Globaladies ain't gonna like it, but my scanner's switched on, three girls pics ready to feed into it, and once scanned they're being emailed over to Apal's Gold Diggers ,dot something or other.
I'm all for it Apal. I've had enough of the gold diggers I've met and would like men to know that these are not women they should be meeting with. (unless they like losing all of their money for nothing of course. :-) )
Good idea. I'm all for spreading the word and doing one's part to eliminate these professional daters' source of income. Maybe once enough men wise up to their games, these whores will be forced to puruse a more honest way of earning a living. I have never personally had problems with gold diggers anywhere as I reserve special privaleges only for the girls I have developed something more serious with-- unless I am already f---ing her, she sure as hell ain't getting no damn Prada coats or fancy dinners at some high class restaurant. She doesn't like that idea? Too bad...there are plenty of girls out there that would put out because they want it and I wouldn't have to pay diddly squat for that "privalege", if I were so inclined. If more guys out there would adopt an attitude similar to this, maybe a percentage of these conniving gold diggers would find that it's just no longer worth the effort to try and con these guys unless she's willing to sleep with him regularly-- at which point her professional dating "career" degenarates into flat-out prostitution.
One problem, Who's going to police the police? Maybe some guys will post legitmate gold diggers etc. What about the spurned guy that just wants to get even with a girl? Just like scamming, someones character can be destroyed just because one guy is pissed off. What will be the lithmus test?
I also like that she's writing other guys and it upsets some of you. Get over it, were you honest enough to tell her how many girls you were writing?
Sometimes it better to leave a sleeping dog lie. I just wonder how many of you would like to be put on the website knowing that you did nothing but tell a woman you didn't want anything to do with her?
I've never been one for the scammer hunting, gold digger hunting etc. We are all smart enough to know they exist. If your communications with a woman are proper and dilligent you wouldn't be getting burned. The only way a gold digger knows you have money is if your foolish enough to broadcast it.
That is why I've had problems with guys posting womens id's on this forum. It spiraled this place into a holy hell for a while.
BigB that has to be the most intellectual post I've seen on this forum lately. The only way these women have a source of income is when idiots give them the money. I'm glad to see your deep intellectual skills translate into a barter system, no gifts unless you're doing me. You're a deep man!
I have friends in FSU that are starting a similar site call "". So if all you guys that have been over and dated a girl and it did not work out please forward your picture and the girls contact info we will get you up and listed on their site with your dates impressions of you. It will be a big help for the girls to sort out the loosers, fat guys, and social misfits. They will appreciate your participation.
No Australian Tourist Visas given to stand alone single Russian or Former Soviet Union country ( includes Belarus, Ukraine, all fomer CIS countries ).
She is free to apply ( it does cost around $100 ) and it will get 99% chance of rejection.
One way is if she already has family or close relatives in Australia, they can "sponsor" her with a letter of support and then theres a chance ( close family is defined as parents, brother or sister who is already permanent resident or citizen of Australia ).
Other way she must be rich owning real estate and assets in her country that ties her to it and compel her to return and proof she has enough money to support herself in Australia..very high financial requirements compared to the living standard and incomes in her country. ie she must be rich and have equivelant of at least $500 cash a week to support herself here ( about 2 and half times an average monthly salary of her country, Belarus is one of the poorest countries in Europe, only Moldovia is worse )
Either of these ways, chances to get a tourist visa are better, but you never tell immigration, she is coming to meet a man here, that will spook them and kill her chances.
Stand alone women with no ties to her country, not rich or no family here, there is no chance to get one.
Many people on this forum misinform. I was once married to a foreign girl and went through the process and only a fiance visa might work if you and her satisfy requirements and in any case you must visit her first in her country and prove the visit with documented evidence.
Some other Australians in this forum spout rubbish and have no idea of what they are talking about or believe the "lies" from FSU girls who have come to Australia.
No Australian visa company can gauarantee her a visa, she must apply it herself to our embassy in Moscow, that is the only place in FSU that she can apply and its decided over there if she will get one, and its mostly, no, no, no!
