Again aussieman - her relative doesn't just want a notebook computer -the relative wants an Asus EEEPC 900 - it is very small, and only one kilogram. the request wasn't for any old second hand notebook - it was a specific request for this one particular model - for which I will be reimbursed.
Jet...I am wondering if danny got scammed for a few hundred and spent thousands to retrieve it.....sounds like logical frontlobal thinking...................
(Yeah, just like you know I'm being reimbursed for the computer...and the money clothes and camera were for a different girl enitirely. But that doesn't stop you from twisting the facts and shooting off your mouth with the same tired lie everytime you post.)
So how are you going to get your money back from the house when she dumps you as soon as its built?
ive sent small packages to Ukraine a few times nothing too expensive,,sometimes they take longer
than they should,I registered them and there seems always to be a big holdup in the Uk,
Anyone ever send jewelry over?
In fact when I went to the second set of Romance Socials (the ones in 2007) I told her the details and she made plans to visit that city and see me again - until I told her not to.
When I gave her mother the fridge I already knew that things were over between us and I told her that, I would probably never be back to visit her again.
See danny - I nice things to people I like (or love) - I am not a cheap self-centered bastard like you are.
I still care very much about this woman but she wanted different things in life than I did. She never took a dime or anything from me that I didn't freely offer her.
scammy danny is a cheapskate. Nothing more or less.
danny doesn't even understand the CONCEPT of gifts.
A gift isn't supposed to be whatever you would consider JUNK - you don't give people you love CRAP - even if you take that crap and fashion into something semi-usefull (like a picture fram) its STILL CRAP.
When you give to someone from the heart - you give the BEST (not the junkiest or the cheapest).
If you have NOTHING - then giving your best ROCK ould be meaningful.
But if you are supposedly RICH - with "three successful buinesses" and you are making picture frames for people out of garbage - then you are a selfish cheap bastard. Nothing mroe or less.
DeBeers used to advertise that the proper engagement ring was one costing two months salary. Well of course they did that to seel more expensive diamonds - and I would ner spend that much - but I would buy a nice ring.
danny would juck honk up a loogie - a big green one - and spit it on irina's finger.
Then he would spend a day trying to teacher how to USE his snot to make a wedding band.
danny - homemade driftwod picture frames were cute when you were FIVE YEARS OLD. But you are supposed to be a man now. Give a gift like a man.
i saw an asus eee with the smaller screen (and no hard drive) in a shop here in kyiv the other day for not much more than 3000uah. that was the winblowz version. i have one at home but of course it's running linux - a real o/s! lol!
i prefer the version with no hard drive, i just keep a selection of usb sticks with me!
Of course an anonymous member sent that to you. You don't have the ability to read well enough to look it upp for yourself.
And whoever the member was doesn't have the balls to admit it was them! Just the type of people I would guess you would associate with.
danny that "thousands of dollars" was non TRAVEL not GIFTS you idiot.
I never HAD to buy my girl a house like you are doing and I certainly NEVER bought thousands of dollars in gifts - like a house costs.
YES we had some difficulty adaptin to the new environment. I never calimed everything was peachy keen. The thousands of dollars I mention was all about travel expenses. The ONLY members here (INCLUDING YOU) who HAVEN'T spent thousands of dollars already on this endeavor are those "keyboard romeos" who only write letter to the ladies and dream of going. EVERYONE who has evenmade one trip to the FSU has SPENT thousands (more than one thousand anyway) on the effort.
Having visted serveral times before I went - and having brought her here (at more than a thousand dollars each trip) - and the fiance visa - I did spend thousands of dollars on her. Are you not capable of doing simple math?
"I spent literally tens of thousands . see where the expensive gifts gets you readers .... "
Get it straight, asswipe danny - that was thousands of dollars on TRAVEL - NOT Gifts and NOT buying an expnsive HOUSE for her as you are doing.
For those nosey enough to want the details of the rest of the story. I did go in January of that year (2006) and things went pretty well between us. I also visit in August - and this time brought documentation to get married. It was then that we decided not to. I discovered something I was not pleased with. In August of 2006 was when I bought the refrige - but by then I had preety much determined that I was not coming back - and I never did.
