fact - I hope for you this is what is going to happen! But whatever, I have the least of problems going out on my own if that's what you mean. If anything I'll do it just to spite you ;-)
(Mental note for self: just in case, get big topbox & spare helmet :)
Suppose... just suppose (I'm not saying that this has or hasn't happened... but just suppose...) that I have already sent my newest Sweetheart a parcel (just yesterday) and just SUPPOSE... (I'm not saying that is is necessarily true...) that parcel contained fiance visa documents that she needs to sign and return to me by means of an enclosed envelope. And just, SUPPOSE (mind you) that when I get them sent back I might send in a completed K-1 visa application so that if (supposing again here) things go well between us during our three weeks in August, I can FINSH the application and have her with me for the three month period around and including Christmas. And further ... just suppose ... that we were to get married during that period... I would already be hitched to a wonderful Ukrainian by the time of our planned outing next year. Then, indeed, a return trip to Ukraine WOULD be a homecoming for her. Just SUPPOSE andy of these things come to pass.......
I was in Ukraine last year and agencies are still looking get money off u ...outside Kiev!
Watch out every move they make I heard story guy was locked in "dungeon" three days but got
out and reported!
There are danger like anywhere but chicks aint all dumb find one with tech uni training more aligned!
I was enjoying reading the comments until I read what skyblue had to say. I am planning a trip to Ukraine in the next few weeks but the 'dungeon' story made my blood run cold. I'm still going though.
About this bike trip, I'm not biker, i was a bit when younger but I prefer the comforts of a car, but I quite fancy the idea, how would you feel if a newby like me was to tag along, I could be the car back up sort of fella type thingy support vehicle guy.
sky, tell me more about this dungeon trip, do you kmow where and which agency??
months ago I had never heard of the Russian bride thing, and all I knew about Ukraine was that is was once part of Russia.
I stumbled upon all of this, got hooked, joined Globaladies, wrote, rang & text 3 girls regularly for almost 3 months. I posted a couple of messages here, and then......
Saturday 14th July 2007 - I entered a taxi from my home in Northampton, England to the coach station at 5.15am - A taxi from the same firm dropped me back at my home a little after 6pm on Friday 27th July - What happened in between is summarized below for anyone who is remotely interested........
A guy I'd never met before picked me up outside a tube station in Essex, we had chatted on a forum much like this one and he stated that he was driving to Ukraine on the 14th, he does it every few months for the past 10yrs as he has a steady girlfriend in Luts'k, he offered me a place in his beat up old Cavalier for £80 but I would have to make my own arrangements to get home because he stays in Ukraine for 6wks at a time, I agreed, I booked a return ticket over the internet with Eurolines Coaches, picking me up from Lublin in Poland on the 26th and arriving at London Victoria the next day - £67.
We boarded the 6pm Ferry at Dover on Saturday 14th July bound for Calais and I left the British Isles for the first time in my 34yrs.
This bloke turned out to be one of the single biggest freaks I have ever had the displeasure of spending 32hrs with, but, he got us there, 115mph most of the way, through France, Belgium, Germany, Poland and into west Ukraine.
He checked me into a hotel in Luts'k at around 4.30am Monday 16th, I slept well, no hot water, cold shower in the morning, fine, because temp outside was 35c, and that was mild compared to what was about to come!
I spent the day in Luts'k with matey and his half westernised girlfriend. My first impression was "Oh My God - the internet was right - there are fit young women everywhere, and I MEAN, everywhere" Sure there are the Babooshkas and normal looking people about, including, I hate to say, good looking and trendy Ukrainian guys, but, the overall majority walking the city streets, working in the cafe's and generally about the place are sexy, attractive young and mid 40's women.
That evening at 8.45pm I waved goodbye to those two and boarded the overnight train bound for Odessa, old world war two trains that are unbelievably punctual, I had a first class cabin, my companion was a nice Ukrainian lad of 17 whose girlfriend kept popping in. We arrived at Odessa the following morning and the lad got me a taxi, my destination was not Odessa, but Kherson!
$130 USD taxi ride from Odessa train station to Kherson city centre, a taxi ride I will literally NEVER forget, it's the Wild West on Ukraine's roads, Mad Max, oh and the temp was now 39c, and it was rising!
Kherson city centre the afternoon of Tuesday 17th July 2007. I meet with the legendary Dimitry, he's all over these websites and forums offering his services to us Westerners, that's how I discovered him. He got me a flat for $25 USD a night, I went to his home, ate peaches with him, he took me out and I met influential people of Kherson, he also introduced me to two lovely girls, and, yes, he wanted money. He's a nice man, but, first and foremost, he's a business man, and western men to him are nothing more than walking talking wallets. I emailed him last week, thanking him for his assistance and to say that I'd arrived home safely, still no reply, no doubt if I'd also put in the email that I was returning in September and will require his assistance again, he wouldv'e replied faster than I could say US Dollar.
The 3 girls from Globaladies that had been writing, ringing and texting me for almost 3mths all turned out to be scammers, and there was me thinking I'm way too smart to be scammed, oh well.
Four days of Kherson, endless salads at cafe's and glasses of coke at The John Howard Pub, oh and 42c temps, and I got Dimitry to put me on a bus bound for Odessa, 3hrs, but only 30 Grivna, or £3 GBP. 6pm on Friday 20th July I boarded the overnight train from Odessa back to Luts'k. First class again and this time my companion was Andreas, and we have become friends. The female train attendant in her 40's spent much time in our compartment and Andreas translated that she was lonely in her job, liked my "smooth skin" and, quite literally, wanted to sleep with me in her cabin, I politely asked Andreas to translate....NO thanks.