Nasfan is correct -- I always like to hear the devils advocate side before jumping in on designing something -- for the exact reason he mentioned. I would say it will definately be one-sided from the guy's point of view and since it is member-based, I have no choice but to leave it up to the member to be honest -- and not spiteful, but I am not a thought-police type of guy.
In saying this, the psychological impact of a site like that could be great I agree. Yet, it could turn very negative very quickly. Yet on the otherhand, it can also be used as a healthy outlet to vent frustrations and warn the other guy, etc.
I don't mind competition, I'm an e-commerce information architect by trade. I got a spare blog website being hosted for year due to a hang-over project I purchased.
I just have to give this more thought, because of so much abuse and negative community impact it could have on the entire system if not designed correctly with the proper intent and selected marketing demographic (males visiting and writing FSU women).
Please give me some feedback.. Besides forum and pics -- what else would you guys want?
I would not call this a scammer or just gold-digger site -- its a community-based forum with a database of active profiles of FSU girls to review. I don't think one should have to pay, but paying a token annual membership will keep agency competitors from blasting made up stories to easily wipe another's business out of the market with made up fabricated reviews about all their girls they have... One can follow the money around and IP Addresses if it gets out of hand...
So you see, one has to see this project wholistically. Abuse can be deadly in this line of business... Yet the time of the professional online dater (scam for shopping and gifts) and women who abuse the system and manipulate foreign men is about to see a counter solution.
I am sure there will be plenty of venting, because there are loads of insincere, manipulative women in the agencies... just as many as there are flakes who got shut down on their first meeting with a girl, or were never met by the girl they wrote for 6 months...
The time of the visa scammer / ticket scammer / wire money for doctor is over. It has adapted to the professional online dater with no sincerity of ever marrying a man or leaving the country. But only if a site like this can get up and stay running...
" Yet the time of the professional online dater (scam for shopping and gifts) and women who abuse the system and manipulate foreign men is about to see a counter solution. "
When are all the guys going to learn the problem is not the is a behavior that is learned from those
idiot, yes I am calling it what it is, guys who try to buy their way to a girl's heart because they don't have what it takes to capture a girl any other way. I do feel sorry for the guys going to visit girl and it blows up in their face but it is something you have to understand might happen. We all take chances to spend time and money to look for a bride but relationships is a very difficult didn't work out at home. What makes you think you can easily find a girl in a foreign country to fall in love with you and leave the only life she knows. It can happen but not easily. I rather be lucky than good.
"The time of the visa scammer / ticket scammer / wire money for doctor is over.
Simply, never send money to girl...problem solved!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry you were burned by your hot, beautiful girl, that you wasted 6 months of letter writing, get over it. I have no idea what happened but consider there may have been signs of what was to happen to you only you couldn't see the forest from the trees. Beauty can blind you, even me, probably any mortal man. Got to get over the past, move on and don't make the mistake again. You are not the only guy this has happened to but it sounds like you are still boiling in the kettel. You like to equate beauty with gold digger, I don't, I equate immature with gold digger. I have yet to be fooled by a girl writing to me to know when we meet what kind of girl she is, ex.
shopper, serious, shy, outgoing.....what I am unsure about is the feeling you get when you meet, letters and pics only go so far. I have been with your gold digger/shopper, it is fun for a little while but gets boring. I had a bit of time to kill. One thing I do not like to do is go into agencies while I am in a city. Talk about scammers,
you pay them to set up a date with you, pay to interpreter if needed, pay for drinks or maybe even dinner and have no idea if girl is single, married, have boyfriend, pro dater, gold digger, shopper or even interested in marriage. I call them just daters......anytime foreigners come and need a 'date' for the evening or if she enjoys herself several extra dates. Mind you, you pay for each different girl you meet. When I was in Odessa, one agency was charging $140 for each meeting, it usually ranges from $20 and up. Since girl has NO IDEA of anything about you
how can she be interested. Would you ever go on a date with a girl you had never seen before and set up by someone you had never met before.
