Where you do find a public toilet in Ukraine - its been my experience that you PAY usually 1/2 grievna and that entitles you to take a piece of brown crepe-paper type toilet paper from a roll that is on the desk or anging from a wire. Be sure you take enough as you will not have second opportunity.
Often, in the nicer places, the person accepting the 1/2 grievna sits at a desk in the washroom. Where he makes change. That has got to be one hell of a "desk job" to brag to one's friends about - taking 1/2 a grievna and making sure that nobody runs off with the roll of toilet paper.
NOW, having PAID your 1/2 grievna, especially in the winter if you happen to wear a long leather trench coat like I sometimes do - you will be in for a surprise when you actually get into the stall in the bathroom. It is nothing but a ceramic hole in the floor. As you squat you had better hope that you have fairly strong abdominal muscles (which I do) and decent bendable knees, lest you find yourself....er "soiling" your shoes or other apparel. Fortunately it has never HAPPENED to me, but given the accomodations, the location of the ceramic hole and the position that one must squat in, I am certain it has happened to SOMEONE (getting one's shoes or other things dirty).
Then you would be forced to make a terrible choice between using that piece of brown crepe-paper toilet paper that you paid for (and underestimated) for cleaning OFF your shoes, or using it for the purpose intended.
Best advice - make sure that you don't have to go before leaving the comfort of your hotel or apartment in the morning AND avoid ANYTHING like prunes etc. that might make one have to go before getting back HOME!
(I would like to reiterate here - such problems have NEVER actually happened to me. This is only conjecture.)
I have even seen a situation in Moldova - when having entered the stall there are two quick steps up to a higher level so that you can squat over a hole made from a standard toilet bowl. Someone actually took the time to install a standard toilet and then build up the floor around it so that the rim of the bowl was flush with the floor.
Again, you had to STEP UP small stairs in the stall to GET to this height - so that those walls around the stall were actually now hip level. The logic of doing it that way was beyond me.
Beemer tell me iam not ukraine educated but a bird i know on my next trip wants me come and see em i dunno this ukraine she spoke something about apartment being $100 a day rent ( whom are they catering for ? nelson rockafeller ) ??? $100 a day my arss .
Ive owned 3 places in russia in 8 years rented out 1 in st petersburg and it was a real nice place i owned and i was battling to get 11,000 rubles a month in rent .
my dump in cheboksary i had it for 9 months rented it out 8500 rubles a month .
I struggled get that so where do they get this $700 usd a week bullshit???
Iam no tourist i hope they have not got me confused with a tourist = how rude !
What iam not paying $100 a day in some flea biten dump in kiev ( they have to be kidding ) unless they tossed a couple free tarts in with the deal lol .
People must be stupid enough to pay it?? huh my 20 trips russia ive never paid that what is ukraine trying to solve its national dept from 27 sex tourist's and 3 with guid e dogs or something $100 a day yeah sure = they jest .
Must be a lotu mugs around ay ! come in spinner !
I d want the city for 300 a day . and be waited on hand and foot !
Did thrones used to be made of porcelain or vitreous china..ha ha?
Heres one joke "In days of old, when knights were bold and toilets were'nt invented, they dropped their load in the middle of the road and walked off quite contented!"
Do Ukrainians do this? I have actually been to a third world country with no flushing toilets and I had to squat in a special toilet hut and pull the plasic curtain and crap and pee into a hole in a ground which had a wooden frame around it and tin chute to catch the crap and then you got a bucket of water ( always in toilet hut ) and flushed it and then you had to refill the bucket for the next person, that was my ex's mothers crapper and was kept quite clean and odour free...it was actually a deep hole they dug 9 feet deep especially made for my personal visit to her..they dug it out and erected the crap hut over it as there other toilet was "full" and getting a bit on the nose!
Some of my ex's relatives toilets were putrude in Fiji..her uncle had one with a concrete surround which had been peed on and it smelt so bad in his dung hut I was dry wretching every time I went in there..the pigs did not clean it!
