Yes beemer you got me there, the statement my friend made about McDonalds was a joke that they use between themselves. McDonalds is very successful in luring the kids in there as they are here and then the parents are drug in.
However I would not use St Petersburg as a norm either because St pete appears to be more Westernized than most cities in the Fsu as well as being full of tourists. When I was there any given day you could walk down the street and hear more different languages being spoken than you could distinguish the origin. If you do not read and speak russian well ordering off of a menu can be very intimidating and I assume McDonalds has familiar pictures as they do here to point to. I did order a cheeseburger at a cafe inside the Peterhof summer palace complex and it was much worse than McDonalds. To this day I am not sure whether it was a soybean burger, highly processed pork, or just a lot of bread mixed with meat but it was very soft and mushy and did not taste good.
Also added to this scenario is the fact that wages are very low there and so eating out is not nearly as popular with the population of these cities and so you would not expect as many McDonalds per capita as there is in the Western World.
Land of......I am in southern ukraine right now...looking at this Mcdonalds it is 4 deep in every line, maybe not as bad as Mc D's in S Pete's but that cheap convinent burger is selling like hot cakes.
Anytime you are in a foreign country you have to expect food to be different even if it is called the same name.
When I was in St Pete's, I didn't understand any language spoken, as far as westernization that is false, look at how many signs in non-russian...very few and far between. At airports no english, only thing I understood was numbers on boards.
Oz...haven't you been to ukraine??? Even at airports there are signs in russian and english and on roads there are both russian and english. I had more trouble finding someone to speak english in Russia than ukraine, I have not been to other FSU countries.
I'm fine thanks. Second meeting due in a few short weeks in Kiev, so I'll be able to see a little of Ukraine, and perhaps understand why most of the other guys here go there.
Strangely, when I was in Volgograd I couldn't find a McDonalds. They are everywhere in the U.K. and I quite like the food occasionally.
Looking forward to reading about your trip.
I guess the reason St Pete seemed more westernized to me than the cities that I have been in Ukraine is that 1. The different languages I heard Including German, French, Japanese, English and I do not remember for shure if there was some spanish too.
2 There were more women dressed casually there than I saw in Ukraine. Tennis shoes, sandles. and other non high heel shoes.
3. There seemed to be a larger percent of over weight people there. Not like the united states but in Ukraine you hardly see any overweight people.
4. I do not remember much about the signs. I know there was an American gift store on Nevskey avenue and I think some of the other stores there had both English and Russian. I distinctly remember a sign in Alexander Puskins Apartment that said in Russian 80 roubles to use a camera and 100 or 120 to use a video camers. The bottom half said in English 200 Roubles to use a camera and 500 to use a video camera so I of course handed them the rate I read in Russian and went on.
I was there in July so there were a lot of tourists there at that time.
I will also admit that I did not pay much attention to McDonalds. The lady I met there did not like McDonalds and the closest I got to it was walking on the other side of Nevskey Avenue from it in St Pete. In Dnepropetrovsk there is a gathering place beside McDonalds with a big screen television. I met people at different times there but did not pay any attention to who was in McDonalds. My friend there also did not like McDonalds but said her friends children always wanted to go there. In Kharkov I went past McDonalds but did not pay any attention to it. My Interpreter there made the joke that it was a good place to find a clean restroom but do not eat the food.
If you have ever been invited as a guest to a family meal in the FSU you would be amazed. When you sit down there is salad and soup and you think it is a short meal. When you finish this they clear the table and take your dishes and siverware. Then they bring the main course and fill the table giving you new table service. After this you are stuffed. Then they clear the table and bring deserts out and you are saying help but it is so good you have to eat it. Then they may clear the table and bring fruit and snacks and of course all the while they are keeping your glass full of favorite drinks and having very nice toasts.
If this ever happens bring a gift. Doesnt need to be much, a bottle of something would be fine and take your shoes off at the door.
The burgers are better at Burger King. In Australia, the Big Macs have become so small at McDonalds, the whole bun of the thing can fit in a small mans palm whereas the Whopper burgers ( Hungry Jacks franchise of Burger King in Australia ) are at least 50% bigger with a bigger meat pattie, bun and fillings,eat two of those, will satisfy the most hungry of men whereas a Big Mac will barely touch the walls of your stomach because its so small.
I wonder how big, Big Macs are in the FSU version of Macca's and whether you will get a belly upset eating out of one of there's?
Do they have Burger King yet in the FSU and do they have KFC ( Kentucky Fried Chicken ) over there yet?
It might be an emergency option to eat fast food ( what we in Oz call takeaway food ) if you find Russian/Ukrainian food unpalatable.