Aussieman you were married to a foreign woman. Though she did not reside in the former Soviet Union. So with that being told any reference to what it takes to find a woman from the FSU makes you a mere speculator. You haven't been there, you haven't done it, so find an Indian forum and contribute there. You're expertise on the women from the FSU is Nil. I also have to laugh when you talk about immigration into the US and what it takes to do it. Absolutely have no clue. Stick with what you know for certain, not what you've heard or read.
Another Electrician, I think that is what IdiotDector was, though he had at least traveled there before.
Aussieman, you are a fountain of misinformation, since you haven't stepped foot in any country in the FSU. Google makes many guys experts, then there are guys who have actually traveled to these places. I will quote from a former member Aussieman, "Time to shut down the PC and get in the game."
I have nothing more to add here anymore.I can only say things from the viewpoint of Australia and its laws, the do's and don'ts. If you follow the rules and requirements at website, you will be fine, if you are up on it before you embark on this and be informed.The rules are in Russian for your FSU girl to at the site, so she is informed as well.
Don't listen to the jack asses in this forum..go to Australian embassy website in Russia.
At least at the site, the rules are made by the Australian Government, not "invented" by some idiots here with BS advice.
Beamer get off that stupid pedestal. You talk about all the lack of successes you have had and tell me you know I am burning over one gold-digger? I am the one who called it off -- not the girl. What got me perturbed about the GD situation in general -- was the agency translators telling me in confidence how many girls were "gold-diggers" themselves. I am not alone. So don't try and single me out with some moronic slight against me for wasting time on a gold-digger, who is still looking for her millionaire who she can totally control...
Nasfan is the world's leading expert on FSU and all women there... so everyone else needs to STFU... geezus...
The website idea has its pros and way too many cons for me to feel comfortable putting up yet. ALthough, I think I could probably put up a forum-blog where guys can talk about their travels there and the women they encountered, etc...
Listen, dating and writing a real FSU girl is a crapshoot anyways. So is dating anywhere in the world... those of us who have been there -- know it's very difficult to find a girl in the FSU who actually wants to leave -- most like to dream about their soul-mate, most actually do love travelling and most all of them love shopping and going to eat at expensive restaurants - whether they like you in person or not.
Do not try to buy your way into an FSU girl's heart. She won't respect you. If you don't believe me, ask her about the subject when you next write her... you don't have to believe me. :)
PS> That gold-digger girl actually did admit she lied about her profile and all her letters. So mr expert... what then? (Beemer). I'm over it. I'd hate to see any other guy get burned by her, but its in the past. I'm more interested in some of the new girls. I'll steer clear of the girls you have seen and told me were semi-shopping prostitutes... lol! omfg!
This website idea was just for us guys where we could share info on the truth of meeting the these girls.
pal, I'm far from the leading expert, I know Ukraine, Mariupol especially. I've never stepped foot in Russia. I also know that guys who try to pull the 20 year plus age difference have a large tendency to fail. That's not by one experience I had with an idiot from Rochester. I also know guys who rely on the agency to take care of things for them beyond the translation of letters are going to have a difficult time. Which also after reading in another thread that you imply that pay per letter sites you receive more quality letters. Well no kidding. That's their revenue stream, if they don't send letters that interest you, you're not going to reply. doesn't pay the agencies what they can derive from other guys going directly to them. My wifes letters were short and sweet, but they were hers. Also we moved our conversation beyond the agency. Even though communication was difficult at times we made it work. She took it upon herself to take english lessons. After seeing her a couple of times I did eventually pay for her english lessons and her driving lessons.