We walked brifl of getting married in December of 2006 again - but decided not to - so I never made the trip. Instead I went to Donetsk in April of 2007 where I met the wonderful girl I am engaged to now. It was April of 2007 when she (the girl from Kishinev) tried to follow me to Donetsk.
You buy you girl a house and travel to see her and then complain that I spent money on travel.
DANNY (and his helpful anymous friend) are BOTH JOKES!!!!!
Didn't you know before that I brought her to America on a fiance visa - but we decided not to marry?
Did you think that Americans travel (and have their fiance travel) for FREE???
Sorry - misinformed iognorant "friend". We have to pay for travel here. THAT was where I spent thousands of dollars.
And all this (the letter your anonymous buddy found) - happened BEFORE I bought the fridge - almost a year before.
How much do houses in Celny cost danny - THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS I bet - and all your travel expenses. You will be more in debt when she kicks you out than I was when I dumped my girl.
I have made NINE trips to the FSU so far. Plus one trip i paid for where I brough my fiance to the US.
Since I stayed in hotels mostly - its fair to say that each of those trip - for food and expenses - airline ticket etc. cost $3,000.
$3,000 x 10 trips = $30,000
FOR TRAVEL - even if I never bought a single gift. So of course I've spent thousands - SO HAVE YOU - anybody who thinks they can do this on the cheap is as dumb as... well, DANNY!
"if she kicked me out , which she wont ..... it would be impossible for me to be in debt... impossible , so dont worry about that jetmba . it wont happen. evern if i built and "paid " for a house . i wouldnt be the slightest bit in debt "
Makes no sense. I'm NOT saying that you would be bankrupt - or that you would have a negative networth. I'm saying that you would have lost all of that money with nothing to show for it. THAT is the kind of debt you will have just as soon as the house is finished and she gets sick of you.
You don't know anything about our relationship or the time daniel and myself have spent together .What you say is ridiculous . You say I'm going to kick him out.I have no idea where you get your information . YOU ARE WRONG TO SAY THESE THINGS. You base this assumption on noting more than your own personal opinion . PLEASE DON'T TALK ON MY BEHALF WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO I AM OR HOW I FEEL .
What a crock of baloney. This is just Quasi and Modana revisited. This forum sure has hit the skids. I just wonder where all these illiterate idiots come from? Most cannot spell I wonder how they read the departures in the airport. My wife has a better grasp on the English language and she hasn't been speaking the language that long.
I guess some guys need a life and they find it in cyberspace. Their make believe world where they are mighty and perfect. Grammar and spelling sure tells a persons intellectual capacity.
Even their level of common sense.
I like where the femmes jump in do defend their men here. Where most and I mean most Ukrainian women wouldn't waste their time in the cyber world. At the least the mentally stable and intellectual ones.
I don't post much anymore because my wife pointed something out to me. Most of the posts here are nothing but idiotic drivel. Making it difficult for the real guys looking to find the factual information they need. It's bloated with idiots who have never stepped foot in the FSU.
But will tell you about their keyboard experience.
Most of the guys who have done something are now under attack by low level cretins, who couldn't find their way into or out of a whorehouse. Then you have the lets get along crowd who berates the good guys but never excoriates the idiots.
I'm really beginning to believe that many posting here have done little or nothing in the FSU because they really write nothing here that is relevant to the search for a woman in the FSU.
I really feel sorry for the guys that are seriously searching.
Likewise danny doesn't know me or my fiance. Yet THAT has not kept him from claiming that MY fiance has been BOUGHT for gifts, that she will leave Me once she gets to know me, even that I am trying to sllep with her MOTHER, etc. etc. etc.
Before you ask a stranger (me) to stop writing things in this forum - you better ask someone you KNOW to stop making false and assumptions and claims.
In short - put a curb on danny - before you expect that I will curb myself.
(If you can't control HIS verbal diarhea - then don't expect to control me.)