don't let it rock your boat, in Moneyda's opinion there are no model guys. Oh, and in her bloated opinion the only model-girl is herself of course, albeit some 6 years younger which is why she's nagging here.
I like your idea of that cold-canvassing you're going to do. We only live once, and a man must do what he's gotta do. Besides, what can you loose? You might gain a lot, were it only a holiday you'll remember for your life.
My best of luck, and if indeed you had a ball by all means write something here.
sorry Monada , i am arabian and i think your thought is totally wrong , you will not find any man better than arabian , they are really good to their women and their kids , they really know how to keep their family forever . Now if you are looking for the beauty of the man i will say this is totally wrrong and wrong way of thinking . and please try to get rid of racism , we are in 2008 not in 1800 !!
hm. okay. I'd be glad to get rid of racizm but september 11 makes me think that arabian men are a kind of strange trickish uneducated animals.
sorry I don't want to annoy your nation or culture. I do respect your society but prefer never even touch it.
at the same time I have been sturding Kuran el Kerim and didn't find anything bad in that book. but I did find a lot of stupidity (sorry again) in muslim religion which is too often twisted an broken.
I do understand that for arabian women you are the best men. but at the same time I won't ever allow any color man touch even tip of my hair and will be insulted if they will accept me as sexual object, especially if their level is much lower then mine (which is by nature and your religion too).
will all that I have to say that you do have a chanse to find a woman for you. no prob. a kind of village level. I think it'll be enough for washing, cooking and housekeeping.
Monada I really know you're an uneducated person. Nothing bad in that book, really? Read the book "Islam Undressed" or Roberts Spencers "Religion or Peace" then maybe come back and try to impress us with your intellect on the Subject. Maybe you should start with any of Oriana Fallaci's works.
Yeah you read the Quran, like I read Louisa May Alcotts "Little Women".
Don't come to a gunfight with a knife on this subject.
Monada -The Koran, islam religion of peace? This is what the koran has to say about it.and then there are the ignorant white people, ie politicaly correct. people like Barack Osama that think we should "negotiate" with these people.............
"O ye who believe do not take the Christians and Jews as your friends" 5:51.
"Slay the idolaters, those Christians and Jews amongst you,wherever you find them, take them and confine them lie in wait for them at every place of ambush.
Fight those who believe not in Allah and the last day. Fight the unbelievers totally. Know that Allah is with those who fear him. Oh believers,fight the unbelievers who are near you and let them find you in a harshness; and know that Allah is with those who fear him and do his will"
(Surah 9;42-47.Surah 8 v60 ‘…strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah…’
Surah 9 v29 - ‘Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the last day…until they pay the jizyah with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.’Surah 13 v41 ‘See they not that we gradually reduce the land in their control
The KORAN ) do you know if a guy is arab??? there are several different shades. Even I have been mistaken for being from middle east, yet my ancesters are from europe.
Have you ever been in Odessa???? It is melting pot, many different peoples from many different countries. Some of my friends there are arab and have done very well with ukrainian girls, some have even married..... I don't see what was you say....are you from northern or western ukraine?
Every race that became powerful did so exploiting others because they were militarily superior. Since it is impossible to do so nowadays because of the nukes, everybody tries to live with everybody else. Don't bring your delusions of grandeur about a particular race having Law and Morals. Those are essentially middle class morals and have no meaning or concern for the rich or the poor.
However, you are free to dislike anybody based on whatever criteria. And perhaps if you are truly blessed, you would never have to change your views. But it would be increasingly tougher in the future.
Inter racial marriages are not a new phenomenon. They happened for centuries. It's only now that people feel smug about it and hence opposition from conservatives like you. Between I am also a conservative, but I like to make an exception in this matter.
I am sure the girl will love me back, irrespective of my race.
quote : Monada wrote : " I have to say that you do have a chanse to find a woman for you. no prob. a kind of village level " .
good morning , I'm really sorry to hear this from you Monada , I'm trying to clarify the image to you , about what you wrote that i have a chance to meet a woman form village , why ? , I went to university and I have bachelor degree and you say I shall marry to uneducated woman ? , do you think it's fair monada ? , why you judge the book from its cover , try to talk to me to know me more and i'm sure monada you will change this image .
by the way monada , i prefer to marry to a beautiful white Russian girl with blue eyes and blonde hair and i prefer her a doctor or a professor in university . by the way , the Russian
way of thinking of family and values is similar to middle east and arabian . that means if i'm gonna marry to a foreigner girl , it would be preferable to marry to Ukrainian lady or Russian lady coz they are the closest to me of thinking than the rest .
about your talking about my culture , i advise you to read history about Arabian and Islamic Culture , read what Dr. Sigrid Hunke wrote about arab and islam , she is german professor , she is not arabic , she is not muslim , but she is from the west and she said the truth that you may dont like . few bunch of idiot insane people did a crime in 9 11 in 2001 in USA , and they claimed that they are from middle east or they claimed that they are muslims , it's not enough monada to judge all the arabs and muslims and say that they are all criminal and vulgar , we felt sorry for what happened in 2001 , and i have many friends in USA , i talk to them almost everyday on the messenger , they are very nice to me because they know that it's not my fault in what happened in 2001 .
by the way , i know that many arab people are married to girls from Ukrain and Russia , and they are not from villages , they are from cities and they are well educated too , ask them how the arab people treat them , come to arab world today and watch with your eyes how the father here keep his family forever , here they dont believe in divorcing , here the family establishment is very important and appreciated . where can you find something like that in Russia or in America or in Britain , most of young women are divorced and have a kid or may be 2 kids and they suffer so much from their men , coz the family concept there is not considered .