Beemer does touch correctly on the subject. The scammers have changed their tactics. Which he also implies correctly don't send money to someone you've never met. I would take it one step further. Don't send money to someone you've only met once. Another strategy they have begun to use. What is the big deal to meet a guy one time, then milk him for dough for a few months? Also to think that scammers don't read our message boards is silly. Also guys here yank these girls chains more than what they want to admit. I've seen some of the idiotic letters they received. I've come to the conclusion with meeting some members that have married ladies from the FSU. One, many are social misfits that can't find women in their own countries because of who they are. The second are the ones fed up with the cultural disinegration of woman/man relationship in their countries, which is becoming very pervasive in the western countries and will eventually happen to women of eastern Europe when they become more exposed to the ills of the EU. Some where in between are the guys who are a bit shy and needs someone for an introduction. One example when visiting one gentleman who is in the top percentile of earners was telling me, that before he went down this road, tried dating a woman in his area. She really didn't want anything more to do with him because he didn't drive a BMW or something of that calibre. He was content, with a smaller car and an SUV. How pathetic and that is the mindset of the typical american woman. It wasn't enough that he had a killer income, beautiful home and one of the more decent human beings I've had the pleasure to meet. So if your a doctor or lawyer you should be driving a car of status? Or Maybe a Harley, which I have owned, but I prefer the Japanese Touring bikes. Why? Harley is the status and they make a great bike, but I get more bang for a buck with a Yamaha Royal Star.
As for the website, hell to each their own, Most guys with intelligence can find out every scam run, most of the bad apples by a decent search on the web. Not with just one site, but with the study of many. Doing some research in the past 4 years, I found some not to be legitimate. Like UAprofiler. I wouldn't trust that anti scam site for anything. They've went as far as stealing womens pictures and putting them up on their site like they are doing their jobs. Wow talk about who's scamming who? They have their hands tied up with a marriage agency so where is the anti bias there? Believe it or not, this is a trust but verify venture, where gut feeling plays a huge part.
Also as to my reference to Aussieman. Any guy who comes and it's his right to blister girls from the FSU without stepping foot in the countries carries no legitmacy at all. Especially with some of his posts in the past regarding
immigration laws in the United States. It's all heresay on his part. Not with laws in Australia, but the US. That doesn't give him a pass to getting flamed by people who actually have been to the countries of the FSU and have succeeded in their pursuits. I've seen other guys who I used to refer to friends here, that have failed miserably, not due to the woman, but to their unrealistic demands on them. Demands that they won't hold themselves to. If you come here with the idea she's going to have to jump into the working world right away, you better step back and take another look at what you are doing. I've arranged my life, so that my only real debt service is my mortage and small amounts on revolving debt. I'm not in the upper percentile of earners here. It's not the money you make it's what you do with that money. I also started a small business before she arrived so she could do something productive, which she felt as a contributor, she didn't realize she contributed more by other things she did, that she wasn't appreciated for in her past life. Now she gets a kick out of being a business woman. It's help with her assimilation into a new lifestyle.
As for keeping my wife well fed and happy. I don't do that, she feeds me well. All I've given her is the opportunity to be what she wants to be. I didn't need a woman for income prior to this and I don't need one now. She will grow into what she wants. Now her primary concern is the remodeling of our home to her taste and her yard and garden, which in the beginning she was a bit concerned about living in a rural setting, now understands why I love it so much and she has come to the same conclusion. She finds it out of character to leave doors unlocked. You don't do that in Ukraine. Also with having her own car getting around is easier than the taxi's and buses of Mariupol. So being an hours drive from where she needs to be is not great issue. Her doctors and her favorite shopping is an hour away in Louisville. Her contemporary
furniture stores are in Cincinnati another city an hour away. I've lived the large home the country club life and that's all a facade for the most part. I've downsized my life a bit but I would't trade where I am now for anything. Reason being I have a real woman, one that doesn't have to live a material life. She like things and she gets mostly what she wants. Her real dream was having her own home, she never dreamed of having a home, or land to do with what she pleases and this makes her extremely happy. Also adds to my labor, but it's worth every hole I've dug every garden I've tilled and every room in the house I've remodeled to her dream.
The reality to all this is, finding the lady is easy, getting her here is when the real work starts. We all know they're scammers and if you don't you need a wake up call.
Bottom line, I used the input from many guys here and made it work my own way. My way isn't the only way, hell it might not even be the right way but it worked for me. Before I wrote the first letter on I had read this forum extensively for two weeks, that was the advice from one member. It helped me with the terminology and re-inforced many simple facts. Don't send money, and trust but verify. This isn't rocket science and can be done with the use of common sense. I will add though Voltaire once commented that common sense wasn't that common. If you look at the Gladiators,Skiireds,Neon, Ditto and many others that have been here in the past, we had success for almost the same reasons.
