I am about to inherit $400k, god help me - I am so wanna go to ukraine to meet my wanna be wife from Aweb. eh don't wanna lose 400k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am about to inherit $400k, god help me - I am so wanna go to ukraine to meet my wanna be wife from Aweb. eh don't wanna lose 400k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i looked into the women from ukraine and have heard lots of horror stories about men that have married them and then had the girl cheat on them and also claim domestic assualt because of the new law put into order where they can get their citizen ship if they are in an abused relationship, the dating sites are the wrong place to look hands down, check out agencyscams.com or russian-scammers.com and you will find sites such as anastasia date as one of the sites with the most scammers some of the women you will meet in the former soviet union will make you want to look up even your most evil of ex girlfriends and try to work shit out. and also keep in mind its a foreign country, they dont think and act as we do, there are alot of cultural differences throw in age differance, and a language barrier and it makes it even more tough. just go with your instincts doc
Wow I liked the advice about donating some time! Doc that is a gold mine. The hospitals even in any but the capital cities look like arizona sanatoriums from the 1880's. I have been in bedroom sized rooms with 9 beds packed in there and days between visits from a doctor. Dude you want to save your money, meet a great woman? Its really easy. Go to any city of 300,000 to 500,000 people. Contact who ever you need to and donate a week of yoru time at a hospital. The doctors will love the knowledge you can pass on. Every nurse will see you as a demi god brought from heaven to help their patients. You will meet 100 single young beautiful educated women who are not impressed by your money (leave the rolex at home), but will think you are the greatest man on earth for donating yoru time to help these people. I cant imagine how well this would work to meet honest down to earth women who really arent even looking for a forgien man but would love to have a caring warm man for a husband. Toss in a prenup and it is a gold digger proof plan.
The greatest success I have had in Ukraine (Im neither rich, handsome, not fat, or young) was just walking down the street trying to buy laundry detergent in a small store . No one could understand me so a 70 year old lady taps me on the shoulder. SHe points 1 finger up (like one minute) A minute later a beautiful 15 year younger woman shows um dressed to kill. It was her daughter and she was an english professor at the local university. She took me all over getting everything I needed. I would not be a gentleman to not ask her out for later that evening.
It seems to me the women there really appreciate the opportunity to be of service to a man AND to see a man who will go out of their way to help others.
Just my 7 cents.
Shaz, assets you have before marriage separate property and are yours and can't be touched, unless you commingle or mix it up with community property. Community property is assets obtained after marriage.
Because Danny anyone could hold a puppy. Save a life or 27 and that's a whole 'nother thing. Danny do you feel it beneath you to help other people out? I'm seriously asking. I mean do you donate any of your time to helping others? Admittedly with my chemistry skills it is difficult to use my expertise to help people directly, but building homes for habitat for humanity and things like that helped me build parts of my house and actually helped others. It is true if doc did this purely to get laid people would see thru it anyway. I really think if he did it modestly that he would have more perfect women on him than imaginable.
You lied about donating to Liana. You posted "but now I help no one" just above. Then you posted "I held the door today for a fat lady" How can both those posts be true?
I don't need to go Facebook. The evidence is here.
So, what did you do? Go to Facebook and post you donated to so and so, just like you did with Liana? If you did it with Liana, why would anyone believe you would not lie about giving to someone else?
Fine, spend every cent for your family. Don't give to Liana. Call the site a scam a site. I have no issue with those, but tell me why. Lie about giving, and we have problems.
Now, you say you gave to other causes? No, you cannot convince me anything you have cause for are not faked. I doubt if any here will believe you also. Tell us another lie. Better yet, go accuse Martin of lying again.
Hi Doc.
If you are looking for quality women, and not just taking a sex tour, I would Make a profile for yourself on VK.com or odnoklassniki.ru (classmates)
begin chatting with some people your own age, and with similar interests.
Married couples, Single doctors, ect..
After you have a dialogue with some of your new "friends"
suggest getting together with them for a visit and plan some activities.
THEN , mention to them, you are single and looking for a quality girl for possible romance and more...
Most Of your new Friends will be more than happy to introduce you to some fine ladies once they have gotten to know you a bit and can reference your character.
Another way is to befriend some Russians who live in your city.
You will need to learn to speak russian, at least a little.
Even Russians living locally will warm up to you if they notice you are making an effort to learn their language and a bit of their culture.
This can even lead to meeting a sister, aunt, cousin, of a person who you have befriended.
It will take some work, but if you are serious, It will be worth the trouble and you will make some friends along the way...
No danny,, it's not unreasonable at all,,,, that is what I was trying to tell you months ago.
When you are starting a family, you can't ever know if you have enough!!
But today still found time to bait the lobster pots and head out to sea in a small dinghy with me to get our weekly feed of crayfish. Russians are awesome girls. She passed the half way mark today and has a pot gut bigger then mine . Next week we will have our 3d ultra sound and hopefully see if it has my ears and big penis
wen it cums too baiting the traps i bett your a master att itt now . az farr az the big penus goze itt could evern tern owt too bee a boy .