I never want to encounter such putrude toilet facilities ever again!
But by walking up the stairs - you don't get to a throne.
A throne is something you sit on.
By walking up THESE stairs, you merely get to the higher floor level that has been built up AROUND the bowl of the toilet. There is nothing to sit on. You still squat over a bowl built into the ground.
Aussiman what difference does it make whether the toilet has a seat or is clean or not if you are not going to do a number 2. I assume you are one of those guys who would not lift the lid anyway. The toilets over there do not have much on over some of the job site toilets I have seen in the US in July and August. I am sure those people over there are more worried about catching what you have than you need to be of what they have.
The toilets I saw in the resaurants there were just fine. It is not a problem if you do not want to go because you are too upity to accept the way of life there. But there is no reason to talk about what you do not know and try to discourage those who were not born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
I can just imagine what an FSU lady would think of a supposedly big strong man with his pointing equipment crying like this when her equitment is much more difficult to navigate these facilities with and she does just fine.
I have heard rumers that there is a big demand among the FSU ladies for men who are afraid to pee in the toilet.
I'm just kidding around about the toilets. I mean, don't misunderstand me, everything I said above was true, but the facilities would never make me AVOID the place.
aussieman41: I must admit I have never heard of anyone more interested in a subject (FSU ladies) who was so afraid to actually try getting involved.
Its like someone scared to death of airplanes - constantly hanging around forums dealing with flying. Must admit it is a curiousity.
But, of only a few days ago, aussieman is in a relationship and is no longer interested in travelling, not that he ever was, to FSU hence why the big song and dance about a bit of litter here and there?
No, I am not interested in any foreign girls,been down that path aand done that got a true local Aussie girl..I just come to this forum to shit stir,flame and make controversial statement to see what response I get.
I don't think the hassle of visas, the costs and the risks of getting involved with a foreign girl are worth it..you will either get a scammer, gold digger, emotional fruitcake or insensitive selfish bitch...you are picking an unknown quantity, taking a shit in the dark with no way of knowing what your getting into.
I feel sorry for lots of guys that get burnt or fail...but its like this "if men did not take risks we would not have landed on the moon so someone decided lets stick some men on top of a rocket loaded with millions of pounds of explosive rocket fuel beneath them and blast them away..its very risky but we going to do it and hope for the best"
This is how I view finding or getting involved with a foreign lady now days over the internet except most of these events end up like Apollo 13, disastrous ( at least they returned safely to Earth a little worse for wear ), the poor guys that do get involved with foreign girls, most will have an ending that will not be as good as Apollo 13.
For once i do have to agree with aussie man on some points ( and we dont get on ) you will end up with emotional fruitcake / scammer / gold digger / etc aussie you are dead correct and take it from as me lived 3 tears in total in ussr ----its very very hard to find a bird who takes you for you ! money aside ! its like a 1 in 5000 chance of finding that bird .
find one that
(a) does not want you to keep the bludging relatives
(B) does not give a shit if your as poor as the local beggars
(C) will stick with you and cast away the ''peasent mentality'' and adapt to your ways ''as she should do it .
(D) find one where the family dont treat her! as plague because your a westerner by f-----k thats one of the hardest things to find.
(E) the reverse mentality i'l beat you every time ''hands down ''
but the aussie birds are dogs and they'l clean your plough big time .
aussie birds no class in my view unless a bird dresses as sweet as a russian club time appearences 24/ 7 she just not worth her salt to me thats a big plus style !! no compromise for style thats what keeps me going back - thats probobly 80% of what keeps me going back .
look how an aussie bird dresses keeps her self ( chaff bag parade)_ sloppy overweight baggy appearences ! yuk yuk yuk ! there shit and after 35 you cant -give em away free with a packet of chips - and nobody i'd want em .
class is worth spending on for my bux .
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Russian brides > Main Forum > Ukrainian towns and cities...enviromental disasters..rubbish everywhere..foul stenches around??