I had received in the past hundreds of letters, actively communicated with about 80 women, cut it down to three for various reasons, the youngest being 35 at the time.70% of the letters I received where from the under 30 crowd. I have a daughter who is 25, I've raised one child and my ego doesn't require to have a clothes hanger on my arm. With that being said my wife looks likes she's in her late 20's but her mentality is in her 40's and she challenges me everyday.So I luckily got the best of both worlds. I will add this, the maturization of women from Ukraine is a bit above what their contemporaries are here, so a girl in her late 20's in Ukraine are a little more mature than here, but that's due to their living circumstances.
I'm far from an expert, but I do know what I know. I won't sugar coat it. It's not my style, I'm not part of the PC crowd and I have enough good friends. Also Aussieman, I don't work for nor would I if I even had the chance. There are no experts here. Especially the ones who have never stepped foot in the FSU, but will add their daily commentary by what they have read on the internet or their second hand information. As I have posted in the past, there are more scammers in these forums, then you will ever encounter on a trip to the FSU.
Well I agree with everything you wrote here. I just don't like anyone who puts axioms (ultimate truth) to relationships on what does and doesn't work. I actually am very skeptical on why any FSU girl would write an older, less attractive guy than she could find locally in her home town.
Your girl's expecations were quite modest. I can only dream I'd find such a non-materialistic and attractive woman.
Nasfan - I now see we are a generation apart, so I was thinking you were in your mid 20's or early 30's.
Honestly, I cannot find any 30 yr old in any country who wouldn't look like they were robbing the cradle if they were with me. I have a young look, so that's why I do well with these younger girls -- even locally.
My primary reason for having a foreign bride is as easy as the fact that I honestly like to write someone. I do not have problems going to a local bar, getting 1-2 phone #'s from pretty attractive single girls.
Yet, since my own personal hobby is writing. I find it very less interesting to meet a pretty girl in person without ever being able to write her.
I agree that this forum is valuable. I wish I had read it and saw all the red-flags every single guy needs to see before he puts himself in jeopardy of having his heart ripped out for being too trusting and too sincere to an FSU girl he has never met -- and it all starts with the letter writing and setting very realistic expectations between you and whoever you are writing.
If you fall in love with some girl (locally or through an agency) just through letters and you have never met? It is more than naive and you deserve the heartbreak so you can learn the hard way - TO NOT BE SO GULLIBLE! Marriage Agencies will tear you apart and more girls are shopping scammers (professional daters) who will let you buy them whatever and then they can refund it when you are gone if they don't really need it.
Now this time, I am beginning to ask tougher questions more than I did before. At first I think I failed because I was being too much a gentleman. I will now be very skeptical, but still have a hope to meet a girl like the one nasfan got -- not materialistic, but attractive and looking seriously for a husband -- and not just a rich boyfriend who will buy her everything she wants in exchange for sex. To me that is prostitution and it is more common nowadays in FSU -- especially with agencies pimping the girls out to lure more gullible men there to get as much of their money as they can -- using one of the most modern robbery schemes on the Internet -- Online Marriage Agencies.
Oh, and if a girl starts asking me about material wealth related issues? I will start asking about her previous sexual experiences. It's in the same league to me. lol!
'My primary reason for having a foreign bride is as easy as the fact that I honestly like to write someone'
Apal....if this is true, are you writing to women in Africa as well as Asia and South & Central America? Or is it just the beautiful girls in Russia & Ukraine????
I am not not any pedestal, I am just honest about my experiences on trips. You call it non-successes, just because you don't meet the right girl and start K-1 process??? Every time I go, I consider it a learning process, whether it be meeting girls, learning language, customs or just experiencing a new country, it is valuable to me. Of course, meeting the right girl would be great.
I only mention about your gold/digger girl because I have read your story about her dozens of times in different show up that often, to me, shows how deep the dagger was. No other story about the many other girls you have met with. I do wish you luck in your search and hope you can just read my posts as just my opinion, I am not trying to change anybody's mind, just giving some food for thought. If they choose to use them, great, always happy to help another on the most difficult challenge in life.......a relationship