Hi Beemer, please do send your mobile number when you know it. I hope to be in town then. April is a good time to go to moldova. Yes I know people club, I've been. Its very upmarket, not my style of music but very popular. Not as much eye candy as other bars I've been to in eastern europe. Drive is also meant to be good but i've never been.
I wonder why more guys do not visit Moldova?? Girls seem to be very friendly and sincere. I have 5 to meet. I will see if all are real or not. They seem very postive about meetings, more than girls from ukraine and their letters are not 1-2 liners. Only one of girls does not speak english. Since this is my first venture to Moldova, I am not sure what to expect. It is interesting to visit a city for the first time. I do have a friend that I met through a moldovain forum site that hopefully will help, I think he is english. The more people you know that can help you the better. I have learned never to depend on any one person. One thing interesting, is moldova uses euro dollar quite a bit. My buying power is slowly deteriorating!! :(((
Ben, I will send you my number in a couple days. I hope it doen't rain too much while I am there.