I don't think I could eat, what its called, Borscht, that cold soup made from Beets, sounds yukky or there fatty meats.
On the subject of food and water, CDC and Australian health authorities recommend that you drink only proper bottled purified water in the FSU and wash your teeth with the same.
Do not drink or orally ingest the tap water in the FSU countries as its not purified and cleansed to Western standards and contains nasty organisms called Giardia and Cryptosporidium which give you bad diarrhea and require anti-biotics to get rid of it.
Be also aware of food washed or prepared with the local tap water. Make sure its well cooked and not raw before eating.
I have had bad diarrhea from drinking unpurified water when I went travelling internationally both times, took 2 weeks to get rid of the damn thing last time and nearly ended up in hospital because of the dehydration and loss of fluids from chronic diarrhea.
If you must drink the tap water, boil it for at least a few minutes and then let it cool to room temperature or use military grade water purification tablets to make it safe for drinking but do not drink water thats been purified with tablets for more than 2 weeks as it contains traces of iodine from the tablets or if you are known to be sensitive to iodine or have thyroid problems.
Also a pinch of salt in boiled water let to cool will make it taste better.
Some further advice on drinking water while in the FSU.
Some private apartments have water filters installed but check the type of filter it is and whether they have regularly changed the filter cartridges.
Also some types of water filter, will not filter out the Cryptosporidium parasite in water.
If the filter type says "reverse osmosis" its effective against cryptosporidium and other water borne parasites in filtering them out.
If there using filter cartidges, ensure the cartidges can filter to "a micron" level, down to 1 micron at least to be sure it is efective against water borne organisms that make you sick.
Some cheap water filters are useless and can not be trusted to give you protection from these water nasties.
Also is some parts of the FSU, in the warmer months, bush ticks are prevalent so cover up and apply appropriate personal insecticide to exposed parts of the body, if youa re going to wander around forests and bushy areas, the ticks carry "tick borne encephalitis" which can make you very sick and possibly fatal too.
In 2005, there was an outbreak or epedimic of tick borne encephalitis in some parts of FSU and Eastern Europe when people were bitten and attached to by the bush tick.
Be wary of food and the water in the FSU. Its unwise to buy and consume food from street vendors there due to the risks of poor preparation and hygiene, buy from established restaurants or cook it yourself, make sure your women cooks it properly in hygienic way!
The FSU people really don't get sick from food borne diseases that would drop us like flies.
They have developed body immunity to things like giardia and cryptosporidium as they have lived with that all there lives!
What a load of bollox!
FSU this, FSU that, try itemising the different countries. I have always drank coffee from boiled tap water in both Uzbekistan & Ukraine and whilst it might not be the best tasting water I have never been ill from it.
Any idiot should know not to drink direct from the tap in certain countries, not just FSU countries, indeed many European Union countries also.
How would you know what is inside an FSU apartment, did you read it in a book or watch a video?
And as for FSU being downmarket for it's lack of your favoured restaurants, a.k.a. McDonalds and Burger King, thank heavens it is, when in Uzbekistan I often ate shashlik with freshly baked Uzbek bread from the street corner men with their little BBQ's, knocks spots of your burgers anyday.
With regards to Ukraine there are plenty of establishments to eat, some better than others, but you wouldn't catch me in a burger joint there, even the worst Ukrainian cuisine is better than one of your burgers.
Would you say that Luxembourg is downmarket for not having Burger King? It's only the world's richest country and, unless things have changed, will never have a Burger King because McD's own the BK franchise there.
never got sick in Ukraine, drank and ate what ever.
there food is ok but bland, needing salt big time.
i never use salt at home so that's telling ya something.
hey Aussie the salt and water trick is interesting.
i have been sick a few times in your country.
bloody sea food mainly.
do you guys make a deceit beer yet?
boredffukka and aussieman should join forces. Aussieman could happily sit at home in front of a PC while Boredffuka travels to the Ukraine. Aussieman will advise bored not to drink tap water, arrange his hotels, flights and taxis, and run scam reports and investigate every women bf meets.
Then just maybe with their two brains combined they might find a woman.
and BEN DOVER could get into bed with Martin and his woman in Zaphorozye and have a 3 some because that is as near as Ben dover will ever get to female company.
I'm fine thanks. Second meeting is due in a few short weeks time in Kiev, so I'll be able to see a little of Ukraine, and perhaps understand why so many of the guys here choose to visit there instead of Russia.
Sent the same message twice. Thought the first one hadn't got through. Didn't notice the extended thread here. Senile dementia must be setting in. What day is it?
There are plans to build another McDonalds in Krivoy rog though not near the present one located at Aurora hotel.So you see civilization has arrived in Krivoy rog with mc donalds.