Quote : dcv wrote : " "O ye who believe do not take the Christians and Jews as your friends" 5:51.
"Slay the idolaters, those Christians and Jews amongst you,wherever you find them, take them and confine them lie in wait for them at every place of ambush...... "
To dcv ,
actually I dont prefer to turn the topic to religious discussion , but I want to clarify something to mr. dcv
it's very easy to bring quote from any writings and it's easy also to twist the words . why you dont read the Surah of Mariam or Mary , it's talking in many pages about the Lady who all muslims love her , why you dont talk about the Surah of Jesus in the Quraan the holy book of muslims , you dont mention this coz you want to see the part that you want to see and neglect the other part ,,,,in islam all muslims SHOULD believe in Jesus or they are considered not believers .
Islam is teaching us the tolerance , my mother is arabic and she is muslim and her name is (Mary) in the name of the Lady , who taught us to do this except Islam , and who taught us to be tolerants to other religions especially the christians ,,,,you maybe know that Arabs and Muslims were a strong empire 1000 years ago , they enetered almost everywhere , their forces reached China and Spain , and when the Arabs and Muslims reached to Spain , Muslims and Arabs at that time were following Quraan , why they didnt kill the original people of Spain when they knew that they were christians ? ,
the Arabs and Muslims lived with original people of Spain who were Chrisitians together for more than 700 years , imagine this . Please mr. , read the history well , these stories are not in a romantic movie , it's a fact , and this written in historical books by Christian writers not by me .
by the way in Yemen you will find many of Jews and they are living with muslims together. please try to be fair next time Mr.
I don't understand why you have to explain yourself on behalf of arabs. You didn't run the plane into the tower. How do you think can you convince a conservative? They are always suspicious and for good reason. The best thing to do is not to get touchy about this issue, and let time heal the wounds. And you are of course free to marry an Ukrainian woman. Who is this Monada girl? She isn't the spokesperson for every girl out there. As far as I know and my friend told me, many Ukrainian women have more sense than she exhibits and can make their own decisions. Most of them aren't in this forum too.
The middle east is a political muddle, that neither you or anybody can solve until the oil runs out. So don't go around pleading people to see sense. They won't and they can't because they want to see you plead again and again. If you are an Arab living in the Middle east, I don't understand why you have to pander to the western sensibilities unless you badly want to go and live there. A century of giving these guys respect is too much and you should ignore because the west doesn't matter anymore. And that includes America and the western Europe.
Does Monada even know that Indians and chinese had trade and built cities when Europeans still hunted in tribes in the 3000 BC? She is just delusional, believing that everything good in this world is because of the western countries. Who knows, she may be secretly nurturing a secret that she is of a mixed race too, and trying to run down others to get rid of her guilt of being one.
Monada please expound on you experience of Soviet Persecution of Religion. It seems you would have only been 9-13 years old lacking any common sense on any religion. What you won't admit is that the real fall of the Soviet Union was because of religion. Communism is immoral and an immoral society cannot stand long on its own.
I didn't see the young at St. Sophias on the easter vigil. I saw mostly older Ukrainians in their 40's to their 80's. Seems to defy the fact you tried to lay on how it was so much better during Soviet rule. Seems to me your elders disagree. The first thing my wife did when we met was get an Icon of her patron saint. Simply put religion has played a big part in the history of Ukraine. Your life is an utter mess and chaos. At least that's what you have portrayed in this forum. Maybe a few silent moments with a higher power may put your life in order. A man with faith is indominable a man with out is easily defeated. Which one is you? I think with all your false bravado you're sinking fast and don't have the courage to accept the fact that someone besides you controls your destiny, no matter how much you think you're in control.
nasfan6, you cannot force your religious believes to anyone, I know many people in the west living a successful life and happy without religion, I agree that the collapse of values in post soviet as created issues, but you don’t need religion to re-create those value, if you find you strength through any god or religion, good for you, but keep it to your self. Don’t try to be a judge to the so call “mess” you attribute to Monada, her situation is not uncommon, I personally know of so many other couple dealing with same issues here, the police and judicial system are a joke so much so that the other day even the Ukrainian TV (don’t remember the channel) dedicated a show to this issue 60 minutes style….. I am living this experience with her, we’ll win this, and believe your assessment is totally out of the target. We are in control.
tannsub. Listen to me. As I was born and grown I was extreemely loyal. As you know loyality to races was very important in USSR.
If I say "I deffer people by color skin" that means:
1. amoung all nations and races there are bad and good people and you can't judge about that my general phrases.
2. as I discovers the structure of thinking, believes, moral values, culture, habits peple of different races and nations are differet,
so that made me separete people by "color", saying that I mean NOT color of skin, but mental fulfillment.
yes, I agree, there are women happy to marry black or arab. I don't jugde. Glad for them.
there are much much more women hating even to think about that. and when "colored" people (wich mostly from less develped places) DARES to look and think about US, WHITE WOMEN as about sexual object - ITS DISGUSTING.
as far as you can't stop doing this, be responcible for your actions - aome people around will tell you "dirty colored monkey",
at the same time no one have nothing personal agains you in person.
don't forget, here you are on teritory of white people and race mix in ukraine is much less then in WEST.