Back in Luts'k I checked into the Hotel Ukrainian, five star and very nice, $40 USD a day. I attended a Ukrainian barbeque on the Sunday evening and met the woman that I may, quite simply, spend the rest of my life with. She's 30, has a daughter of 6ys and works full-time in an office, she has never used the services of an agency. She wouldn't take money from me, and only accepted the Dolce & Gabbana perfume (originally bought for one of the 3 scammers) after I insisted.
My take on Ukraine is......
Yes, there are more women than men, but not the 6 to 1 ratio's we're told there is. Probably more like 3 to 1.
Yes, Ukraine is wall to wall, ceiling to floor jammed with good looking, sexy women of all age groups.
No, western men flashing our passports, money or just speaking English will not get women flocking to our side. Go alone, and you could be lonely!
Most Ukrainian women walk around with a mobile phone stuck to their ears, many are wearing designer clothes.
No, Ukrainian guys are NOT all hairy gorilla's who beat their women, who are drunks and druggies, there are many good-looking Ukrainian men around.
No, many, maybe even most, Ukrainian women do NOT want to leave Ukraine, I striked up conversations with as many females as I could and not one said she would leave, even for love, and, I'm sor
No, many, maybe even most, Ukrainian women do NOT want to leave Ukraine, I striked up conversations with as many females as I could and not one said she would leave, even for love, and, I'm sorry to report, this includes the lovely woman I have met!
So, I've been back home in rainy old England a week now and, if I'm honest, I miss Ukraine, the food, the culture, the wonderful people I met and, the woman I so wish was here with me right now.
I expect the Dinosaurs of this forum to rip into this post, and probably me as well, so be it. If anyone who has not yet been found anything in this helpful, then that was its purpose. I have photograph's I'm happy to share with anyone who cares to see them.
Sir Daniel has a good spin and appraisal on this. You can meet Ukraine girls for free on the internet through using ICQ 5 chat software and do live internet chat with them which I have done in the past and the ones that speak/read/write fluent English ( yes there are quite a few around that do, especially younger ones under 30 that do because English is often studied as a second language in there schools and Uni's ), they are not interested in leaving there beloved country of Ukraine for anything. These girls are closely bound to family, friends and that cultural way of life, things are not so bad in the wealthier cities of Ukraine such as Kiev, Odessa etc. and the girls are earning more money.
Scamming is like earning more pocket money for them..its easy to do and they don't have to leave there country and the local authorities are apathetic and corrupt and will do nothing about scamming so they get away with it, time after time!..its more $$$$$ for poor Ukraine so why stop it???
Girls who live out in the country in villages are less likley to be spoilt and materialistic because life there is harder and they just might pull up anchor and leave for another country because of the shit life, but you can find scammers in smaller cities and towns diggers exist every four corners of this Earth.
Ones I have chatted too, not interested in any shape or form to marry a western man and leave there country...things are far better there than it was 10 years ago!
Your story is similar to many I have read over past year. Do I have this were meeting 3 girls from same agency in the same city????? Do you realize that they probably know each other and have probably shared info with each other about your letters??? They probably don't think you are serious. Rule #5( Rule #1- Don't send money to girl you have never met) Don't visit multiple girls from same city when you know they are from same agency. Women are talkers....I am convinced they like to compare notes....when I have written to girls in same city and have joined around same time in a site such as fiance, I write letters to each all different. I assume they are going to share info. It is funny how sometimes I get letters read or letters sent very close in time from each other. I picture them in agency laughing about letters from men and what is said to them. I try in letters to know what agency they are in and try not to see more than one women from city, especially if in same agency. I don't know if this has happened to you, it is too late to know the timing of letters sent to you from the 3 girls you went to visit. Something to keep
in mind for the future. One last point, if you happen to meet a girl just while there, chances are 99.9%, she is not looking for a guy and would NOT be interested in leaving her country. There are some girls on these sites that are willing to leave their country.....but you have to be the right guy.
SirDaniel, i'm surprised you got scammed. By the sounds of it getting money out of you would be like getting blood out of a stone. Good report thou. Your've a brave man for going to the ukraine in a car for your first trip out of the country.
Two girls from different local agencies in Kherson and one girl in Berdyansk.
I never sent or gave money to these girls – rule number one that I learnt months ago, from this very forum as it happens. All I did was pay Globaladies to open “translated” emails via their site from these three particular girls, and then pay again to respond to them. What I learnt from being so inquisitive whilst in Ukraine, is that girls, not all, but many, throughout the country get paid around a dollar from the local agencies each time they write or respond to a guy. It’s well known in Ukraine apparently, and the girls do it to support themselves and their unemployed boyfriends/husbands.
So, how I got scammed was that I had a brilliant “relationship” with these three girls, all the while I was paying for the privlege of writing to them from Britain but, the moment I set foot on Ukrainian soil and wanted to meet up with them, they suddenly weren’t answering their mobiles to me, or responding to my texts. Only one of the three actually bothered to meet me and kept looking over at this elderly gentleman sitting on a bench near to where we were, a couple of hours into our “date” and he joined us, she introduced him as her “uncle” Thankfully I deliberately left back at the apartment the perfume, make-up and cuddly toy I had bought as gifts for her and the other two, these went to a beautiful, and so far sincere woman I was to meet a week later.